Re: Window blocked startup programs

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Re: Window blocked startup programs

I have seen several sites all mention "Click on the Blocked Startup Programs
icon and from Run blocked programs choose System Configuration Utility. "

I have something I installed that is trying to run in the system tray on
startup that vista blocks... weird thing is I have it installed on several
computers and only one blocks it. From the "run blocked programs" I only
have the program that is blocked.. no system configuration utility.
Re: Window blocked startup programs

Re: Window blocked startup programs

i think i may have found a possible solution to stop windows blocking
programs. i had tried many different ways ie, turning defender off,
using msconfig,etc..etc. Software Explorer did not give me the option
to enable blocked programs within defender(greyed out) but finally
after several days i think i cracked it. Disable UAC (user account
control) here's how;

Turning off UAC reduces the security of your computer and may expose
you to increased risk from malicious software. We do not recommend
leaving UAC disabled.

To turn off UAC


Click Start, and then click Control Panel.

In Control Panel, click User Accounts.

In the User Accounts window, click User Accounts.

In the User Accounts tasks window, click Turn User Account Control on
or off.

If UAC is currently configured in Admin Approval Mode, the User Account
Control message appears. Click Continue.

Clear the Use User Account Control (UAC) to help protect your computer
check box, and then click OK.

Click Restart Now to apply the change right away, or click Restart
Later and close the User Accounts tasks window.
This worked for me, i feel in control again (until the next problem
anyway) hope this helps some-one, it's my first post ever!

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