Re: Booting Vista on Different PC Computers No label
Guesss what guys? I have proved you all wrong in the past, now the
present and soon the future as well!
I have had some preliminary success in my experiments.
Further experimentation is necessary!
Purpose: to boot vista (installed on an HP a1700n) on a Compaq Evo
Apparatus: 1 Compaq Evo PC, 1 HP a1700n PC, 1 40 GB HD, 1 20GB HD, a
3rd HD drive with a functioning Windows XP installed, 1 Vista Ultimate
CD, one 2 GB flash drive (a 500 MB flash drive will do), Freediff
software from
Method: Iinstalled Vista Ultimate on HP Pavilion a1700n using 40 GB HD
Also installed Vista on Compaq Evo 510 PC on 20 GB HD
Installed Vista from Vista CD onto 40 GB HD
1. Set folder options to see all protected system files and folders
2. In command prompt piped the output of the dir command to a text
file on my flsah drive as follows:
c:\windows>dir *.* >e:\win1.txt
c:\windows>cd system32
c:\windows\system32>dir *.* >e:\sys1.txt
3. disabled hiberfil.sys in command prompt: as follows:
c:\windows\system32>powercfg /h off
Restarted the PC and observed that hiberfil.sys had disappeared from
root directory, C:\
4. Told windows to not use paging file and deleted pagefile.sys from
root directory, c:
On Compaq Evo 510 PC:
Installed Vista from Vista CD onto 20 GB HD
1. Set folder options to see all protected system files and folders
2. In command prompt piped the output of the dir command to a text
file on my flsah drive as follows:
c:\windows>dir *.* >e:\win2.txt
c:\windows>cd system32
c:\windows\system32>dir *.* >e:\sys2.txt
3. Disconnected 20 GB HD and reattached my 250 GB HD setup with XP pro
4. Downloaded and installed freediff.
5 Ran freediff comparing win1.txt with win2.txt and sys1.txt with
6. Noted the differences highligted by freediff.
7. Attached the 20 GB HD as slave to compaq Evo 510 and booted into XP
8. Took full possession of the permissions on the windows folder
(Vista) on the 20 GB HD
9. copied all the files and folders reported to be different by
freediff from windows to my flashdrive folder, win
10. copied all the files and folders reported to be different by
freediff from windows\system32 to my flashdrive folder, sys.
11. Disconnected 20 GB HD and connected 40 GB HD as slave and booted
into XP.
12. Deleted files and folders reported to be different by freediff and
replaced them with the files and folders on my flash drive. All files
and folders in the win directory on my flash drive were copied to the
windows directory on the 40 GB HD and all files and folders in the sys
directory on my flash drive were copied to the windows\system32
directory on the 40 GB HD.
Whenever I could not delete I renamed!
13. Connected 40 GB HD as master on IDE 1 and booted normally. I
received the following error:
status 0xc000000f
info: windowas failed to load because the system registry file is
missing or corrupt
14. I put the Vista CD in the cd drive and booted into vista repair.
Vista repair recovered the regiistry from a backup.
15. I booted into safe mode successfully
16. I rebooted normally successfully.
Now the question is: can I get an image of Vista created on the HP
a1700n (and loaded with programs and tweaks) to function on the Compaq
That will be my next experiment!
Serendipity doo dah. Serendipity day. And I almost wiped it with
Just before Christmas, I installed a 6 User Windows Vista on the
I installed it from scratch because my hal file trick did not work for
my 5-User XP image
Also at this time I did not have the HP a1700n PC. So the laptop was
more recent, and, therefore, more suitable for being the master image
than my vintage Compaq Evo 510.
Gateway ML3109 Laptop PC, ATI Chipset. It ran low-end Pentium 4
speed (1.5 GHZ).
I spent some days creating a Vista image to clone PCs. I created the
image on DVD and CD media, 1 DVD for the OS (C

and 1 CD for the data

I had promised him the laptop for Christmas and just finished it
Christmas Eve.
I was disappointed when the image did not boot, neither on the Compaq
nor the HP I bought just after Boxing Day, 2007.
Tto Boot Vista Image of Gateway Laptop onto Compaq Evo.
Why the Compaq Evo. Well I figured I had the files already on the
flash drive. And I sought the shortcut route going straight to step 11
of Previous post!
ON Compaq Evo:
1. Connected 80 GB HD (containing Restored Laptop Vista bootit image)
as slave and booted XP.
2. Deleted files and folders reported to be different by freediff
and replaced them with the files and folders on my flash drive. All
files and folders in the win directory on my flash drive were copied
to the windows directory on the 80 GB HD and all files and folders in
the sys directory on my flash drive were copied to the windows
\system32 directory on the 80 GB HD.
Whenever I could not delete I renamed! Could neither delete nor rename
hiberfil.sys but did delete pagefile.sys from root directory of 80 GB
3. Connected 80 GB HD as master on IDE 1 and booted normally.
I got black screen! Could not boot into safe mode neither!
4. I put the Vista CD in the cd drive and booted into vista repair.
Vista repair ran for 20 minutes. It said it had recovered system
files. However, I got a black screen again while trying to boot in
safe mode and normally from the Compaq Evo.
ON HP Pavilion a1700n:
So I was ready to chuck it in and make a small image from scratch when
I made the mistake of not getting the bootit CD in the drive fast
enough before the bios attempted to boot from the HD. My fast HP beat
me to the punch!
And Quelle S U P R I S E!!! I booted normally successfully!!
All 6 users staring at me. And everything setup seem to work even
Well my learned friends, it appears that repairs are done from the
Vista installation CD. And my hacking of system files forces it to
repair things it would not normally complete successfully from normal
usage. wrote:
> Anyone interested in duplicating my experiment? How about condensing
> 13 pages of the step by step for deploying vista. I just need the
> necessary commands to successfully clone my vista image?
> Image technology serves 2 purposes: 1. it reduces time because once
> the image is restored on the target PC all that remains is to install
> the specific motherboard devices. All tweaks, applications, firewall,
> antivirus, etc, etc need not be setup again. Furthermore, when you
> work with images containing half a dozen user accounts, the work is
> multiplied many times again because many multi-user software require
> setup while logged into each user account!
> 2. once a system is successfully setup, I can create an image backup
> which can be used to restore the system when it becomes corrupted in
> the future without loss of data stored in my documents (including
> folders related to pictures, music and other downloads from file
> sharing applications, favorites of Internet Explorer, the data of
> outlook express and outlook, etc)
> wrote:
> > I install Vista Ultimate on one PC. It is an HP Pavilion a1700n.
> >
> > I remove the 40 GB IDE HD from the HP PC and put it into a Compaq EVO
> > 510 PC.
> >
> > Result: Vista does not boot.
> >
> > I have researched the subject but still have not found a solution.
> >
> > The microsoft vista deployment step by step seems awfully complex.
> >
> > Has anyone found a simple way to solve this problem?
> >
> > I have also tried the reverse (from compaq to HP PC): Same result!
> >
> > With XP I could boot into safe mode or just boot normally and XP would
> > detect and install the new hardware it finds.
> >
> > Somtimes I would need to install XP from CD on the target PC to copy
> > the boot.ini and hall.dll files to a usb flash drive. Then I would
> > restore the image of XP on the target PC. I would boot into recovery
> > console and copy the files form the flash drive to the target PC
> > (boot.ini to C:\ and hal.dll to C:\windows\system32). Most times I
> > could then boot the target PC normally or in safe mode.
> >
> > However, with Vista I am stymied!
> >
> > Any practical solution?
> >
> > Chris
> >
> >