mrtstub.exe (i know you probably get this alot but...

  • Thread starter Thread starter Kinda urgent...not trying to be impatien
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Kinda urgent...not trying to be impatien

I see a lot of different answers to this question.
I've been downloading a lot of things lately (just to kind of foot around)
and I have a random folder called "6d1a934e74fc8530e929abac0e2e" and just as
I was writing this another one showed up...there is another folder but this
one has something that is a text and it's long and it shows all these
proccesses that are happening in less than a second...if need I can post
it...I really don't want spyware or whatever because I got scared the last
time I got one and now I don't want to get it's really important
to get this computer working properly...If there is anything you can
do...PLEASE help me...I know you get this but I can't stress that I really
need to fix this...The files in the folders are mrt.exe and mrtstub.exe (one
folder has something that is like mrt.exe _p whatever that means...thanks in
Re: mrtstub.exe (i know you probably get this alot but...

They're both related to the Malicious Software Removal tool (hence the "mrt"

The Microsoft Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool helps remove specific,
prevalent malicious software from computers that are running Windows Vista,
Windows Server 2003, Windows XP, or Windows 2000:

Malicious Software Removal Tool:

Don't worry about it.
~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
MS MVP-Windows (IE, OE, Security, Shell/User)
AumHa VSOP & Admin

Kinda urgent...not trying to be impatien wrote:
> I see a lot of different answers to this question.
> I've been downloading a lot of things lately (just to kind of foot around)
> and I have a random folder called "6d1a934e74fc8530e929abac0e2e" and just
> as
> I was writing this another one showed up...there is another folder but
> this
> one has something that is a text and it's long and it shows all these
> proccesses that are happening in less than a second...if need I can post
> it...I really don't want spyware or whatever because I got scared the last
> time I got one and now I don't want to get it's really
> important
> to get this computer working properly...If there is anything you can
> do...PLEASE help me...I know you get this but I can't stress that I really
> need to fix this...The files in the folders are mrt.exe and mrtstub.exe
> (one
> folder has something that is like mrt.exe _p whatever that means...thanks
> in
> advance...