I've got a custom built machine using an Asus P5K Deluxe motherboard, Intel Quad Core, 2GB RAM, GF 8800, and Vista 64 bit Ult.* Yesterday, the machine booted fine and functioned completely normally.* There was quite a bit of wind here in CA and the power was flakey yesterday, but the thing is on a UPS, so I rule that out.
When I went to turn it on today, it won't boot at all.* I do not get any signal to my monitor over any of the DVI connectors.* All fans spin up (chassis and CPU) and the HDD and DVD ROM devices do spin up.* The case I'm using lacks a speaker, so I can't get a beep code (I did find a small speaker thing in my spare parts that looks like it hooks into the PC speaker header, but it doesn't make any noise after hooking it up.* I'm not sure it works.)
Things I've tried so far:
I've reseated the video card
Moved the RAM around into different slots
Checked all the connections
I'm thinking I'll have to strip it down and build it back up.* I do have some extra DDR2 RAM I can try swapping around with; I just need to sort out which of the extra is good.
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When I went to turn it on today, it won't boot at all.* I do not get any signal to my monitor over any of the DVI connectors.* All fans spin up (chassis and CPU) and the HDD and DVD ROM devices do spin up.* The case I'm using lacks a speaker, so I can't get a beep code (I did find a small speaker thing in my spare parts that looks like it hooks into the PC speaker header, but it doesn't make any noise after hooking it up.* I'm not sure it works.)
Things I've tried so far:
I've reseated the video card
Moved the RAM around into different slots
Checked all the connections
I'm thinking I'll have to strip it down and build it back up.* I do have some extra DDR2 RAM I can try swapping around with; I just need to sort out which of the extra is good.
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