Re: Keyboard layout problems

  • Thread starter Thread starter mj_kolahdooz
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Re: Keyboard layout problems

Re: Keyboard layout problems


it's very simple

just goto system32 folder of your windows

for me it's


then find *kbdfa.dll*

Right Click -> Properties -> Security -> Advanced

the dialogbox with Advanced Security Settings for KBDFA.DLL apears

Owner -> Edit -> Other users or groups...

Advanced -> Find Now

then select your user name

OK -> OK -> OK

Auditing -> Edit -> Add -> Advanced -> Find Now

then select your user name

OK -> OK

Check Full Control / Successful
then OK

Check Include inheritable....
then OK

Permissions -> Edit -> Add -> Advanced -> Find Now

then select your user name

OK -> OK

Check Full Control / Allow
then OK

Check Include inheritable....
then OK

then Yes

ok it's done

you can check that here

Effective Permissions -> Select -> Advanced -> Find Now
then select your user name
then OK

if everything checked it's done

just OK / OK

now you can replace it

don't forget:

after replacing windows take a copy of older .dll version to WinSXS
folder on windows folder
it's better to erase it

you can use search to find it...

'M.S. Babaei' (

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