Bob Smith
Does somebody can suggest me a place where i could store a copy of my
critical files? Something, reliable and secure.
i found x-drive.com, do you know it? Do you know better sites?
It doesn't matter for me if its not free. The most important for me is the
security, although my files will be encrypted, i dont want to get them going
all around the planet...
I wanna make backup my files and then get them out of my house, now im
burning dvd and keep the dvd in my office but the online strorage looks to
be an interesting option. What do you think about that, may i trust it?
critical files? Something, reliable and secure.
i found x-drive.com, do you know it? Do you know better sites?
It doesn't matter for me if its not free. The most important for me is the
security, although my files will be encrypted, i dont want to get them going
all around the planet...
I wanna make backup my files and then get them out of my house, now im
burning dvd and keep the dvd in my office but the online strorage looks to
be an interesting option. What do you think about that, may i trust it?