Re: Windows Security Center
Just jumping in here.
Vista Ultimate - fully up to date using default user account.
Trying Method One I get Error code:0x80041003, WMI, Access Denied.
Trying Method Two, I don't get past the Net Stop portion and I get System
Error 5 has occurred, Access is Denied.
How would I go about fixing those?
"Charlie42" <> wrote in message
> "SeanArronD" <> wrote:
>>I have avast antivirus installed on my machine but in the security center
>> says that no program is found, how can i fix this? Also it says that
>> windows
>> defender is turned off, when i select the turn on now button all that
>> happens
>> is it trys to update defender, any help??
> There are two general approaches that may fix your problems. All of the
> commands are typed in manually at the command prompt (type "cmd" and ENTER
> in your start menu). Run as administrator.
> Method 1:
> winmgmt /verifyrepository
> If WMI repository is reported to be inconcistent, run the following
> command:
> winmgmt /salvagerepository
> Method 2:
> net stop winmgmt /y
> ren %windir%\system32\wbem\repository
> %windir%\system32\wbem\repository.old
> Then restart.
> Charlie42
Les Hay, Livingston, Scotland