cheap UMPCs with 1024x600+ resolution. is there any out of there?

Jan 10, 2007
In The Machine
I bought the 299$ EEE PC a few weeks ago and after installing XP on it I found out it is unusable both because its celeron/SSD drive are too slow (slow boot, even with hybernation, and apps like office taking ages to load) and because the screen has a very low resolution, 800x480, that is not enough to view most websites and many applications windows/dialogs won't even fit on such a low res. now I've just finished setting it up for a better use as a little router and file/print server (it consumes a lot less power than a desktop PC or a recent laptop so it's perfect as a little home server).

does somebody know if there's any cheap UMPC coming out that has at least a 1024x600 resolution and that isn't prohibitively expensive (more than 900$)?


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