Authentication with a GoDaddy Certificate

  • Thread starter Thread starter Rich
  • Start date Start date


Hi --

Just a general question for my understanding. (and hopefully for others as
well). I am not by any means a security expert, but I have a basic
understanding, but some of my syntax may be a little off ... so, please just
bear with me. I have recently installed IIS Certificate to Win 2003 Server R2
Machine. After I secured my Website, I ran additional process where to tell
me Certificate Store (on IIS Server) that GoDaddy is a "trusted" CA. I have
connected this website with a handful of XP boxes from remote locations and
everything "seems" to be working fine.

However, I have recently tried to connect to this website from a Win 2000
Server running IE6, and it presenting the infamous "I don't recognize this
CA; do you want to continue?" screen. Any suggestions on the

Any insights or links to help me understand what is going on at a lower
level would be greatly appreciated as well.

Thanks in advance,
Re: Authentication with a GoDaddy Certificate

Windows 2000 is a very very very old operating system.
Windows 2000 does not have any Group Policy updates of trusted root
authorities (as in Windows XP and above).
The GoDaddy root CA certificate was issued on Tuesday, June 29, 2004
11:06:20 AM
It adds up pretty easy that it is not trusted on that old platform.
You could manually add it to domain members in a number of ways:
- using dsstore on each of the computers.
- Using Group Policy to designate it as a specifically trusted root CA
- Publish the GoDaddy root CA certificate to Active Directory using
certutil -dspublish


"Rich" <> wrote in message
> Hi --
> Just a general question for my understanding. (and hopefully for others as
> well). I am not by any means a security expert, but I have a basic
> understanding, but some of my syntax may be a little off ... so, please
> just
> bear with me. I have recently installed IIS Certificate to Win 2003 Server
> R2
> Machine. After I secured my Website, I ran additional process where to
> tell
> me Certificate Store (on IIS Server) that GoDaddy is a "trusted" CA. I
> have
> connected this website with a handful of XP boxes from remote locations
> and
> everything "seems" to be working fine.
> However, I have recently tried to connect to this website from a Win 2000
> Server running IE6, and it presenting the infamous "I don't recognize this
> CA; do you want to continue?" screen. Any suggestions on the
> problem/solution?
> Any insights or links to help me understand what is going on at a lower
> level would be greatly appreciated as well.
> Thanks in advance,
> Rich