SSMS Menu Items

Jan 10, 2007
In The Machine
Partial List of Menu items in SQL Server Management Studio(SSMS) .

*** &File(26)
*** *** Connect Object &Explorer...
*** *** &Disconnect Object Explorer
*** *** Connect New Query to Registered Server
*** *** Connect Object Explorer to Registered Server
*** *** &New(7)
*** *** *** New &Project...
*** *** *** Query &with Current Connection
*** *** *** Database Engine Query
*** *** *** Analysis Services MDX Query
*** *** *** Analysis Services DMX Query
*** *** *** Analysis Services XMLA Query
*** *** *** SQL Server Mobile Query

*** *** &Open(2)
*** *** *** Open &Project...
*** *** *** &Open File...

*** *** A&dd(2)
*** *** *** &New Project...
*** *** *** &Existing Project...

*** *** &Close
*** *** Close Solu&tion
*** *** &Save Selected Items
*** *** Save Selected Items &As...
*** *** Sa&ve Results As...
*** *** Sa&ve Execution Plan As...
*** *** Save &Copy of Selected Item(s) As...
*** *** Save Select&ion
*** *** Save A&ll
*** *** Sou&rce Control(20)
*** *** *** Get &Latest Version
*** *** *** &Get Latest Solution Files
*** *** *** &Get...
*** *** *** Check &Out for Edit...
*** *** *** Check &Out for Edit
*** *** *** Check &In...
*** *** *** Check &In
*** *** *** &Undo Checkout...
*** *** *** View &History
*** *** *** E&xclude Selection from Source Control
*** *** *** &Refresh Status
*** *** *** &Share...
*** *** *** &Compare...
*** *** *** &Properties...
*** *** *** &Add Solution to Source Control...
*** *** *** Add S&elected Projects to Source Control...
*** *** *** Open &from Source Control...
*** *** *** A&dd Project from Source Control...
*** *** *** Change Source C&ontrol...
*** *** *** Lau&nch Perforce SCM

*** *** View in &Browser
*** *** Page Set&up...
*** *** Print Previe&w...
*** *** &Print...
*** *** Print S&ubtopics...
*** *** Recent &Files(1)
*** *** *** Recent File List

*** *** Recent Pro&jects(1)
*** *** *** Recent Project List

*** *** Move &into Project(2)
*** *** *** Move into Project List
*** *** *** &Locations...

*** *** E&xit

*** &Edit(19)
*** *** &Undo
*** *** &Redo
*** *** Cu&t
*** *** &Copy
*** *** Copy Diagra&m to Clipboard
*** *** &Paste
*** *** &Delete
*** *** D&elete from Database
*** *** Re&move
*** *** Move &Up
*** *** Move D&own
*** *** Select &All
*** *** &Find and Replace(4)
*** *** *** Quick &Find
*** *** *** Quick &Replace
*** *** *** F&ind in Files
*** *** *** Replace in File&s

*** *** &Go To...
*** *** Hide Ad&vanced Completion Members
*** *** Insert File As Te&xt...
*** *** Ad&vanced(13)
*** *** *** Form&at Document
*** *** *** &Format Selection
*** *** *** &Tabify Selected Lines
*** *** *** Unta&bify Selected Lines
*** *** *** Make &Uppercase
*** *** *** Make &Lowercase
*** *** *** Delete &Horizontal White Space
*** *** *** Word W&rap
*** *** *** Incremental &Search
*** *** *** Co&mment Selection
*** *** *** Uncomm&ent Selection
*** *** *** &Increase Line Indent
*** *** *** &Decrease Line Indent

*** *** Boo&kmarks(11)
*** *** *** &Toggle Bookmark
*** *** *** Enable All Bookmarks
*** *** *** Enable Bookmark
*** *** *** &Previous Bookmark
*** *** *** Next &Bookmark
*** *** *** &Clear Bookmarks
*** *** *** Previous Bookmark In Folder
*** *** *** Next Bookmark In Folder
*** *** *** P&revious Bookmark In Document
*** *** *** N&ext Bookmark In Document
*** *** *** Clear All Bookmarks In Document

*** *** &IntelliSense(4)
*** *** *** &List Members
*** *** *** &Parameter Info
*** *** *** &Quick Info
*** *** *** Complete &Word

*** &View(26)
*** *** Data &Grid
*** *** &Edit Template
*** *** &Open
*** *** &Script
*** *** &New Query
*** *** &Open
*** *** Ob&ject Explorer
*** *** &Arrange objects by(3)
*** *** *** By &Object Type
*** *** *** &Prefixed Schema
*** *** *** By &Schema

*** *** Su&mmary
*** *** &Registered Servers
*** *** Re&gistered Server Types(5)
*** *** *** &Database Engine
*** *** *** &Analysis Services
*** *** *** &Reporting Services
*** *** *** SQL Server &Mobile
*** *** *** &Integration Services

*** *** Template Exp&lorer
*** *** Solution Ex&plorer
*** *** Properties &Window
*** *** &Bookmark Window
*** *** Toolbo&x
*** *** Web Brow&ser(5)
*** *** *** First Web Browser
*** *** *** &Back
*** *** *** &Forward
*** *** *** &Home
*** *** *** S&earch

*** *** Oth&er Windows(6)
*** *** *** Variable&s
*** *** *** Log &Events
*** *** *** Web &Browser
*** *** *** &Output
*** *** *** Find Results &1
*** *** *** Find Results &2

*** *** Show Dep&loyment Progress
*** *** &Toolbars(12)
*** *** *** Database Diagram
*** *** *** Help
*** *** *** Query Designer
*** *** *** Source Control
*** *** *** SQL Editor
*** *** *** SQL Mobile Editor
*** *** *** SQL Server Analysis Services Editors
*** *** *** Standard
*** *** *** Table Designer
*** *** *** Text Editor
*** *** *** View Designer
*** *** *** &Customize...

*** *** &Zoom(8)
*** *** *** 200%
*** *** *** 150%
*** *** *** 100%
*** *** *** 75%
*** *** *** 50%
*** *** *** 25%
*** *** *** 10%
*** *** *** To &Fit

*** *** F&ull Screen
*** *** Pending C&heckins
*** *** &Zoom...
*** *** St&op
*** *** Re&fresh

*** &Query(17)
*** *** &Connection(4)
*** *** *** &Connect...
*** *** *** &Disconnect
*** *** *** Disconnect &All Queries
*** *** *** C&hange Connection...

*** *** &Open Server in Object Explorer
*** *** &Specify Values for Template Parameters...
*** *** E&xecute
*** *** P&arse
*** *** Ca&ncel Executing Query
*** *** Display Est&imated Execution Plan
*** *** Analyze Query in Database Engine Tunin&g Advisor
*** *** &Design Query in Editor...
*** *** Incl&ude Actual Execution Plan
*** *** Include C&lient Statistics
*** *** R&eset Client Statistics
*** *** SQLC&MD Mode
*** *** &Results To(3)
*** *** *** Results to Te&xt
*** *** *** Results to &Grid
*** *** *** Results to &File

*** *** &Query Options...
*** *** &Display Cell Properties
*** *** S&how Metadata

*** &Project(27)
*** *** New &Data Source...
*** *** New Data Source &View...
*** *** New D&imension...
*** *** New &Linked Dimension...
*** *** New &Cube...
*** *** New &Mining Structure...
*** *** New Assembly &Reference...
*** *** New &Role
*** *** &New SSIS Package
*** *** SSIS Import and Export &Wizard...
*** *** &Migrate DTS 2000 Package
*** *** Add E&xisting Package
*** *** Add Existin&g Item...
*** *** &New Connection
*** *** &New Query
*** *** &New Template
*** *** New &MDX Query
*** *** New &DMX Query
*** *** New &XMLA Query
*** *** New Fol&der
*** *** Exclude From Pro&ject
*** *** Sh&ow All Files
*** *** Re&load Project
*** *** Un&load Project
*** *** &Hide Folder
*** *** U&nhide Folders
*** *** Set as St&artUp Project

*** &Build(1)
*** *** &Process...

*** Tab&le Designer(10)
*** *** Table V&iew(6)
*** *** *** &Standard
*** *** *** &Column Names
*** *** *** &Keys
*** *** *** &Name Only
*** *** *** C&ustom
*** *** *** &Modify Custom ...

*** *** Set Primary Ke&y
*** *** Insert Colu&mn
*** *** Delete Colum&n
*** *** Relations&hips...
*** *** &Indexes/Keys...
*** *** &Fulltext Index...
*** *** &XML Indexes...
*** *** Check C&onstraints...
*** *** Generate Change &Script...

*** Database Diagra&m(15)
*** *** New &Table...
*** *** Add Ta&ble...
*** *** Add &Related Tables
*** *** D&elete from Database
*** *** Remo&ve from Diagram
*** *** A&utosize Selected Tables
*** *** &Arrange Selection
*** *** Arran&ge Tables
*** *** &Zoom(8)
*** *** *** 200%
*** *** *** 150%
*** *** *** 100%
*** *** *** 75%
*** *** *** 50%
*** *** *** 25%
*** *** *** 10%
*** *** *** To &Fit

*** *** &New Text Annotation
*** *** Set Text Annotation &Font...
*** *** Show Relationship &Labels
*** *** &View Page Breaks
*** *** Re&calculate Page Breaks
*** *** Copy Diagra&m to Clipboard

*** Que&ry Designer(15)
*** *** E&xecute SQL
*** *** &Verify SQL Syntax
*** *** Add &Group By
*** *** Change T&ype(6)
*** *** *** &Select
*** *** *** Insert &Results...
*** *** *** Insert &Values
*** *** *** &Update
*** *** *** &Delete
*** *** *** &Make Table...

*** *** Select All Ro&ws From
*** *** S&elect All Rows From
*** *** Table Displa&y(2)
*** *** *** &Column Names
*** *** *** &Name Only

*** *** Add Ta&ble...
*** *** Add New De&rived Table
*** *** Add to &Select
*** *** Remove &Filter
*** *** Sort &Ascending
*** *** Sort &Descending
*** *** Pa&ne(4)
*** *** *** &Diagram
*** *** *** &Criteria
*** *** *** &SQL
*** *** *** &Results

*** *** C&lear Results

*** D&atabase(4)
*** *** Edit Data&base
*** *** &Process...
*** *** Generate Relational &Schema...
*** *** Validate &Database...

*** F&ormat(4)
*** *** Aut&osize
*** *** &Switch to Rectangular Layout
*** *** &Switch to Diagonal Layout
*** *** Auto &Layout(2)
*** *** *** &Diagram
*** *** *** &Selection

*** Data &Source View(24)
*** *** &Edit Data Source View
*** *** Add/Remo&ve Tables...
*** *** Refres&h...
*** *** New Dia&gram
*** *** New Named &Query...
*** *** New Named &Calculation...
*** *** New Relationshi&p...
*** *** &Edit
*** *** &Edit Named Query...
*** *** &Edit Named Calculation...
*** *** &Edit Relationship...
*** *** Set Logical Primary &Key
*** *** Rep&lace Table(2)
*** *** *** With New Named &Query...
*** *** *** With Other &Table...

*** *** E&xplore Data
*** *** Generate &Cube
*** *** Sho&w Data Source View in(2)
*** *** *** &Diagram
*** *** *** &Tree

*** *** Copy Dia&gram from(7)
*** *** *** Diagram 1
*** *** *** Diagram 2
*** *** *** Diagram 3
*** *** *** Diagram 4
*** *** *** Diagram 5
*** *** *** Diagram 6
*** *** *** Diagram 7

*** *** Show &Friendly Names
*** *** F&ind Table...
*** *** Show &Tables...
*** *** Sh&ow All Tables
*** *** &Show Related Tables
*** *** Show Only &Used Tables
*** *** &Hide Table

*** C&ube(72)
*** *** Add B&usiness Intelligence...
*** *** &Process...
*** *** &Browse
*** *** New Ca&lculated Cell
*** *** New Calculated &Member
*** *** New Acti&on
*** *** New Reporting Act&ion
*** *** New &Drillthrough Action
*** *** New &Named Set
*** *** New Sc&ript Command
*** *** New &KPI
*** *** Go &to(7)
*** *** *** &Form
*** *** *** Script Organi&zer
*** *** *** Action Organi&zer
*** *** *** KPI Organi&zer
*** *** *** F&unctions
*** *** *** &Metadata
*** *** *** &Templates

*** *** Show Calculations &in(2)
*** *** *** &Script
*** *** *** &Form

*** *** Show KPIs &in(2)
*** *** *** &Form
*** *** *** Bro&wser

*** *** &Check Syntax
*** *** &Font...
*** *** &Color...
*** *** Calc&ulation Properties...
*** *** &New Partition...
*** *** R&ename Partition
*** *** Des&ign Aggregations...
*** *** &Storage Settings...
*** *** Writeback Settin&gs...
*** *** &Usage Based Optimization...
*** *** &Security Context...
*** *** Re&connect
*** *** &Refresh
*** *** &Perspectives...
*** *** &Language...
*** *** &View(9)
*** *** *** C&ube Structure
*** *** *** &Dimension Usage
*** *** *** &Calculations
*** *** *** &KPIs
*** *** *** &Actions
*** *** *** &Partitions
*** *** *** &Browser
*** *** *** P&erspectives
*** *** *** &Translations

*** *** &New Measure...
*** *** New Measure &Group...
*** *** Show Measures &in(2)
*** *** *** &Tree
*** *** *** &Grid

*** *** &New Translation...
*** *** &Delete Translation
*** *** &New Perspective
*** *** &Delete Perspective
*** *** Auto &Filter
*** *** &Export to Microsoft Excel
*** *** Remo&ve Field
*** *** Remo&ve Total
*** *** &Subtotal
*** *** Drop Areas
*** *** Show Empty &Cells
*** *** Add &Cube Dimension...
*** *** Sor&t Ascending
*** *** Sort Desce&nding
*** *** Clear Custom Ordering
*** *** New &Linked Object...
*** *** &Expand Items
*** *** Collapse &Items
*** *** Drill Through
*** *** &Edit Dimension
*** *** Show &Details
*** *** Hide De&tails
*** *** Sho&w Only the Top(11)
*** *** *** 1
*** *** *** 2
*** *** *** 5
*** *** *** 10
*** *** *** 25
*** *** *** 1%
*** *** *** 2%
*** *** *** 5%
*** *** *** 10%
*** *** *** 25%
*** *** *** &Other

*** *** Show Only the &Bottom(11)
*** *** *** 1
*** *** *** 2
*** *** *** 5
*** *** *** 10
*** *** *** 25
*** *** *** 1%
*** *** *** 2%
*** *** *** 5%
*** *** *** 10%
*** *** *** 25%
*** *** *** &Other

*** *** Filter by &Selection
*** *** Show &As(6)
*** *** *** &Normal
*** *** *** Percent of &Row Total
*** *** *** Percent of &Column Total
*** *** *** Percent of &Parent Row Item
*** *** *** Percent of P&arent Column Item
*** *** *** Percent of &Grand Total

*** *** Group Items
*** *** Ungroup Items
*** *** Move to &Row Area
*** *** Move to Col&umn Area
*** *** Move to &Filter Area
*** *** &Move to Detail
*** *** Show Properties in Report(22)
*** *** *** Show All Properties in Report
*** *** *** Hide All Properties in Report
*** *** *** Pivot Property A 1
*** *** *** Pivot Property A 2
*** *** *** Pivot Property A 3
*** *** *** Pivot Property A 4
*** *** *** Pivot Property A 5
*** *** *** Pivot Property A 6
*** *** *** Pivot Property A 7
*** *** *** Pivot Property A 8
*** *** *** Pivot Property A 9
*** *** *** Pivot Property A 10
*** *** *** Pivot Property A 11
*** *** *** Pivot Property A 12
*** *** *** Pivot Property A 13
*** *** *** Pivot Property A 14
*** *** *** Pivot Property A 15
*** *** *** Pivot Property A 16
*** *** *** Pivot Property A 17
*** *** *** Pivot Property A 18
*** *** *** Pivot Property A 19
*** *** *** Pivot Property A 20

*** *** Show Properties in Screen Tips(22)
*** *** *** Show All Properties in Screen Tips
*** *** *** Hide All Properties in Screen Tips
*** *** *** Pivot Property B 1
*** *** *** Pivot Property B 2
*** *** *** Pivot Property B 3
*** *** *** Pivot Property B 4
*** *** *** Pivot Property B 5
*** *** *** Pivot Property B 6
*** *** *** Pivot Property B 7
*** *** *** Pivot Property B 8
*** *** *** Pivot Property B 9
*** *** *** Pivot Property B 10
*** *** *** Pivot Property B 11
*** *** *** Pivot Property B 12
*** *** *** Pivot Property B 13
*** *** *** Pivot Property B 14
*** *** *** Pivot Property B 15
*** *** *** Pivot Property B 16
*** *** *** Pivot Property B 17
*** *** *** Pivot Property B 18
*** *** *** Pivot Property B 19
*** *** *** Pivot Property B 20

*** *** Commands and &Options ...
*** *** Edit &MDX
*** *** E&xecute MDX
*** *** &Security Context...
*** *** Highlight Changed Ce&lls

*** &Role(1)
*** *** &View(8)
*** *** *** &General
*** *** *** &Membership
*** *** *** &Data Source View
*** *** *** &Cube Access
*** *** *** C&ell Data Access
*** *** *** D&imension Access
*** *** *** Dime&nsion Data Access
*** *** *** Mining &Structure

*** Di&mension(23)
*** *** Add B&usiness Intelligence...
*** *** &Process...
*** *** &Browse
*** *** Re&connect
*** *** &Refresh
*** *** &Filter Members ...
*** *** &Member Properties...
*** *** &Hierarchies...
*** *** &Language...
*** *** &Writeback
*** *** &View(3)
*** *** *** &Dimension Builder
*** *** *** &Translations
*** *** *** &Browser

*** *** Show Attributes &in(3)
*** *** *** &Tree
*** *** *** &List
*** *** *** &Grid

*** *** &New Translation...
*** *** &Delete Translation
*** *** New &Caption Column
*** *** &Edit Caption Column
*** *** De&lete Caption Column
*** *** &Show All Attributes
*** *** Start New &Hierarchy
*** *** Create &Level
*** *** Create &Parent-Child Level
*** *** Create Attribute &Relationship
*** *** Set Attribute &Usage(4)
*** *** *** &Regular
*** *** *** &Key
*** *** *** &Parent
*** *** *** &Account type

*** &Mining Model(25)
*** *** Process Mining Structure and &All Models...
*** *** &Process Model...
*** *** Bro&wse Model
*** *** N&ew Mining Model...
*** *** Create a Data Mining Di&mension...
*** *** &Set Algorithm Parameters...
*** *** Add a Co&lumn...
*** *** Add a &Nested Table...
*** *** Define Mining Structure Cube &Slice...
*** *** Define Nes&ted Table Cube Slice...
*** *** Desi&gn
*** *** &Query
*** *** &Result
*** *** Single&ton Query
*** *** S&ave Query Result...
*** *** &Select Mining Model...
*** *** &Select Mining Structure...
*** *** Select &Case Table...
*** *** Select &Nested Table...
*** *** R&emove Table
*** *** Modify &Join...
*** *** &Modify Connections...
*** *** &View(5)
*** *** *** Mining &Structure
*** *** *** Mining &Models
*** *** *** Mining Model &Viewer
*** *** *** Mining Model Accuracy &Chart
*** *** *** Mining Model &Prediction

*** *** &Process...
*** *** &Browse

*** &SSIS(9)
*** *** &Logging...
*** *** Package &Configurations...
*** *** Di&gital Signing...
*** *** Check&points...
*** *** Variable&s
*** *** Work &Offline
*** *** Log &Events
*** *** Ne&w Connection...
*** *** &View(5)
*** *** *** &Control Flow
*** *** *** &Data Flow
*** *** *** &Event Handlers
*** *** *** Pac&kage Explorer
*** *** *** &Progress

*** &Tools(32)
*** *** DB Object QuickFind
*** *** SQL Server &Profiler
*** *** &Database Engine Tuning Advisor
*** *** Choose Toolbo&x Items...
*** *** [New Tool 1]
*** *** External Command 2
*** *** External Command 3
*** *** External Command 4
*** *** External Command 5
*** *** External Command 6
*** *** External Command 7
*** *** External Command 8
*** *** External Command 9
*** *** External Command 10
*** *** External Command 11
*** *** External Command 12
*** *** External Command 13
*** *** External Command 14
*** *** External Command 15
*** *** External Command 16
*** *** External Command 17
*** *** External Command 18
*** *** External Command 19
*** *** External Command 20
*** *** External Command 21
*** *** External Command 22
*** *** External Command 23
*** *** External Command 24
*** *** &External Tools...
*** *** &Customize...
*** *** &Options...

*** &Window(20)
*** *** N&ext Pane
*** *** P&revious Pane
*** *** &Show Results Pane
*** *** &New Window
*** *** S&plit
*** *** &Floating
*** *** Doc&kable
*** *** &Tabbed Document
*** *** &Auto Hide
*** *** &Hide
*** *** A&uto Hide All
*** *** &Cascade
*** *** New Hori&zontal Tab Group
*** *** New &Vertical Tab Group
*** *** Move to Ne&xt Tab Group
*** *** Move to P&revious Tab Group
*** *** C&lose All Documents
*** *** &Reset Window Layout
*** *** &1 Summary
*** *** &Windows...

*** &Community(4)
*** *** &Ask a Question
*** *** Send &Feedback
*** *** Check &Question Status
*** *** &Developer Center

*** &Help(12)
*** *** How &Do I
*** *** &Search
*** *** &Contents
*** *** &Index
*** *** Hel&p Favorites
*** *** Dynamic &Help
*** *** Inde&x Results
*** *** Microsft SQL Server Customer &Feedback Settings...
*** *** H&elp on Help
*** *** &Tutorial
*** *** &Microsoft SQL Server Customer Feedback Options...
*** *** &About...

*** F&ull Screen

*** &New Query
*** Database Engine Query
*** Analysis Services MDX Query
*** Analysis Services DMX Query
*** Analysis Services XMLA Query
*** SQL Server Mobile Query
*** &Open File...
*** Sa&ve Selected Items
*** Save A&ll
*** &Registered Servers
*** Su&mmary
*** Ob&ject Explorer
*** Template Exp&lorer
*** Properties &Window

Shortcut Menus
*** Class View Context Menus(7)
*** *** Class View Project(11)
*** *** *** Set as St&artUp Project
*** *** *** &Save Selected Items
*** *** *** &Add Solution to Source Control...
*** *** *** Add S&elected Projects to Source Control...
*** *** *** Check &Out for Edit
*** *** *** Check &In
*** *** *** View Pending C&heckins
*** *** *** &Undo Checkout...
*** *** *** Get &Latest Version
*** *** *** &Get...
*** *** *** View &History

*** *** Class View Item(11)
*** *** *** Check &Out for Edit
*** *** *** Check &In
*** *** *** View Pending C&heckins
*** *** *** &Undo Checkout...
*** *** *** Get &Latest Version
*** *** *** &Compare...
*** *** *** &Get...
*** *** *** View &History
*** *** *** Cop&y
*** *** *** Rena&me
*** *** *** &Delete

*** *** Class View Folder(4)
*** *** *** Cop&y
*** *** *** &Paste
*** *** *** Rena&me
*** *** *** &Delete

*** *** Class View Multi-select(11)
*** *** *** Check &Out for Edit
*** *** *** Check &In
*** *** *** View Pending C&heckins
*** *** *** &Undo Checkout...
*** *** *** Get &Latest Version
*** *** *** &Compare...
*** *** *** &Get...
*** *** *** View &History
*** *** *** Cop&y
*** *** *** Rena&me
*** *** *** &Delete

*** *** Class View Multi-select members(11)
*** *** *** Check &Out for Edit
*** *** *** Check &In
*** *** *** View Pending C&heckins
*** *** *** &Undo Checkout...
*** *** *** Get &Latest Version
*** *** *** &Compare...
*** *** *** &Get...
*** *** *** View &History
*** *** *** Cop&y
*** *** *** Rena&me
*** *** *** &Delete

*** *** Class View Member(11)
*** *** *** Check &Out for Edit
*** *** *** Check &In
*** *** *** View Pending C&heckins
*** *** *** &Undo Checkout...
*** *** *** Get &Latest Version
*** *** *** &Compare...
*** *** *** &Get...
*** *** *** View &History
*** *** *** Cop&y
*** *** *** Rena&me
*** *** *** &Delete

*** *** Class View Project Reference(1)
*** *** *** &Delete

*** Debugger Context Menus(11)
*** *** Autos Window(4)
*** *** *** Cu&t
*** *** *** Cop&y
*** *** *** &Paste
*** *** *** Select &All

*** *** Call Stack Window(2)
*** *** *** Cop&y
*** *** *** Select &All

*** *** Data Tip Window(1)
*** *** *** Cop&y

*** *** Locals Window(4)
*** *** *** Cu&t
*** *** *** Cop&y
*** *** *** &Paste
*** *** *** Select &All

*** *** Memory Window(1)
*** *** *** Cop&y

*** *** Modules Window(2)
*** *** *** Cop&y
*** *** *** Select &All

*** *** Processes Window(2)
*** *** *** Cop&y
*** *** *** Select &All

*** *** QuickConsole Window(3)
*** *** *** Cu&t
*** *** *** Cop&y
*** *** *** &Paste

*** *** Registers Window(2)
*** *** *** Cop&y
*** *** *** Select &All

*** *** Threads Window(2)
*** *** *** Cop&y
*** *** *** Select &All

*** *** Watch Window(4)
*** *** *** Cu&t
*** *** *** Cop&y
*** *** *** &Paste
*** *** *** Select &All

*** Project and Solution Context Menus(16)
*** *** Project(38)
*** *** *** Edit Data&base
*** *** *** Generate Relational &Schema...
*** *** *** Validate &Database...
*** *** *** New &Data Source...
*** *** *** New Data Source &View...
*** *** *** New D&imension...
*** *** *** New &Linked Dimension...
*** *** *** New &Cube...
*** *** *** New &Mining Structure...
*** *** *** &New DTS Package
*** *** *** Import/Export &Wizard...
*** *** *** New Assembly &Reference...
*** *** *** New &Role
*** *** *** &Sort by name
*** *** *** Show Dep&loyment Progress
*** *** *** &Process...
*** *** *** &Browse
*** *** *** Standalone &Browse
*** *** *** Re&fresh
*** *** *** A&dd(3)
*** *** *** *** E&xisting Package
*** *** *** *** Add Existin&g Item...
*** *** *** *** New Fol&der

*** *** *** Set as St&artUp Project
*** *** *** &Add Solution to Source Control...
*** *** *** Add S&elected Projects to Source Control...
*** *** *** Check &Out for Edit
*** *** *** Check &In
*** *** *** View Pending C&heckins
*** *** *** &Undo Checkout...
*** *** *** Get &Latest Version
*** *** *** &Get...
*** *** *** View &History
*** *** *** Cu&t
*** *** *** &Paste
*** *** *** &Delete
*** *** *** Rena&me
*** *** *** Re&load Project
*** *** *** Un&load Project
*** *** *** &Hide Folder
*** *** *** U&nhide Folders

*** *** Solution Folder(9)
*** *** *** A&dd(3)
*** *** *** *** &New Project...
*** *** *** *** &Existing Project...
*** *** *** *** Add Existin&g Item...

*** *** *** Cu&t
*** *** *** &Paste
*** *** *** &Delete
*** *** *** Rena&me
*** *** *** Re&load Project
*** *** *** Un&load Project
*** *** *** &Hide Folder
*** *** *** U&nhide Folders

*** *** Cross Project Solution Project(8)
*** *** *** &Add Solution to Source Control...
*** *** *** Check &Out for Edit
*** *** *** Check &In
*** *** *** View Pending C&heckins
*** *** *** &Undo Checkout...
*** *** *** Get &Latest Version
*** *** *** &Get...
*** *** *** View &History

*** *** Cross Project Solution Item(8)
*** *** *** &Add Solution to Source Control...
*** *** *** Check &Out for Edit
*** *** *** Check &In
*** *** *** View Pending C&heckins
*** *** *** &Undo Checkout...
*** *** *** Get &Latest Version
*** *** *** &Get...
*** *** *** View &History

*** *** Cross Project Project Item(10)
*** *** *** &Add Solution to Source Control...
*** *** *** Add S&elected Projects to Source Control...
*** *** *** Check &Out for Edit
*** *** *** Check &In
*** *** *** View Pending C&heckins
*** *** *** &Undo Checkout...
*** *** *** Get &Latest Version
*** *** *** &Get...
*** *** *** View &History
*** *** *** &Delete

*** *** Cross Project Multi Project(16)
*** *** *** &Add Solution to Source Control...
*** *** *** Add S&elected Projects to Source Control...
*** *** *** Check &Out for Edit
*** *** *** Check &In
*** *** *** View Pending C&heckins
*** *** *** &Undo Checkout...
*** *** *** Get &Latest Version
*** *** *** &Get...
*** *** *** View &History
*** *** *** Cu&t
*** *** *** Cop&y
*** *** *** &Delete
*** *** *** Re&load Project
*** *** *** Un&load Project
*** *** *** &Hide Folder
*** *** *** U&nhide Folders

*** *** Cross Project Multi Item(16)
*** *** *** &Open
*** *** *** View &XML
*** *** *** View &Editor
*** *** *** View in &Browser
*** *** *** Check &Out for Edit
*** *** *** Check &In
*** *** *** View Pending C&heckins
*** *** *** &Undo Checkout...
*** *** *** Get &Latest Version
*** *** *** &Compare...
*** *** *** &Get...
*** *** *** View &History
*** *** *** Exclude From Pro&ject
*** *** *** Cu&t
*** *** *** Cop&y
*** *** *** &Delete

*** *** Cross Project Multi Solution Folder(8)
*** *** *** Cu&t
*** *** *** &Paste
*** *** *** &Delete
*** *** *** Rena&me
*** *** *** Re&load Project
*** *** *** Un&load Project
*** *** *** &Hide Folder
*** *** *** U&nhide Folders

*** *** Cross Project Multi Project/Folder(7)
*** *** *** Cu&t
*** *** *** Cop&y
*** *** *** &Delete
*** *** *** Re&load Project
*** *** *** Un&load Project
*** *** *** &Hide Folder
*** *** *** U&nhide Folders

*** *** Item(26)
*** *** *** Set as St&artUp Object
*** *** *** E&xecute Package
*** *** *** &Process...
*** *** *** &Browse
*** *** *** Standalone &Browse
*** *** *** Re&fresh
*** *** *** &Open
*** *** *** &Save Selected Items
*** *** *** Add Business &Intelligence...
*** *** *** View &XML
*** *** *** View &Editor
*** *** *** View in &Browser
*** *** *** Check &Out for Edit
*** *** *** Check &In
*** *** *** View Pending C&heckins
*** *** *** &Undo Checkout...
*** *** *** Get &Latest Version
*** *** *** &Compare...
*** *** *** &Get...
*** *** *** View &History
*** *** *** Exclude From Pro&ject
*** *** *** Cu&t
*** *** *** Cop&y
*** *** *** &Delete
*** *** *** Rena&me
*** *** *** Reload with Upgrade

*** *** Folder(16)
*** *** *** View in &Browser
*** *** *** A&dd(3)
*** *** *** *** E&xisting Package
*** *** *** *** Add Existin&g Item...
*** *** *** *** New Fol&der

*** *** *** Check &Out for Edit
*** *** *** Check &In
*** *** *** View Pending C&heckins
*** *** *** &Undo Checkout...
*** *** *** Get &Latest Version
*** *** *** &Compare...
*** *** *** &Get...
*** *** *** View &History
*** *** *** Exclude From Pro&ject
*** *** *** Cu&t
*** *** *** Cop&y
*** *** *** &Paste
*** *** *** &Delete
*** *** *** Rena&me

*** *** Reference Item(2)
*** *** *** &Open
*** *** *** &Delete

*** *** Web Reference Folder(15)
*** *** *** View in &Browser
*** *** *** Check &Out for Edit
*** *** *** Check &In
*** *** *** View Pending C&heckins
*** *** *** &Undo Checkout...
*** *** *** Get &Latest Version
*** *** *** &Compare...
*** *** *** &Get...
*** *** *** View &History
*** *** *** Exclude From Pro&ject
*** *** *** Cu&t
*** *** *** Cop&y
*** *** *** &Paste
*** *** *** &Delete
*** *** *** Rena&me

*** *** App Designer Folder(9)
*** *** *** &Open
*** *** *** Check &Out for Edit
*** *** *** Check &In
*** *** *** View Pending C&heckins
*** *** *** &Undo Checkout...
*** *** *** Get &Latest Version
*** *** *** &Compare...
*** *** *** &Get...
*** *** *** View &History

*** *** Misc Files Project(5)
*** *** *** &Open File...
*** *** *** Cu&t
*** *** *** &Paste
*** *** *** &Delete
*** *** *** Rena&me

*** *** Solution(13)
*** *** *** A&dd(3)
*** *** *** *** &New Project...
*** *** *** *** &Existing Project...
*** *** *** *** Add Existin&g Item...

*** *** *** Set as St&artUp Project
*** *** *** &Add Solution to Source Control...
*** *** *** Check &Out for Edit
*** *** *** Check &In
*** *** *** View Pending C&heckins
*** *** *** &Undo Checkout...
*** *** *** Get &Latest Version
*** *** *** &Get...
*** *** *** View &History
*** *** *** &Paste
*** *** *** Rena&me
*** *** *** U&nhide Folders

*** Other Context Menus(89)
*** *** Analysis Server Category Context Menu(7)
*** *** *** New(4)
*** *** *** *** &Folder
*** *** *** *** &DMX Template
*** *** *** *** &MDX Template
*** *** *** *** &XMLA Template

*** *** *** &Search...
*** *** *** Cu&t
*** *** *** Cop&y
*** *** *** &Paste
*** *** *** Rena&me
*** *** *** &Delete

*** *** Analysis Server Template Context Menu(9)
*** *** *** New(4)
*** *** *** *** &Folder
*** *** *** *** &DMX Template
*** *** *** *** &MDX Template
*** *** *** *** &XMLA Template

*** *** *** &Open
*** *** *** &Edit
*** *** *** &Search...
*** *** *** Cu&t
*** *** *** Cop&y
*** *** *** &Paste
*** *** *** Rena&me
*** *** *** &Delete

*** *** AnchorContext(6)
*** *** *** &Open Link
*** *** *** Open Link in &New Window
*** *** *** Open Link in &External Window
*** *** *** Save Target &As...
*** *** *** P&rint Target...
*** *** *** Proper&ties...

*** *** AutoHidden Windows(1)
*** *** *** AutoHidden Windows

*** *** Autos Window(4)
*** *** *** Cu&t
*** *** *** Cop&y
*** *** *** &Paste
*** *** *** Select &All

*** *** Bookmark Window(3)
*** *** *** Delete
*** *** *** Rename
*** *** *** Enable All Bookmarks

*** *** Call Stack Window(2)
*** *** *** Cop&y
*** *** *** Select &All

*** *** Checkin Dialog Context Menu(3)
*** *** *** Com&pare Versions...
*** *** *** &Columns...
*** *** *** &Sort...

*** *** Check Out Dialog Context Menu(4)
*** *** *** Force exclusive
*** *** *** Com&pare Versions...
*** *** *** &Columns...
*** *** *** &Sort...

*** *** Code Window(9)
*** *** *** Marker Commands
*** *** *** &Open File
*** *** *** &View Data Grid
*** *** *** Cu&t
*** *** *** Cop&y
*** *** *** &Paste
*** *** *** Check &Out for Edit
*** *** *** Check &In
*** *** *** Leo's addin btn

*** *** Command Window(3)
*** *** *** Cu&t
*** *** *** Cop&y
*** *** *** &Paste

*** *** Database Designer(11)
*** *** *** New &Table...
*** *** *** Add Ta&ble...
*** *** *** &New Text Annotation
*** *** *** &Paste
*** *** *** Select &All
*** *** *** Show Relationship &Labels
*** *** *** Arran&ge Tables
*** *** *** &Zoom(8)
*** *** *** *** 200%
*** *** *** *** 150%
*** *** *** *** 100%
*** *** *** *** 75%
*** *** *** *** 50%
*** *** *** *** 25%
*** *** *** *** 10%
*** *** *** *** To &Fit

*** *** *** &View Page Breaks
*** *** *** Re&calculate Page Breaks
*** *** *** Copy Diagra&m to Clipboard

*** *** Database Designer Relationship(1)
*** *** *** D&elete from Database

*** *** Database Designer Table(15)
*** *** *** Table V&iew(6)
*** *** *** *** &Standard
*** *** *** *** &Column Names
*** *** *** *** &Keys
*** *** *** *** &Name Only
*** *** *** *** C&ustom
*** *** *** *** &Modify Custom ...

*** *** *** Set Primary Ke&y
*** *** *** Insert Colu&mn
*** *** *** Delete Colum&n
*** *** *** D&elete from Database
*** *** *** Remo&ve from Diagram
*** *** *** Add &Related Tables
*** *** *** A&utosize Selected Tables
*** *** *** &Arrange Selection
*** *** *** Relations&hips...
*** *** *** &Indexes/Keys...
*** *** *** &Fulltext Index...
*** *** *** &XML Indexes...
*** *** *** Check C&onstraints...
*** *** *** Generate Change &Script...

*** *** Data Tip Window(1)
*** *** *** Cop&y

*** *** DefaultContext(14)
*** *** *** &Back
*** *** *** &Forward
*** *** *** &Save Background As...
*** *** *** &Copy Background
*** *** *** Select &All
*** *** *** Quick &Find
*** *** *** A&dd to Help Favorites
*** *** *** &View Source
*** *** *** &Encoding(7)
*** *** *** *** Auto-Select
*** *** *** *** Western European (Windows)
*** *** *** *** CpMRU1
*** *** *** *** CpMRU2
*** *** *** *** CpMRU3
*** *** *** *** CpMRU4
*** *** *** *** &More(33)

*** *** *** Text Si&ze(5)
*** *** *** *** Lar&gest
*** *** *** *** &Larger
*** *** *** *** &Medium
*** *** *** *** &Smaller
*** *** *** *** Smalles&t

*** *** *** &Print...
*** *** *** &Refresh
*** *** *** &New Window
*** *** *** Proper&ties...

*** *** Docked Window(5)
*** *** *** &Floating
*** *** *** Doc&kable
*** *** *** &Tabbed Document
*** *** *** &Auto Hide
*** *** *** &Hide

*** *** Drag and Drop(3)
*** *** *** &Move Here
*** *** *** &Copy Here
*** *** *** C&ancel

*** *** Easy MDI Document Window(9)
*** *** *** &Save Selected Items
*** *** *** &Close
*** *** *** Close &All But This
*** *** *** Copy &Full Path
*** *** *** &Open Containing Folder
*** *** *** New Hori&zontal Tab Group
*** *** *** New &Vertical Tab Group
*** *** *** Move to Ne&xt Tab Group
*** *** *** Move to P&revious Tab Group

*** *** Easy MDI Dragging(5)
*** *** *** New Hori&zontal Tab Group
*** *** *** New &Vertical Tab Group
*** *** *** Move to Ne&xt Tab Group
*** *** *** Move to P&revious Tab Group
*** *** *** C&ancel

*** *** Easy MDI Tool Window(9)
*** *** *** &Floating
*** *** *** Doc&kable
*** *** *** &Tabbed Document
*** *** *** &Auto Hide
*** *** *** &Hide
*** *** *** New Hori&zontal Tab Group
*** *** *** New &Vertical Tab Group
*** *** *** Move to Ne&xt Tab Group
*** *** *** Move to P&revious Tab Group

*** *** Execution Plan Context(6)
*** *** *** Sa&ve Execution Plan As...
*** *** *** Zoom In
*** *** *** Zoom Out
*** *** *** Custom Zoom...
*** *** *** Zoom to Fit
*** *** *** P&roperties

*** *** Expansion Manager(2)
*** *** *** Cop&y
*** *** *** Select &All

*** *** External Tools Arguments(15)
*** *** *** Item Pat&h
*** *** *** &Item Directory
*** *** *** Item &File Name
*** *** *** Item E&xtension
*** *** *** C&urrent Line
*** *** *** Current &Column
*** *** *** Current &Text
*** *** *** T&arget Path
*** *** *** Ta&rget Directory
*** *** *** Tar&get Name
*** *** *** Targ&et Extension
*** *** *** &Project Directory
*** *** *** Project File &Name
*** *** *** &Solution Directory
*** *** *** Solution Fi&le Name

*** *** External Tools Directories(4)
*** *** *** &Item Directory
*** *** *** Ta&rget Directory
*** *** *** &Project Directory
*** *** *** &Solution Directory

*** *** EzMDI Files(1)
*** *** *** EzMDI File List

*** *** Favorites Window Context Menu(4)
*** *** *** Move Up
*** *** *** Move Down
*** *** *** Rename
*** *** *** &Delete

*** *** Find Regular Expression Builder(18)
*** *** *** .* Any single character
*** *** *** ** Zero or more
*** *** *** +* One or more
*** *** *** ^* Beginning of line
*** *** *** $* End of line
*** *** *** <* Beginning of word
*** *** *** >* End of word
*** *** *** \n** Line break
*** *** *** [ ]* Any one character in the set
*** *** *** [^ ]* Any one character not in the set
*** *** *** *|* Or
*** *** *** \* Escape Special Character
*** *** *** { }* Tag expression
*** *** *** :i** C/C++ identifier
*** *** *** :q** Quoted string
*** *** *** :b** Space or Tab
*** *** *** :z** Integer
*** *** *** Complete Character List

*** *** GetVersion Dialog Context Menu(4)
*** *** *** Com&pare Versions...
*** *** *** &Refresh
*** *** *** &Columns...
*** *** *** &Sort...

*** *** ImageContext(9)
*** *** *** &Open Link
*** *** *** Open Link in &New Window
*** *** *** Open Link in &External Window
*** *** *** Save Target &As...
*** *** *** P&rint Target...
*** *** *** S&how Picture
*** *** *** &Save Picture As...
*** *** *** Cop&y
*** *** *** Proper&ties...

*** *** Locals Window(4)
*** *** *** Cu&t
*** *** *** Cop&y
*** *** *** &Paste
*** *** *** Select &All

*** *** MDX Files Editor Context(10)
*** *** *** Cu&t
*** *** *** Cop&y
*** *** *** &Paste
*** *** *** &Connection(4)
*** *** *** *** &Connect...
*** *** *** *** &Disconnect
*** *** *** *** Disconnect &All Queries
*** *** *** *** C&hange Connection...

*** *** *** &Open Server in Object Explorer
*** *** *** E&xecute
*** *** *** Display Est&imated Execution Plan
*** *** *** Analyze Query in Database Engine Tunin&g Advisor
*** *** *** Properties &Window
*** *** *** &Query Options...

*** *** Memory Window(1)
*** *** *** Cop&y

*** *** Menu Designer(6)
*** *** *** &Undo
*** *** *** &Redo
*** *** *** Cu&t
*** *** *** Cop&y
*** *** *** &Paste
*** *** *** &Delete

*** *** Metadata(3)
*** *** *** Add to &Query
*** *** *** Add to &Filter
*** *** *** Cop&y

*** *** Modules Window(2)
*** *** *** Cop&y
*** *** *** Select &All

*** *** New Connection(1)
*** *** *** Re&fresh

*** *** No Commands Available(1)
*** *** *** No Commands Available

*** *** Open Drop Down(2)
*** *** *** &Open
*** *** *** Open &With...

*** *** Pending Checkin Window Context Menu(5)
*** *** *** Com&pare Versions...
*** *** *** &Open with Editor
*** *** *** &Undo Checkout...
*** *** *** &Columns...
*** *** *** &Sort...

*** *** Processes Window(2)
*** *** *** Cop&y
*** *** *** Select &All

*** *** Properties Window(1)
*** *** *** &Description

*** *** PropertyBrowser(3)
*** *** *** &Reset
*** *** *** &Commands
*** *** *** &Description

*** *** Query Diagram Join Line(3)
*** *** *** Re&move
*** *** *** Select All Ro&ws From
*** *** *** S&elect All Rows From

*** *** Query Diagram Multi-select(1)
*** *** *** Re&move

*** *** Query Diagram Pane(7)
*** *** *** E&xecute SQL
*** *** *** Add &Group By
*** *** *** Change T&ype(6)
*** *** *** *** &Select
*** *** *** *** Insert &Results...
*** *** *** *** Insert &Values
*** *** *** *** &Update
*** *** *** *** &Delete
*** *** *** *** &Make Table...

*** *** *** Add Ta&ble...
*** *** *** Add New De&rived Table
*** *** *** Pa&ne(4)
*** *** *** *** &Diagram
*** *** *** *** &Criteria
*** *** *** *** &SQL
*** *** *** *** &Results

*** *** *** C&lear Results

*** *** Query Diagram Table(4)
*** *** *** &Column Names
*** *** *** &Name Only
*** *** *** Select All Colu&mns
*** *** *** Re&move

*** *** Query Diagram Table Column(4)
*** *** *** Add to &Select
*** *** *** Remove &Filter
*** *** *** Sort &Ascending
*** *** *** Sort &Descending

*** *** Query Grid Pane(9)
*** *** *** E&xecute SQL
*** *** *** Add &Group By
*** *** *** Change T&ype(6)
*** *** *** *** &Select
*** *** *** *** Insert &Results...
*** *** *** *** Insert &Values
*** *** *** *** &Update
*** *** *** *** &Delete
*** *** *** *** &Make Table...

*** *** *** Cu&t
*** *** *** Cop&y
*** *** *** &Paste
*** *** *** &Delete
*** *** *** Pa&ne(4)
*** *** *** *** &Diagram
*** *** *** *** &Criteria
*** *** *** *** &SQL
*** *** *** *** &Results

*** *** *** C&lear Results

*** *** Query Results Pane(7)
*** *** *** E&xecute SQL
*** *** *** Cu&t
*** *** *** Cop&y
*** *** *** &Paste
*** *** *** &Delete
*** *** *** Pa&ne(4)
*** *** *** *** &Diagram
*** *** *** *** &Criteria
*** *** *** *** &SQL
*** *** *** *** &Results

*** *** *** C&lear Results

*** *** Query SQL Pane(10)
*** *** *** E&xecute SQL
*** *** *** &Verify SQL Syntax
*** *** *** Change T&ype(6)
*** *** *** *** &Select
*** *** *** *** Insert &Results...
*** *** *** *** Insert &Values
*** *** *** *** &Update
*** *** *** *** &Delete
*** *** *** *** &Make Table...

*** *** *** Cu&t
*** *** *** Cop&y
*** *** *** &Paste
*** *** *** &Delete
*** *** *** Select &All
*** *** *** Pa&ne(4)
*** *** *** *** &Diagram
*** *** *** *** &Criteria
*** *** *** *** &SQL
*** *** *** *** &Results

*** *** *** C&lear Results

*** *** QuickConsole Window(3)
*** *** *** Cu&t
*** *** *** Cop&y
*** *** *** &Paste

*** *** Registers Window(2)
*** *** *** Cop&y
*** *** *** Select &All

*** *** Replace Regular Expression Builder(11)
*** *** *** 'Find What' Text
*** *** *** Tagged Expression 1
*** *** *** Tagged Expression 2
*** *** *** Tagged Expression 3
*** *** *** Tagged Expression 4
*** *** *** Tagged Expression 5
*** *** *** Tagged Expression 6
*** *** *** Tagged Expression 7
*** *** *** Tagged Expression 8
*** *** *** Tagged Expression 9
*** *** *** Complete Character List

*** *** ResListContext(1)
*** *** *** Sort By(10)
*** *** *** *** Column 1
*** *** *** *** Column 2
*** *** *** *** Column 3
*** *** *** *** Column 4
*** *** *** *** Column 5
*** *** *** *** Column 6
*** *** *** *** Column 7
*** *** *** *** Column 8
*** *** *** *** Column 9
*** *** *** *** Column 10

*** *** Results List(1)
*** *** *** Cop&y

*** *** SelectionContext(3)
*** *** *** Cop&y
*** *** *** Select &All
*** *** *** &Print...

*** *** Server Menu(10)
*** *** *** &Disconnect
*** *** *** &Start
*** *** *** Pa&use
*** *** *** S&top
*** *** *** R&esume
*** *** *** Rest&art
*** *** *** Searc&h...
*** *** *** &Filter
*** *** *** Re&fresh
*** *** *** P&roperties

*** *** SQL Files Editor Context(17)
*** *** *** Create a Region
*** *** *** Parse Regions
*** *** *** Add Debug Section
*** *** *** Cu&t
*** *** *** Cop&y
*** *** *** &Paste
*** *** *** &Connection(4)
*** *** *** *** &Connect...
*** *** *** *** &Disconnect
*** *** *** *** Disconnect &All Queries
*** *** *** *** C&hange Connection...

*** *** *** &Open Server in Object Explorer
*** *** *** E&xecute
*** *** *** Display Est&imated Execution Plan
*** *** *** Analyze Query in Database Engine Tunin&g Advisor
*** *** *** &Design Query in Editor...
*** *** *** Incl&ude Actual Execution Plan
*** *** *** Include C&lient Statistics
*** *** *** &Results To(3)
*** *** *** *** Results to Te&xt
*** *** *** *** Results to &Grid
*** *** *** *** Results to &File

*** *** *** Properties &Window
*** *** *** &Query Options...

*** *** SQL Mobile Category Context Menu(7)
*** *** *** New(2)
*** *** *** *** &Folder
*** *** *** *** &Template

*** *** *** &Search...
*** *** *** Cu&t
*** *** *** Cop&y
*** *** *** &Paste
*** *** *** Rena&me
*** *** *** &Delete

*** *** SQL Mobile Template Context Menu(9)
*** *** *** New(2)
*** *** *** *** &Folder
*** *** *** *** &Template

*** *** *** &Open
*** *** *** &Edit
*** *** *** &Search...
*** *** *** Cu&t
*** *** *** Cop&y
*** *** *** &Paste
*** *** *** Rena&me
*** *** *** &Delete

*** *** SQL Results Grid Tab Context(10)
*** *** *** Cop&y
*** *** *** Select &All
*** *** *** Select All
*** *** *** Clear All
*** *** *** Sa&ve Results As...
*** *** *** Page Set&up...
*** *** *** Print Previe&w...
*** *** *** &Print...
*** *** *** Print S&ubtopics...
*** *** *** Font

*** *** SQL Results Messages Tab Context(14)
*** *** *** Cu&t
*** *** *** Cop&y
*** *** *** Copy Diagra&m to Clipboard
*** *** *** &Paste
*** *** *** Rena&me
*** *** *** &Delete
*** *** *** D&elete from Database
*** *** *** Re&move
*** *** *** Sa&ve Results As...
*** *** *** Page Set&up...
*** *** *** Print Previe&w...
*** *** *** &Print...
*** *** *** Print S&ubtopics...
*** *** *** Font

*** *** SQL Server Category Context Menu(7)
*** *** *** New(2)
*** *** *** *** &Folder
*** *** *** *** &Template

*** *** *** &Search...
*** *** *** Cu&t
*** *** *** Cop&y
*** *** *** &Paste
*** *** *** Rena&me
*** *** *** &Delete

*** *** SQL Server script project connection node(12)
*** *** *** &New Query
*** *** *** &Delete
*** *** *** &Add Solution to Source Control...
*** *** *** Add S&elected Projects to Source Control...
*** *** *** Check &Out for Edit
*** *** *** Check &In
*** *** *** View Pending C&heckins
*** *** *** &Undo Checkout...
*** *** *** Get &Latest Version
*** *** *** &Get...
*** *** *** View &History
*** *** *** Properties &Window

*** *** SQL Server script project folder node(11)
*** *** *** &New Connection
*** *** *** &Add Solution to Source Control...
*** *** *** Add S&elected Projects to Source Control...
*** *** *** Check &Out for Edit
*** *** *** Check &In
*** *** *** View Pending C&heckins
*** *** *** &Undo Checkout...
*** *** *** Get &Latest Version
*** *** *** &Get...
*** *** *** View &History
*** *** *** Properties &Window

*** *** SQL Server script project folder node(15)
*** *** *** &New Query
*** *** *** &New Template
*** *** *** New &MDX Query
*** *** *** New &DMX Query
*** *** *** New &XMLA Query
*** *** *** &Add Solution to Source Control...
*** *** *** Add S&elected Projects to Source Control...
*** *** *** Check &Out for Edit
*** *** *** Check &In
*** *** *** View Pending C&heckins
*** *** *** &Undo Checkout...
*** *** *** Get &Latest Version
*** *** *** &Get...
*** *** *** View &History
*** *** *** Properties &Window

*** *** SQL Server script project folder node(10)
*** *** *** &Add Solution to Source Control...
*** *** *** Add S&elected Projects to Source Control...
*** *** *** Check &Out for Edit
*** *** *** Check &In
*** *** *** View Pending C&heckins
*** *** *** &Undo Checkout...
*** *** *** Get &Latest Version
*** *** *** &Get...
*** *** *** View &History
*** *** *** Properties &Window

*** *** SQL Server script project project node(16)
*** *** *** A&dd(9)
*** *** *** *** E&xisting Package
*** *** *** *** Add Existin&g Item...
*** *** *** *** New Fol&der
*** *** *** *** &New Connection
*** *** *** *** &New Query
*** *** *** *** &New Template
*** *** *** *** New &MDX Query
*** *** *** *** New &DMX Query
*** *** *** *** New &XMLA Query

*** *** *** &Save Selected Items
*** *** *** &Add Solution to Source Control...
*** *** *** Add S&elected Projects to Source Control...
*** *** *** Check &Out for Edit
*** *** *** Check &In
*** *** *** View Pending C&heckins
*** *** *** &Undo Checkout...
*** *** *** Get &Latest Version
*** *** *** &Get...
*** *** *** View &History
*** *** *** Cu&t
*** *** *** &Paste
*** *** *** &Delete
*** *** *** Rena&me
*** *** *** Properties &Window

*** *** SQL Server script project query node(14)
*** *** *** &Open
*** *** *** Cu&t
*** *** *** Cop&y
*** *** *** &Delete
*** *** *** Rena&me
*** *** *** Check &Out for Edit
*** *** *** Check &In
*** *** *** View Pending C&heckins
*** *** *** &Undo Checkout...
*** *** *** Get &Latest Version
*** *** *** &Compare...
*** *** *** &Get...
*** *** *** View &History
*** *** *** Properties &Window

*** *** SQL Server script project template node(8)
*** *** *** &Edit Template
*** *** *** &Open
*** *** *** &Script
*** *** *** Cu&t
*** *** *** Cop&y
*** *** *** &Delete
*** *** *** Rena&me
*** *** *** Properties &Window

*** *** SQL Server Template Context Menu(9)
*** *** *** New(2)
*** *** *** *** &Folder
*** *** *** *** &Template

*** *** *** &Open
*** *** *** &Edit
*** *** *** &Search...
*** *** *** Cu&t
*** *** *** Cop&y
*** *** *** &Paste
*** *** *** Rena&me
*** *** *** &Delete

*** *** SQL Templates Plan Context(3)
*** *** *** Cu&t
*** *** *** Cop&y
*** *** *** &Paste

*** *** Standard TreeGrid context menu(2)
*** *** *** &Columns...
*** *** *** &Sort...

*** *** Stub Project(8)
*** *** *** Re&load Project
*** *** *** Un&load Project
*** *** *** &Hide Folder
*** *** *** U&nhide Folders
*** *** *** Cu&t
*** *** *** &Paste
*** *** *** &Delete
*** *** *** Rena&me

*** *** Task List(8)
*** *** *** Cu&t
*** *** *** Cop&y
*** *** *** Copy Diagra&m to Clipboard
*** *** *** &Paste
*** *** *** Rena&me
*** *** *** &Delete
*** *** *** D&elete from Database
*** *** *** Re&move

*** *** Test Menu(8)
*** *** *** change
*** *** *** Process(1)
*** *** *** *** change

*** *** *** Writeback Options(1)
*** *** *** *** change

*** *** *** Rena&me
*** *** *** &Delete
*** *** *** Searc&h...
*** *** *** Re&fresh
*** *** *** P&roperties

*** *** Text Annotation(5)
*** *** *** Cu&t
*** *** *** Cop&y
*** *** *** &Paste
*** *** *** Select &All
*** *** *** Set Text Annotation &Font...

*** *** Threads Window(2)
*** *** *** Cop&y
*** *** *** Select &All

*** *** TocContext(2)
*** *** *** &Print...
*** *** *** Print S&ubtopics...

*** *** Toolbox(14)
*** *** *** Cu&t
*** *** *** Cop&y
*** *** *** &Paste
*** *** *** &Delete
*** *** *** &Rename Item
*** *** *** &List View
*** *** *** &Show All
*** *** *** Choose &Items...
*** *** *** S&ort Items Alphabetically
*** *** *** &Add Tab
*** *** *** &Delete Tab
*** *** *** &Rename Tab
*** *** *** Move &Up
*** *** *** Move Do&wn

*** *** Topic Menu(8)
*** *** *** &Open
*** *** *** Open in &New Window
*** *** *** Cop&y
*** *** *** A&dd to Help Favorites
*** *** *** Copy Shor&tcut
*** *** *** Open &Source
*** *** *** O&pen Source in New Window
*** *** *** Show &Abstract

*** *** Topic Source Menu(6)
*** *** *** &Open
*** *** *** Open in &New Window
*** *** *** Cop&y
*** *** *** A&dd to Help Favorites
*** *** *** Copy Shor&tcut
*** *** *** Show &Abstract

*** *** Watch Window(4)
*** *** *** Cu&t
*** *** *** Cop&y
*** *** *** &Paste
*** *** *** Select &All

*** *** Wild Card Expression Builder(7)
*** *** *** ** Zero or more of any character
*** *** *** ?* Any single character
*** *** *** * Any single digit
*** *** *** [ ]* Any one character in the set
*** *** *** [! ]* Any one character not in the set
*** *** *** \* Escape Special Character
*** *** *** Complete Character List

*** *** Wild Card Expression Builder(2)
*** *** *** 'Find What' Text
*** *** *** Complete Character List

*** *** XMLA Files Editor Context(10)
*** *** *** Cu&t
*** *** *** Cop&y
*** *** *** &Paste
*** *** *** &Connection(4)
*** *** *** *** &Connect...
*** *** *** *** &Disconnect
*** *** *** *** Disconnect &All Queries
*** *** *** *** C&hange Connection...

*** *** *** &Open Server in Object Explorer
*** *** *** E&xecute
*** *** *** Display Est&imated Execution Plan
*** *** *** Analyze Query in Database Engine Tunin&g Advisor
*** *** *** Properties &Window
*** *** *** &Query Options...

*** *** XMLA Results Grid Tab Context(4)
*** *** *** Cop&y
*** *** *** Select &All
*** *** *** Select All
*** *** *** Clear All

*** *** XMLA Results Messages Tab Context(8)
*** *** *** Cu&t
*** *** *** Cop&y
*** *** *** Copy Diagra&m to Clipboard
*** *** *** &Paste
*** *** *** Rena&me
*** *** *** &Delete
*** *** *** D&elete from Database
*** *** *** Re&move

Text Editor
*** &List Members
*** &Parameter Info
*** &Quick Info
*** Complete &Word
*** &Decrease Line Indent
*** &Increase Line Indent
*** Co&mment Selection
*** Uncomm&ent Selection
*** &Toggle Bookmark
*** &Previous Bookmark
*** Next &Bookmark
*** Previous Bookmark In F&older
*** Next Bookmark In &Folder
*** P&revious Bookmark In Document
*** N&ext Bookmark In Document
*** &Clear Bookmarks

Source Control
*** Change Source C&ontrol...
*** Get &Latest Version
*** &Get...
*** Chec&k Out for Edit
*** Check &In
*** &Undo Checkout...
*** View &History
*** &Refresh Status
*** &Share...
*** &Compare...
*** &Properties...
*** Lau&nch Perforce SCM

*** &Back
*** &Forward
*** &Stop
*** &Refresh
*** Online* S&earch
*** &Text Size
*** How &Do I(24)
*** *** How Do I Page 0
*** *** How Do I Page 1
*** *** How Do I Page 2
*** *** How Do I Page 3
*** *** How Do I Page 4
*** *** How Do I Page 5
*** *** How Do I Page 6
*** *** How Do I Page 7
*** *** How Do I Page 8
*** *** How Do I Page 9
*** *** How Do I Page 10
*** *** How Do I Page 11
*** *** How Do I Page 12
*** *** How Do I Page 13
*** *** How Do I Page 14
*** *** How Do I Page 15
*** *** How Do I Page 16
*** *** How Do I Page 17
*** *** How Do I Page 18
*** *** How Do I Page 19
*** *** How Do I Page 20
*** *** How Do I Page 21
*** *** How Do I Page 22
*** *** How Do I Page 23

*** &Search
*** &Index
*** &Contents
*** Hel&p Favorites
*** A&dd to Help Favorites
*** Sav&e Search
*** Sync with &Table of Contents
*** &Ask a Question
*** Check &Question Status
*** Send &Feedback

Query Designer
*** &Diagram
*** &Criteria
*** &SQL
*** &Results
*** Change T&ype(6)
*** *** &Select
*** *** Insert &Results...
*** *** Insert &Values
*** *** &Update
*** *** &Delete
*** *** &Make Table...

*** E&xecute SQL
*** &Verify SQL Syntax
*** Add &Group By
*** Add Ta&ble...
*** Add New De&rived Table

View Designer
*** &Diagram
*** &Criteria
*** &SQL
*** &Results
*** E&xecute SQL
*** &Verify SQL Syntax
*** Add &Group By
*** Add Ta&ble...
*** Add New De&rived Table

Database Diagram
*** New &Table...
*** Add Ta&ble...
*** Add &Related Tables
*** D&elete from Database
*** Remo&ve from Diagram
*** Generate Change &Script...
*** Set Primary Ke&y
*** &New Text Annotation
*** Table V&iew(6)
*** *** &Standard
*** *** &Column Names
*** *** &Keys
*** *** &Name Only
*** *** C&ustom
*** *** &Modify Custom ...

*** Show Relationship &Labels
*** &View Page Breaks
*** Re&calculate Page Breaks
*** A&utosize Selected Tables
*** &Arrange Selection
*** Arran&ge Tables
*** &Zoom...
*** Relations&hips...
*** &Indexes/Keys...
*** &Fulltext Index...
*** &XML Indexes...
*** Check C&onstraints...

Table Designer
*** Generate Change &Script...
*** Set Primary Ke&y
*** Relations&hips...
*** &Indexes/Keys...
*** &Fulltext Index...
*** &XML Indexes...
*** Check C&onstraints...

*** &Connect...
*** &Disconnect
*** C&hange Connection...
*** Available Da&tabases
*** E&xecute
*** P&arse
*** Ca&ncel Executing Query
*** Display Est&imated Execution Plan
*** Analyze Query in Database Engine Tunin&g Advisor
*** &Design Query in Editor...
*** &Specify Values for Template Parameters...
*** Incl&ude Actual Execution Plan
*** Include C&lient Statistics
*** SQLC&MD Mode
*** Results to Te&xt
*** Results to &Grid
*** Results to &File
*** Co&mment Selection
*** Uncomm&ent Selection
*** &Decrease Line Indent
*** &Increase Line Indent

*** &Connect...
*** &Disconnect
*** C&hange Connection...
*** Available Da&tabases
*** E&xecute
*** P&arse
*** Ca&ncel Executing Query
*** &Specify Values for Template Parameters...
*** Co&mment Selection
*** Uncomm&ent Selection
*** &Decrease Line Indent
*** &Increase Line Indent

*** &Connect...
*** &Disconnect
*** C&hange Connection...
*** E&xecute
*** Ca&ncel Executing Query
*** Display Est&imated Execution Plan
*** Incl&ude Actual Execution Plan
*** &Specify Values for Template Parameters...
*** Results to Te&xt
*** Results to &Grid
*** Results to &File
*** Co&mment Selection
*** Uncomm&ent Selection
*** &Decrease Line Indent
*** &Increase Line Indent

Project Node
*** Edit Data&base
*** Generate Relational &Schema...
*** Validate &Database...
*** New &Data Source...
*** New Data Source &View...
*** New D&imension...
*** New &Linked Dimension...
*** New &Cube...
*** New &Mining Structure...
*** &New DTS Package
*** Import/Export &Wizard...
*** New Assembly &Reference...
*** New &Role
*** &Sort by name

Folder Node
*** New &Data Source...
*** New Data Source &View...
*** New D&imension...
*** New &Linked Dimension...
*** New &Cube...
*** New &Mining Structure...
*** &New DTS Package
*** Import/Export &Wizard...
*** New Assembly &Reference...
*** New &Role
*** &Sort by name
*** &Paste

Data Mining Training
*** &Edit Mining Model
*** &Edit
*** &Edit...
*** Cu&t
*** Cop&y
*** Copy Diagra&m to Clipboard
*** &Paste
*** Rena&me
*** &Delete
*** D&elete from Database
*** Re&move

Data Mining
*** Process Mining Structure and &All Models...
*** &Process Model...
*** Bro&wse Model
*** N&ew Mining Model...
*** Create a Data Mining Di&mension...
*** &Set Algorithm Parameters...
*** Add a Co&lumn...
*** Add a &Nested Table...
*** Define Mining Structure Cube &Slice...
*** Define Nes&ted Table Cube Slice...
*** Cu&t
*** Cop&y
*** Copy Diagra&m to Clipboard
*** &Paste
*** Rena&me
*** &Delete
*** D&elete from Database
*** Re&move

Association Viewer List Header
*** Sort &Ascending
*** Sort &Decending
*** Drill &Through
*** Cu&t
*** Cop&y
*** Copy Diagra&m to Clipboard
*** &Paste
*** Rena&me
*** &Delete
*** D&elete from Database
*** Re&move

Data Mining
*** Cu&t
*** Cop&y
*** Copy Diagra&m to Clipboard
*** &Paste
*** Rena&me
*** &Delete
*** D&elete from Database
*** Re&move

Cluster Viewer Profiles
*** &Show Legend
*** Hide Le&gend
*** &Hide Column
*** &Rename Cluster...
*** Drill &Through
*** &Copy Graph View
*** Copy &Entire Graph
*** Cu&t
*** Cop&y
*** Copy Diagra&m to Clipboard
*** &Paste
*** Rena&me
*** &Delete
*** D&elete from Database
*** Re&move

Tree Viewer
*** &Show Legend
*** Hide Le&gend
*** Ex&pand
*** Co&llapse
*** Expand &All descendants
*** Collapse &All descendants
*** Drill &Through
*** H&ide Node
*** &Copy Graph View
*** Copy &Entire Graph

Query Builder
*** Desi&gn
*** &Query
*** &Result
*** Single&ton Query
*** S&ave Query Result...
*** &Select Mining Model...
*** &Select Mining Structure...
*** Select &Case Table...
*** Select &Nested Table...
*** R&emove Table
*** Modify &Join...
*** &Modify Connections...
*** Cu&t
*** Cop&y
*** Copy Diagra&m to Clipboard
*** &Paste
*** Rena&me
*** &Delete
*** D&elete from Database
*** Re&move

Cluster Viewer Diagram
*** &Rename Cluster...
*** Drill &Through
*** &Copy Graph View
*** Copy &Entire Graph

Neural Network Viewer
*** Cu&t
*** Cop&y
*** Copy Diagra&m to Clipboard
*** &Paste
*** Rena&me
*** &Delete
*** D&elete from Database
*** Re&move

Result Grid
*** Desi&gn
*** &Query
*** &Result
*** Copy &All
*** Cu&t
*** Cop&y
*** Copy Diagra&m to Clipboard
*** &Paste
*** Rena&me
*** &Delete
*** D&elete from Database
*** Re&move

Query Builder Switch View
*** Desi&gn
*** &Query
*** &Result

Dependency Network Viewer
*** H&ide Node
*** &Copy Graph View
*** Copy &Entire Graph

Mapping Surface
*** &Select Mining Model...
*** &Select Mining Structure...
*** Select &Case Table...
*** Select &Nested Table...
*** R&emove Table
*** Modify &Join...
*** &Modify Connections...

*** &Legend
*** &Bar Chart
*** &Column Chart
*** &Pie Chart

*** Copy &All
*** Cu&t
*** Cop&y
*** Copy Diagra&m to Clipboard
*** &Paste
*** Rena&me
*** &Delete
*** D&elete from Database
*** Re&move

*** Cu&t
*** Cop&y
*** Copy Diagra&m to Clipboard
*** &Paste
*** Rena&me
*** &Delete
*** D&elete from Database
*** Re&move
*** Rena&me

*** Start New &Hierarchy
*** Create &Level
*** Create &Parent-Child Level
*** Create Attribute &Relationship
*** Set Attribute &Usage(4)
*** *** &Regular
*** *** &Key
*** *** &Parent
*** *** &Account type

*** Show Attributes &in(3)
*** *** &Tree
*** *** &List
*** *** &Grid

*** Cu&t
*** Cop&y
*** Copy Diagra&m to Clipboard
*** &Paste
*** Rena&me
*** &Delete
*** D&elete from Database
*** Re&move
*** Rena&me

Attribute Pane View Type
*** &Tree
*** &List
*** &Grid

Calculated Members
*** Add to &Query
*** Add to &Filter
*** New Ca&lculated Cell
*** New Calculated &Member
*** New Acti&on
*** New Reporting Act&ion
*** New &Drillthrough Action
*** New &Named Set
*** New Sc&ript Command
*** New &KPI
*** &Edit
*** Cu&t
*** Cop&y
*** Copy Diagra&m to Clipboard
*** &Paste
*** Rena&me
*** &Delete
*** D&elete from Database
*** Re&move

MDX Menu
*** Query &Parameters
*** P&repare Query
*** &Execute Query
*** &Cancel Query

MDX Design Menu
*** Cu&t
*** Cop&y
*** Copy Diagra&m to Clipboard
*** &Paste
*** Rena&me
*** &Delete
*** D&elete from Database
*** Re&move
*** &Include Empty Cells
*** &Auto Execute
*** &Show Aggregations in Preview Results
*** P&repare Query
*** &Execute Query
*** &Cancel Query
*** &Clear Grid

Dimension Browser Menu
*** Create &Sibling
*** Create &Child
*** Cu&t
*** Cop&y
*** Copy Diagra&m to Clipboard
*** &Paste
*** Rena&me
*** &Delete
*** D&elete from Database
*** Re&move
*** Rena&me
*** Move &Up
*** Move &Down
*** &Increase Indent
*** Decrease I&ndent
*** &Filter Members ...
*** Expand &All
*** Co&llapse All
*** E&xpand Member
*** Colla&pse Member
*** &Writeback

Time attribute sources
*** &New Attribute from Time Period
*** Cu&t
*** Cop&y
*** Copy Diagra&m to Clipboard
*** &Paste
*** Rena&me
*** &Delete
*** D&elete from Database
*** Re&move

*** Add to &Query
*** Add to &Filter
*** Cop&y

*** &New Measure...
*** New Measure &Group...
*** Show Measures &in(2)
*** *** &Tree
*** *** &Grid

*** Rena&me
*** &Delete
*** Move &Up
*** Move D&own
*** New &Linked Object...

Cube Dimensions
*** Add &Cube Dimension...
*** &Edit Dimension
*** Rena&me
*** &Delete
*** Move &Up
*** Move D&own
*** New &Linked Object...

*** &Edit Dimension

*** &New Measure...
*** New Measure &Group...
*** Show Measures &in(2)
*** *** &Tree
*** *** &Grid

*** New &Linked Object...

*** Add &Cube Dimension...
*** New &Linked Object...

*** New Ca&lculated Cell
*** New Calculated &Member
*** New Acti&on
*** New Reporting Act&ion
*** New &Drillthrough Action
*** New &Named Set
*** New Sc&ript Command
*** New &KPI
*** Move &Up
*** Move D&own
*** &Delete

*** Cop&y

*** Cop&y
*** &Filter Members...

*** &Add Template

Attribute Grid
*** &Delete

Filter Grid
*** &Paste
*** &Delete
*** Move &Up
*** Move D&own

&Pivot table
*** Cu&t
*** Cop&y
*** Copy Diagra&m to Clipboard
*** &Paste
*** Rena&me
*** &Delete
*** D&elete from Database
*** Re&move
*** Auto &Filter
*** &Export to Microsoft Excel
*** Remo&ve Field
*** Remo&ve Total
*** &Subtotal
*** Drop Areas
*** Show Empty &Cells
*** Pivot Action 1
*** Pivot Action 2
*** Pivot Action 3
*** Pivot Action 4
*** Pivot Action 5
*** Pivot Action 6
*** Pivot Action 7
*** Pivot Action 8
*** Pivot Action 9
*** Pivot Action 10
*** Pivot Action 11
*** Pivot Action 12
*** Pivot Action 13
*** Pivot Action 14
*** Pivot Action 15
*** Pivot Action 16
*** Pivot Action 17
*** Pivot Action 18
*** Pivot Action 19
*** Pivot Action 20
*** Sor&t Ascending
*** Sort Desce&nding
*** Clear Custom Ordering
*** &Expand Items
*** Collapse &Items
*** Drill Through
*** Show &Details
*** Hide De&tails
*** Sho&w Only the Top(11)
*** *** 1
*** *** 2
*** *** 5
*** *** 10
*** *** 25
*** *** 1%
*** *** 2%
*** *** 5%
*** *** 10%
*** *** 25%
*** *** &Other

*** Show Only the &Bottom(11)
*** *** 1
*** *** 2
*** *** 5
*** *** 10
*** *** 25
*** *** 1%
*** *** 2%
*** *** 5%
*** *** 10%
*** *** 25%
*** *** &Other

*** Filter by &Selection
*** Show &As(6)
*** *** &Normal
*** *** Percent of &Row Total
*** *** Percent of &Column Total
*** *** Percent of &Parent Row Item
*** *** Percent of P&arent Column Item
*** *** Percent of &Grand Total

*** Group Items
*** Ungroup Items
*** Move to &Row Area
*** Move to Col&umn Area
*** Move to &Filter Area
*** &Move to Detail
*** Show Properties in Report(22)
*** *** Show All Properties in Report
*** *** Hide All Properties in Report
*** *** Pivot Property A 1
*** *** Pivot Property A 2
*** *** Pivot Property A 3
*** *** Pivot Property A 4
*** *** Pivot Property A 5
*** *** Pivot Property A 6
*** *** Pivot Property A 7
*** *** Pivot Property A 8
*** *** Pivot Property A 9
*** *** Pivot Property A 10
*** *** Pivot Property A 11
*** *** Pivot Property A 12
*** *** Pivot Property A 13
*** *** Pivot Property A 14
*** *** Pivot Property A 15
*** *** Pivot Property A 16
*** *** Pivot Property A 17
*** *** Pivot Property A 18
*** *** Pivot Property A 19
*** *** Pivot Property A 20

*** Show Properties in Screen Tips(22)
*** *** Show All Properties in Screen Tips
*** *** Hide All Properties in Screen Tips
*** *** Pivot Property B 1
*** *** Pivot Property B 2
*** *** Pivot Property B 3
*** *** Pivot Property B 4
*** *** Pivot Property B 5
*** *** Pivot Property B 6
*** *** Pivot Property B 7
*** *** Pivot Property B 8
*** *** Pivot Property B 9
*** *** Pivot Property B 10
*** *** Pivot Property B 11
*** *** Pivot Property B 12
*** *** Pivot Property B 13
*** *** Pivot Property B 14
*** *** Pivot Property B 15
*** *** Pivot Property B 16
*** *** Pivot Property B 17
*** *** Pivot Property B 18
*** *** Pivot Property B 19
*** *** Pivot Property B 20

*** Commands and &Options ...
*** Design &mode

Show Only
*** Sho&w Only the Top(11)
*** *** 1
*** *** 2
*** *** 5
*** *** 10
*** *** 25
*** *** 1%
*** *** 2%
*** *** 5%
*** *** 10%
*** *** 25%
*** *** &Other

*** Show Only the &Bottom(11)
*** *** 1
*** *** 2
*** *** 5
*** *** 10
*** *** 25
*** *** 1%
*** *** 2%
*** *** 5%
*** *** 10%
*** *** 25%
*** *** &Other

&Metadata browser
*** Add to Data Area
*** Add to Column Area
*** Add to Row Area
*** Add to Subcube Area
*** Add to Filter Area
*** Cop&y
*** &Filter Members...

Menu for watch window
*** Edit &MDX
*** E&xecute MDX
*** Cu&t
*** Cop&y
*** Copy Diagra&m to Clipboard
*** &Paste
*** Rena&me
*** &Delete
*** D&elete from Database
*** Re&move
*** &List Members
*** Complete &Word
*** Quick &Find
*** Quick &Replace
*** &Security Context...
*** Highlight Changed Ce&lls

&Pivot table
*** Add &Cube Dimension...
*** New &Linked Object...
*** Cu&t
*** Cop&y
*** Copy Diagra&m to Clipboard
*** &Paste
*** Rena&me
*** &Delete
*** D&elete from Database
*** Re&move
*** Rena&me

Text editor Menu for debugger
*** Cu&t
*** Cop&y
*** Copy Diagra&m to Clipboard
*** &Paste
*** Rena&me
*** &Delete
*** D&elete from Database
*** Re&move
*** &List Members
*** Complete &Word
*** Quick &Find
*** Quick &Replace

DSV Background context menu
*** New Named &Query...
*** Add/Remo&ve Tables...
*** New Relationshi&p...
*** Generate &Cube
*** Show &Tables...
*** Sh&ow All Tables
*** Show Only &Used Tables
*** Show &Friendly Names
*** Select &All
*** F&ind Table...
*** &Arrange Tables
*** &Switch to Rectangular Layout
*** &Switch to Diagonal Layout
*** Refres&h...
*** Sho&w Data Source View in(2)
*** *** &Diagram
*** *** &Tree

*** Copy Dia&gram from(7)
*** *** Diagram 1
*** *** Diagram 2
*** *** Diagram 3
*** *** Diagram 4
*** *** Diagram 5
*** *** Diagram 6
*** *** Diagram 7

*** &Zoom(8)
*** *** 200%
*** *** 150%
*** *** 100%
*** *** 75%
*** *** 50%
*** *** 25%
*** *** 10%
*** *** To &Fit

DSV Table context menu
*** Edit &Unique Keys
*** New Named &Calculation...
*** New Relationshi&p...
*** &Edit Named Query...
*** Rep&lace Table(2)
*** *** With New Named &Query...
*** *** With Other &Table...

*** &Delete Table From DSV
*** &Show Related Tables
*** &Hide Table
*** E&xplore Data

DSV Relationship context menu
*** &Edit Relationship...
*** &Delete Relationship

DSV Column context menu
*** Set Logical Primary &Key
*** New Relationshi&p...
*** &Delete Logical Primary Key
*** &Edit Named Calculation...
*** &Delete Column
*** E&xplore Data

Embedded DSV Background context menu
*** Show &Tables...
*** Sh&ow All Tables
*** Show Only &Used Tables
*** Show &Friendly Names
*** Select &All
*** F&ind Table...
*** &Arrange Tables
*** &Switch to Rectangular Layout
*** &Switch to Diagonal Layout
*** &Edit Data Source View
*** Sho&w Data Source View in(2)
*** *** &Diagram
*** *** &Tree

*** Copy Dia&gram from(7)
*** *** Diagram 1
*** *** Diagram 2
*** *** Diagram 3
*** *** Diagram 4
*** *** Diagram 5
*** *** Diagram 6
*** *** Diagram 7

*** &Zoom(8)
*** *** 200%
*** *** 150%
*** *** 100%
*** *** 75%
*** *** 50%
*** *** 25%
*** *** 10%
*** *** To &Fit

Embedded DSV Table context menu
*** &Show Related Tables
*** &Hide Table
*** E&xplore Data
*** &Edit Data Source View
*** &New Measure Group from Table

Embedded DSV Column context menu
*** &New Measure from Column
*** &New Attribute from Column
*** E&xplore Data
*** &Edit Data Source View

Embedded DSV Relationship context menu
*** &Edit Data Source View

DSV Relationship Folder context menu
*** New Relationshi&p...

&DSV View
*** Show &Diagram View
*** Show Tree Vie&w

*** New Dia&gram
*** Move &Up
*** Move D&own
*** &Delete
*** Rena&me

Partition Editor context menu
*** Add B&usiness Intelligence...
*** &New Partition...
*** R&ename Partition
*** &Delete
*** Des&ign Aggregations...
*** &Storage Settings...
*** Writeback Settin&gs...
*** &Usage Based Optimization...
*** &Process...
*** Cop&y
*** &Paste

Translation context menu
*** &New Translation...
*** &Delete Translation
*** &New Translation...
*** &Delete Translation
*** New &Caption Column
*** &Edit Caption Column
*** De&lete Caption Column
*** &Show All Attributes

Perspective context menu
*** &New Perspective
*** &Delete Perspective

*** &New Translation...
*** &Delete

OutlookBar context menu
*** &Large Icons

Syntax Text Box
*** &Undo
*** &Redo
*** Cu&t
*** Cop&y
*** Copy Diagra&m to Clipboard
*** &Paste
*** Rena&me
*** &Delete
*** D&elete from Database
*** Re&move
*** &List Members
*** Complete &Word
*** Quick &Find
*** Quick &Replace

Measures Display
*** &Tree
*** &Grid

Calculations Display
*** &Script
*** &Form

KPIs Display
*** &Form
*** Bro&wser

Go to
*** &Form
*** Script Organi&zer
*** Action Organi&zer
*** KPI Organi&zer
*** F&unctions
*** &Metadata
*** &Templates

Docked Window
*** &Floating
*** Doc&kable
*** &Tabbed Document
*** &Auto Hide
*** &Hide

Menu Designer
*** &Undo
*** &Redo
*** Cu&t
*** Cop&y
*** &Paste
*** &Delete

Properties Window
*** &Description

*** Cu&t
*** Cop&y
*** &Paste
*** &Delete
*** &Rename Item
*** &List View
*** &Show All
*** Choose &Items...
*** S&ort Items Alphabetically
*** &Add Tab
*** &Delete Tab
*** &Rename Tab
*** Move &Up
*** Move Do&wn

Code Window
*** Marker Commands
*** &Open File
*** &View Data Grid
*** Cu&t
*** Cop&y
*** &Paste
*** Check &Out for Edit
*** Check &In
*** Leo's addin btn

Task List
*** Cu&t
*** Cop&y
*** Copy Diagra&m to Clipboard
*** &Paste
*** Rena&me
*** &Delete
*** D&elete from Database
*** Re&move

Results List
*** Cop&y

Stub Project
*** Re&load Project
*** Un&load Project
*** &Hide Folder
*** U&nhide Folders
*** Cu&t
*** &Paste
*** &Delete
*** Rena&me

No Commands Available
*** No Commands Available

Command Window
*** Cu&t
*** Cop&y
*** &Paste

AutoHidden Windows
*** AutoHidden Windows

Expansion Manager
*** Cop&y
*** Select &All

Find Regular Expression Builder
*** .* Any single character
*** ** Zero or more
*** +* One or more
*** ^* Beginning of line
*** $* End of line
*** <* Beginning of word
*** >* End of word
*** \n** Line break
*** [ ]* Any one character in the set
*** [^ ]* Any one character not in the set
*** *|* Or
*** \* Escape Special Character
*** { }* Tag expression
*** :i** C/C++ identifier
*** :q** Quoted string
*** :b** Space or Tab
*** :z** Integer
*** Complete Character List

Replace Regular Expression Builder
*** 'Find What' Text
*** Tagged Expression 1
*** Tagged Expression 2
*** Tagged Expression 3
*** Tagged Expression 4
*** Tagged Expression 5
*** Tagged Expression 6
*** Tagged Expression 7
*** Tagged Expression 8
*** Tagged Expression 9
*** Complete Character List

Wild Card Expression Builder
*** ** Zero or more of any character
*** ?* Any single character
*** * Any single digit
*** [ ]* Any one character in the set
*** [! ]* Any one character not in the set
*** \* Escape Special Character
*** Complete Character List

Wild Card Expression Builder
*** 'Find What' Text
*** Complete Character List

External Tools Arguments
*** Item Pat&h
*** &Item Directory
*** Item &File Name
*** Item E&xtension
*** C&urrent Line
*** Current &Column
*** Current &Text
*** T&arget Path
*** Ta&rget Directory
*** Tar&get Name
*** Targ&et Extension
*** &Project Directory
*** Project File &Name
*** &Solution Directory
*** Solution Fi&le Name

External Tools Directories
*** &Item Directory
*** Ta&rget Directory
*** &Project Directory
*** &Solution Directory

Easy MDI Tool Window
*** &Floating
*** Doc&kable
*** &Tabbed Document
*** &Auto Hide
*** &Hide
*** New Hori&zontal Tab Group
*** New &Vertical Tab Group
*** Move to Ne&xt Tab Group
*** Move to P&revious Tab Group

Easy MDI Document Window
*** &Save Selected Items
*** &Close
*** Close &All But This
*** Copy &Full Path
*** &Open Containing Folder
*** New Hori&zontal Tab Group
*** New &Vertical Tab Group
*** Move to Ne&xt Tab Group
*** Move to P&revious Tab Group

Easy MDI Dragging
*** New Hori&zontal Tab Group
*** New &Vertical Tab Group
*** Move to Ne&xt Tab Group
*** Move to P&revious Tab Group
*** C&ancel

Open Drop Down
*** &Open
*** Open &With...

Drag and Drop
*** &Move Here
*** &Copy Here
*** C&ancel

Bookmark Window
*** Delete
*** Rename
*** Enable All Bookmarks

EzMDI Files
*** EzMDI File List

Class View Context Menus
*** Class View Project(11)
*** *** Set as St&artUp Project
*** *** &Save Selected Items
*** *** &Add Solution to Source Control...
*** *** Add S&elected Projects to Source Control...
*** *** Check &Out for Edit
*** *** Check &In
*** *** View Pending C&heckins
*** *** &Undo Checkout...
*** *** Get &Latest Version
*** *** &Get...
*** *** View &History

*** Class View Item(11)
*** *** Check &Out for Edit
*** *** Check &In
*** *** View Pending C&heckins
*** *** &Undo Checkout...
*** *** Get &Latest Version
*** *** &Compare...
*** *** &Get...
*** *** View &History
*** *** Cop&y
*** *** Rena&me
*** *** &Delete

*** Class View Folder(4)
*** *** Cop&y
*** *** &Paste
*** *** Rena&me
*** *** &Delete

*** Class View Multi-select(11)
*** *** Check &Out for Edit
*** *** Check &In
*** *** View Pending C&heckins
*** *** &Undo Checkout...
*** *** Get &Latest Version
*** *** &Compare...
*** *** &Get...
*** *** View &History
*** *** Cop&y
*** *** Rena&me
*** *** &Delete

*** Class View Multi-select members(11)
*** *** Check &Out for Edit
*** *** Check &In
*** *** View Pending C&heckins
*** *** &Undo Checkout...
*** *** Get &Latest Version
*** *** &Compare...
*** *** &Get...
*** *** View &History
*** *** Cop&y
*** *** Rena&me
*** *** &Delete

*** Class View Member(11)
*** *** Check &Out for Edit
*** *** Check &In
*** *** View Pending C&heckins
*** *** &Undo Checkout...
*** *** Get &Latest Version
*** *** &Compare...
*** *** &Get...
*** *** View &History
*** *** Cop&y
*** *** Rena&me
*** *** &Delete

*** Class View Project Reference(1)
*** *** &Delete

Debugger Context Menus
*** Autos Window(4)
*** *** Cu&t
*** *** Cop&y
*** *** &Paste
*** *** Select &All

*** Call Stack Window(2)
*** *** Cop&y
*** *** Select &All

*** Data Tip Window(1)
*** *** Cop&y

*** Locals Window(4)
*** *** Cu&t
*** *** Cop&y
*** *** &Paste
*** *** Select &All

*** Memory Window(1)
*** *** Cop&y

*** Modules Window(2)
*** *** Cop&y
*** *** Select &All

*** Processes Window(2)
*** *** Cop&y
*** *** Select &All

*** QuickConsole Window(3)
*** *** Cu&t
*** *** Cop&y
*** *** &Paste

*** Registers Window(2)
*** *** Cop&y
*** *** Select &All

*** Threads Window(2)
*** *** Cop&y
*** *** Select &All

*** Watch Window(4)
*** *** Cu&t
*** *** Cop&y
*** *** &Paste
*** *** Select &All

Project and Solution Context Menus
*** Project(38)
*** *** Edit Data&base
*** *** Generate Relational &Schema...
*** *** Validate &Database...
*** *** New &Data Source...
*** *** New Data Source &View...
*** *** New D&imension...
*** *** New &Linked Dimension...
*** *** New &Cube...
*** *** New &Mining Structure...
*** *** &New DTS Package
*** *** Import/Export &Wizard...
*** *** New Assembly &Reference...
*** *** New &Role
*** *** &Sort by name
*** *** Show Dep&loyment Progress
*** *** &Process...
*** *** &Browse
*** *** Standalone &Browse
*** *** Re&fresh
*** *** A&dd(3)
*** *** *** E&xisting Package
*** *** *** Add Existin&g Item...
*** *** *** New Fol&der

*** *** Set as St&artUp Project
*** *** &Add Solution to Source Control...
*** *** Add S&elected Projects to Source Control...
*** *** Check &Out for Edit
*** *** Check &In
*** *** View Pending C&heckins
*** *** &Undo Checkout...
*** *** Get &Latest Version
*** *** &Get...
*** *** View &History
*** *** Cu&t
*** *** &Paste
*** *** &Delete
*** *** Rena&me
*** *** Re&load Project
*** *** Un&load Project
*** *** &Hide Folder
*** *** U&nhide Folders

*** Solution Folder(9)
*** *** A&dd(3)
*** *** *** &New Project...
*** *** *** &Existing Project...
*** *** *** Add Existin&g Item...

*** *** Cu&t
*** *** &Paste
*** *** &Delete
*** *** Rena&me
*** *** Re&load Project
*** *** Un&load Project
*** *** &Hide Folder
*** *** U&nhide Folders

*** Cross Project Solution Project(8)
*** *** &Add Solution to Source Control...
*** *** Check &Out for Edit
*** *** Check &In
*** *** View Pending C&heckins
*** *** &Undo Checkout...
*** *** Get &Latest Version
*** *** &Get...
*** *** View &History

*** Cross Project Solution Item(8)
*** *** &Add Solution to Source Control...
*** *** Check &Out for Edit
*** *** Check &In
*** *** View Pending C&heckins
*** *** &Undo Checkout...
*** *** Get &Latest Version
*** *** &Get...
*** *** View &History

*** Cross Project Project Item(10)
*** *** &Add Solution to Source Control...
*** *** Add S&elected Projects to Source Control...
*** *** Check &Out for Edit
*** *** Check &In
*** *** View Pending C&heckins
*** *** &Undo Checkout...
*** *** Get &Latest Version
*** *** &Get...
*** *** View &History
*** *** &Delete

*** Cross Project Multi Project(16)
*** *** &Add Solution to Source Control...
*** *** Add S&elected Projects to Source Control...
*** *** Check &Out for Edit
*** *** Check &In
*** *** View Pending C&heckins
*** *** &Undo Checkout...
*** *** Get &Latest Version
*** *** &Get...
*** *** View &History
*** *** Cu&t
*** *** Cop&y
*** *** &Delete
*** *** Re&load Project
*** *** Un&load Project
*** *** &Hide Folder
*** *** U&nhide Folders

*** Cross Project Multi Item(16)
*** *** &Open
*** *** View &XML
*** *** View &Editor
*** *** View in &Browser
*** *** Check &Out for Edit
*** *** Check &In
*** *** View Pending C&heckins
*** *** &Undo Checkout...
*** *** Get &Latest Version
*** *** &Compare...
*** *** &Get...
*** *** View &History
*** *** Exclude From Pro&ject
*** *** Cu&t
*** *** Cop&y
*** *** &Delete

*** Cross Project Multi Solution Folder(8)
*** *** Cu&t
*** *** &Paste
*** *** &Delete
*** *** Rena&me
*** *** Re&load Project
*** *** Un&load Project
*** *** &Hide Folder
*** *** U&nhide Folders

*** Cross Project Multi Project/Folder(7)
*** *** Cu&t
*** *** Cop&y
*** *** &Delete
*** *** Re&load Project
*** *** Un&load Project
*** *** &Hide Folder
*** *** U&nhide Folders

*** Item(26)
*** *** Set as St&artUp Object
*** *** E&xecute Package
*** *** &Process...
*** *** &Browse
*** *** Standalone &Browse
*** *** Re&fresh
*** *** &Open
*** *** &Save Selected Items
*** *** Add Business &Intelligence...
*** *** View &XML
*** *** View &Editor
*** *** View in &Browser
*** *** Check &Out for Edit
*** *** Check &In
*** *** View Pending C&heckins
*** *** &Undo Checkout...
*** *** Get &Latest Version
*** *** &Compare...
*** *** &Get...
*** *** View &History
*** *** Exclude From Pro&ject
*** *** Cu&t
*** *** Cop&y
*** *** &Delete
*** *** Rena&me
*** *** Reload with Upgrade

*** Folder(16)
*** *** View in &Browser
*** *** A&dd(3)
*** *** *** E&xisting Package
*** *** *** Add Existin&g Item...
*** *** *** New Fol&der

*** *** Check &Out for Edit
*** *** Check &In
*** *** View Pending C&heckins
*** *** &Undo Checkout...
*** *** Get &Latest Version
*** *** &Compare...
*** *** &Get...
*** *** View &History
*** *** Exclude From Pro&ject
*** *** Cu&t
*** *** Cop&y
*** *** &Paste
*** *** &Delete
*** *** Rena&me

*** Reference Item(2)
*** *** &Open
*** *** &Delete

*** Web Reference Folder(15)
*** *** View in &Browser
*** *** Check &Out for Edit
*** *** Check &In
*** *** View Pending C&heckins
*** *** &Undo Checkout...
*** *** Get &Latest Version
*** *** &Compare...
*** *** &Get...
*** *** View &History
*** *** Exclude From Pro&ject
*** *** Cu&t
*** *** Cop&y
*** *** &Paste
*** *** &Delete
*** *** Rena&me

*** App Designer Folder(9)
*** *** &Open
*** *** Check &Out for Edit
*** *** Check &In
*** *** View Pending C&heckins
*** *** &Undo Checkout...
*** *** Get &Latest Version
*** *** &Compare...
*** *** &Get...
*** *** View &History

*** Misc Files Project(5)
*** *** &Open File...
*** *** Cu&t
*** *** &Paste
*** *** &Delete
*** *** Rena&me

*** Solution(13)
*** *** A&dd(3)
*** *** *** &New Project...
*** *** *** &Existing Project...
*** *** *** Add Existin&g Item...

*** *** Set as St&artUp Project
*** *** &Add Solution to Source Control...
*** *** Check &Out for Edit
*** *** Check &In
*** *** View Pending C&heckins
*** *** &Undo Checkout...
*** *** Get &Latest Version
*** *** &Get...
*** *** View &History
*** *** &Paste
*** *** Rena&me
*** *** U&nhide Folders

Other Context Menus
*** Analysis Server Category Context Menu(7)
*** *** New(4)
*** *** *** &Folder
*** *** *** &DMX Template
*** *** *** &MDX Template
*** *** *** &XMLA Template

*** *** &Search...
*** *** Cu&t
*** *** Cop&y
*** *** &Paste
*** *** Rena&me
*** *** &Delete

*** Analysis Server Template Context Menu(9)
*** *** New(4)
*** *** *** &Folder
*** *** *** &DMX Template
*** *** *** &MDX Template
*** *** *** &XMLA Template

*** *** &Open
*** *** &Edit
*** *** &Search...
*** *** Cu&t
*** *** Cop&y
*** *** &Paste
*** *** Rena&me
*** *** &Delete

*** AnchorContext(6)
*** *** &Open Link
*** *** Open Link in &New Window
*** *** Open Link in &External Window
*** *** Save Target &As...
*** *** P&rint Target...
*** *** Proper&ties...

*** AutoHidden Windows(1)
*** *** AutoHidden Windows

*** Autos Window(4)
*** *** Cu&t
*** *** Cop&y
*** *** &Paste
*** *** Select &All

*** Bookmark Window(3)
*** *** Delete
*** *** Rename
*** *** Enable All Bookmarks

*** Call Stack Window(2)
*** *** Cop&y
*** *** Select &All

*** Checkin Dialog Context Menu(3)
*** *** Com&pare Versions...
*** *** &Columns...
*** *** &Sort...

*** Check Out Dialog Context Menu(4)
*** *** Force exclusive
*** *** Com&pare Versions...
*** *** &Columns...
*** *** &Sort...

*** Code Window(9)
*** *** Marker Commands
*** *** &Open File
*** *** &View Data Grid
*** *** Cu&t
*** *** Cop&y
*** *** &Paste
*** *** Check &Out for Edit
*** *** Check &In
*** *** Leo's addin btn

*** Command Window(3)
*** *** Cu&t
*** *** Cop&y
*** *** &Paste

*** Database Designer(11)
*** *** New &Table...
*** *** Add Ta&ble...
*** *** &New Text Annotation
*** *** &Paste
*** *** Select &All
*** *** Show Relationship &Labels
*** *** Arran&ge Tables
*** *** &Zoom(8)
*** *** *** 200%
*** *** *** 150%
*** *** *** 100%
*** *** *** 75%
*** *** *** 50%
*** *** *** 25%
*** *** *** 10%
*** *** *** To &Fit

*** *** &View Page Breaks
*** *** Re&calculate Page Breaks
*** *** Copy Diagra&m to Clipboard

*** Database Designer Relationship(1)
*** *** D&elete from Database

*** Database Designer Table(15)
*** *** Table V&iew(6)
*** *** *** &Standard
*** *** *** &Column Names
*** *** *** &Keys
*** *** *** &Name Only
*** *** *** C&ustom
*** *** *** &Modify Custom ...

*** *** Set Primary Ke&y
*** *** Insert Colu&mn
*** *** Delete Colum&n
*** *** D&elete from Database
*** *** Remo&ve from Diagram
*** *** Add &Related Tables
*** *** A&utosize Selected Tables
*** *** &Arrange Selection
*** *** Relations&hips...
*** *** &Indexes/Keys...
*** *** &Fulltext Index...
*** *** &XML Indexes...
*** *** Check C&onstraints...
*** *** Generate Change &Script...

*** Data Tip Window(1)
*** *** Cop&y

*** DefaultContext(14)
*** *** &Back
*** *** &Forward
*** *** &Save Background As...
*** *** &Copy Background
*** *** Select &All
*** *** Quick &Find
*** *** A&dd to Help Favorites
*** *** &View Source
*** *** &Encoding(7)
*** *** *** Auto-Select
*** *** *** Western European (Windows)
*** *** *** CpMRU1
*** *** *** CpMRU2
*** *** *** CpMRU3
*** *** *** CpMRU4
*** *** *** &More(33)
*** *** *** *** Arabic (ASMO-708)
*** *** *** *** Arabic (DOS)
*** *** *** *** Arabic (ISO)
*** *** *** *** Arabic (Windows)
*** *** *** *** Baltic (ISO)
*** *** *** *** Baltic (Windows)
*** *** *** *** Central European (DOS)
*** *** *** *** Central European (ISO)
*** *** *** *** Central European (Windows)
*** *** *** *** Chinese Simplified (GB2312)
*** *** *** *** Chinese Simplified (GB18030)
*** *** *** *** Chinese Traditional
*** *** *** *** Cyrillic (DOS)
*** *** *** *** Cyrillic (ISO)
*** *** *** *** Cyrillic (KOI8-R)
*** *** *** *** Cyrillic (Windows)
*** *** *** *** Greek (ISO)
*** *** *** *** Greek (Windows)
*** *** *** *** Hebrew (DOS)
*** *** *** *** Hebrew (ISO)
*** *** *** *** Hebrew (Windows)
*** *** *** *** Japanese (Auto Select)
*** *** *** *** Japanese (EUC)
*** *** *** *** Japanese (Shift-JIS)
*** *** *** *** Korean (Auto Select)
*** *** *** *** Thai (Windows)
*** *** *** *** Turkish (Windows)
*** *** *** *** Turkish (ISO)
*** *** *** *** Ukrainian (KOI8-RU)
*** *** *** *** User Defined
*** *** *** *** Unicode (UTF-8)
*** *** *** *** Vietnamese (Windows)
*** *** *** *** Western European (ISO)

*** *** Text Si&ze(5)
*** *** *** Lar&gest
*** *** *** &Larger
*** *** *** &Medium
*** *** *** &Smaller
*** *** *** Smalles&t

*** *** &Print...
*** *** &Refresh
*** *** &New Window
*** *** Proper&ties...

*** Docked Window(5)
*** *** &Floating
*** *** Doc&kable
*** *** &Tabbed Document
*** *** &Auto Hide
*** *** &Hide

*** Drag and Drop(3)
*** *** &Move Here
*** *** &Copy Here
*** *** C&ancel

*** Easy MDI Document Window(9)
*** *** &Save Selected Items
*** *** &Close
*** *** Close &All But This
*** *** Copy &Full Path
*** *** &Open Containing Folder
*** *** New Hori&zontal Tab Group
*** *** New &Vertical Tab Group
*** *** Move to Ne&xt Tab Group
*** *** Move to P&revious Tab Group

*** Easy MDI Dragging(5)
*** *** New Hori&zontal Tab Group
*** *** New &Vertical Tab Group
*** *** Move to Ne&xt Tab Group
*** *** Move to P&revious Tab Group
*** *** C&ancel

*** Easy MDI Tool Window(9)
*** *** &Floating
*** *** Doc&kable
*** *** &Tabbed Document
*** *** &Auto Hide
*** *** &Hide
*** *** New Hori&zontal Tab Group
*** *** New &Vertical Tab Group
*** *** Move to Ne&xt Tab Group
*** *** Move to P&revious Tab Group

*** Execution Plan Context(6)
*** *** Sa&ve Execution Plan As...
*** *** Zoom In
*** *** Zoom Out
*** *** Custom Zoom...
*** *** Zoom to Fit
*** *** P&roperties

*** Expansion Manager(2)
*** *** Cop&y
*** *** Select &All

*** External Tools Arguments(15)
*** *** Item Pat&h
*** *** &Item Directory
*** *** Item &File Name
*** *** Item E&xtension
*** *** C&urrent Line
*** *** Current &Column
*** *** Current &Text
*** *** T&arget Path
*** *** Ta&rget Directory
*** *** Tar&get Name
*** *** Targ&et Extension
*** *** &Project Directory
*** *** Project File &Name
*** *** &Solution Directory
*** *** Solution Fi&le Name

*** External Tools Directories(4)
*** *** &Item Directory
*** *** Ta&rget Directory
*** *** &Project Directory
*** *** &Solution Directory

*** EzMDI Files(1)
*** *** EzMDI File List

*** Favorites Window Context Menu(4)
*** *** Move Up
*** *** Move Down
*** *** Rename
*** *** &Delete

*** Find Regular Expression Builder(18)
*** *** .* Any single character
*** *** ** Zero or more
*** *** +* One or more
*** *** ^* Beginning of line
*** *** $* End of line
*** *** <* Beginning of word
*** *** >* End of word
*** *** \n** Line break
*** *** [ ]* Any one character in the set
*** *** [^ ]* Any one character not in the set
*** *** *|* Or
*** *** \* Escape Special Character
*** *** { }* Tag expression
*** *** :i** C/C++ identifier
*** *** :q** Quoted string
*** *** :b** Space or Tab
*** *** :z** Integer
*** *** Complete Character List

*** GetVersion Dialog Context Menu(4)
*** *** Com&pare Versions...
*** *** &Refresh
*** *** &Columns...
*** *** &Sort...

*** ImageContext(9)
*** *** &Open Link
*** *** Open Link in &New Window
*** *** Open Link in &External Window
*** *** Save Target &As...
*** *** P&rint Target...
*** *** S&how Picture
*** *** &Save Picture As...
*** *** Cop&y
*** *** Proper&ties...

*** Locals Window(4)
*** *** Cu&t
*** *** Cop&y
*** *** &Paste
*** *** Select &All

*** MDX Files Editor Context(10)
*** *** Cu&t
*** *** Cop&y
*** *** &Paste
*** *** &Connection(4)
*** *** *** &Connect...
*** *** *** &Disconnect
*** *** *** Disconnect &All Queries
*** *** *** C&hange Connection...

*** *** &Open Server in Object Explorer
*** *** E&xecute
*** *** Display Est&imated Execution Plan
*** *** Analyze Query in Database Engine Tunin&g Advisor
*** *** Properties &Window
*** *** &Query Options...

*** Memory Window(1)
*** *** Cop&y

*** Menu Designer(6)
*** *** &Undo
*** *** &Redo
*** *** Cu&t
*** *** Cop&y
*** *** &Paste
*** *** &Delete

*** Metadata(3)
*** *** Add to &Query
*** *** Add to &Filter
*** *** Cop&y

*** Modules Window(2)
*** *** Cop&y
*** *** Select &All

*** New Connection(1)
*** *** Re&fresh

*** No Commands Available(1)
*** *** No Commands Available

*** Open Drop Down(2)
*** *** &Open
*** *** Open &With...

*** Pending Checkin Window Context Menu(5)
*** *** Com&pare Versions...
*** *** &Open with Editor
*** *** &Undo Checkout...
*** *** &Columns...
*** *** &Sort...

*** Processes Window(2)
*** *** Cop&y
*** *** Select &All

*** Properties Window(1)
*** *** &Description

*** PropertyBrowser(3)
*** *** &Reset
*** *** &Commands
*** *** &Description

*** Query Diagram Join Line(3)
*** *** Re&move
*** *** Select All Ro&ws From
*** *** S&elect All Rows From

*** Query Diagram Multi-select(1)
*** *** Re&move

*** Query Diagram Pane(7)
*** *** E&xecute SQL
*** *** Add &Group By
*** *** Change T&ype(6)
*** *** *** &Select
*** *** *** Insert &Results...
*** *** *** Insert &Values
*** *** *** &Update
*** *** *** &Delete
*** *** *** &Make Table...

*** *** Add Ta&ble...
*** *** Add New De&rived Table
*** *** Pa&ne(4)
*** *** *** &Diagram
*** *** *** &Criteria
*** *** *** &SQL
*** *** *** &Results

*** *** C&lear Results

*** Query Diagram Table(4)
*** *** &Column Names
*** *** &Name Only
*** *** Select All Colu&mns
*** *** Re&move

*** Query Diagram Table Column(4)
*** *** Add to &Select
*** *** Remove &Filter
*** *** Sort &Ascending
*** *** Sort &Descending

*** Query Grid Pane(9)
*** *** E&xecute SQL
*** *** Add &Group By
*** *** Change T&ype(6)
*** *** *** &Select
*** *** *** Insert &Results...
*** *** *** Insert &Values
*** *** *** &Update
*** *** *** &Delete
*** *** *** &Make Table...

*** *** Cu&t
*** *** Cop&y
*** *** &Paste
*** *** &Delete
*** *** Pa&ne(4)
*** *** *** &Diagram
*** *** *** &Criteria
*** *** *** &SQL
*** *** *** &Results

*** *** C&lear Results

*** Query Results Pane(7)
*** *** E&xecute SQL
*** *** Cu&t
*** *** Cop&y
*** *** &Paste
*** *** &Delete
*** *** Pa&ne(4)
*** *** *** &Diagram
*** *** *** &Criteria
*** *** *** &SQL
*** *** *** &Results

*** *** C&lear Results

*** Query SQL Pane(10)
*** *** E&xecute SQL
*** *** &Verify SQL Syntax
*** *** Change T&ype(6)
*** *** *** &Select
*** *** *** Insert &Results...
*** *** *** Insert &Values
*** *** *** &Update
*** *** *** &Delete
*** *** *** &Make Table...

*** *** Cu&t
*** *** Cop&y
*** *** &Paste
*** *** &Delete
*** *** Select &All
*** *** Pa&ne(4)
*** *** *** &Diagram
*** *** *** &Criteria
*** *** *** &SQL
*** *** *** &Results

*** *** C&lear Results

*** QuickConsole Window(3)
*** *** Cu&t
*** *** Cop&y
*** *** &Paste

*** Registers Window(2)
*** *** Cop&y
*** *** Select &All

*** Replace Regular Expression Builder(11)
*** *** 'Find What' Text
*** *** Tagged Expression 1
*** *** Tagged Expression 2
*** *** Tagged Expression 3
*** *** Tagged Expression 4
*** *** Tagged Expression 5
*** *** Tagged Expression 6
*** *** Tagged Expression 7
*** *** Tagged Expression 8
*** *** Tagged Expression 9
*** *** Complete Character List

*** ResListContext(1)
*** *** Sort By(10)
*** *** *** Column 1
*** *** *** Column 2
*** *** *** Column 3
*** *** *** Column 4
*** *** *** Column 5
*** *** *** Column 6
*** *** *** Column 7
*** *** *** Column 8
*** *** *** Column 9
*** *** *** Column 10

*** Results List(1)
*** *** Cop&y

*** SelectionContext(3)
*** *** Cop&y
*** *** Select &All
*** *** &Print...

*** Server Menu(10)
*** *** &Disconnect
*** *** &Start
*** *** Pa&use
*** *** S&top
*** *** R&esume
*** *** Rest&art
*** *** Searc&h...
*** *** &Filter
*** *** Re&fresh
*** *** P&roperties

*** SQL Files Editor Context(17)
*** *** Create a Region
*** *** Parse Regions
*** *** Add Debug Section
*** *** Cu&t
*** *** Cop&y
*** *** &Paste
*** *** &Connection(4)
*** *** *** &Connect...
*** *** *** &Disconnect
*** *** *** Disconnect &All Queries
*** *** *** C&hange Connection...

*** *** &Open Server in Object Explorer
*** *** E&xecute
*** *** Display Est&imated Execution Plan
*** *** Analyze Query in Database Engine Tunin&g Advisor
*** *** &Design Query in Editor...
*** *** Incl&ude Actual Execution Plan
*** *** Include C&lient Statistics
*** *** &Results To(3)
*** *** *** Results to Te&xt
*** *** *** Results to &Grid
*** *** *** Results to &File

*** *** Properties &Window
*** *** &Query Options...

*** SQL Mobile Category Context Menu(7)
*** *** New(2)
*** *** *** &Folder
*** *** *** &Template

*** *** &Search...
*** *** Cu&t
*** *** Cop&y
*** *** &Paste
*** *** Rena&me
*** *** &Delete

*** SQL Mobile Template Context Menu(9)
*** *** New(2)
*** *** *** &Folder
*** *** *** &Template

*** *** &Open
*** *** &Edit
*** *** &Search...
*** *** Cu&t
*** *** Cop&y
*** *** &Paste
*** *** Rena&me
*** *** &Delete

*** SQL Results Grid Tab Context(10)
*** *** Cop&y
*** *** Select &All
*** *** Select All
*** *** Clear All
*** *** Sa&ve Results As...
*** *** Page Set&up...
*** *** Print Previe&w...
*** *** &Print...
*** *** Print S&ubtopics...
*** *** Font

*** SQL Results Messages Tab Context(14)
*** *** Cu&t
*** *** Cop&y
*** *** Copy Diagra&m to Clipboard
*** *** &Paste
*** *** Rena&me
*** *** &Delete
*** *** D&elete from Database
*** *** Re&move
*** *** Sa&ve Results As...
*** *** Page Set&up...
*** *** Print Previe&w...
*** *** &Print...
*** *** Print S&ubtopics...
*** *** Font

*** SQL Server Category Context Menu(7)
*** *** New(2)
*** *** *** &Folder
*** *** *** &Template

*** *** &Search...
*** *** Cu&t
*** *** Cop&y
*** *** &Paste
*** *** Rena&me
*** *** &Delete

*** SQL Server script project connection node(12)
*** *** &New Query
*** *** &Delete
*** *** &Add Solution to Source Control...
*** *** Add S&elected Projects to Source Control...
*** *** Check &Out for Edit
*** *** Check &In
*** *** View Pending C&heckins
*** *** &Undo Checkout...
*** *** Get &Latest Version
*** *** &Get...
*** *** View &History
*** *** Properties &Window

*** SQL Server script project folder node(11)
*** *** &New Connection
*** *** &Add Solution to Source Control...
*** *** Add S&elected Projects to Source Control...
*** *** Check &Out for Edit
*** *** Check &In
*** *** View Pending C&heckins
*** *** &Undo Checkout...
*** *** Get &Latest Version
*** *** &Get...
*** *** View &History
*** *** Properties &Window

*** SQL Server script project folder node(15)
*** *** &New Query
*** *** &New Template
*** *** New &MDX Query
*** *** New &DMX Query
*** *** New &XMLA Query
*** *** &Add Solution to Source Control...
*** *** Add S&elected Projects to Source Control...
*** *** Check &Out for Edit
*** *** Check &In
*** *** View Pending C&heckins
*** *** &Undo Checkout...
*** *** Get &Latest Version
*** *** &Get...
*** *** View &History
*** *** Properties &Window

*** SQL Server script project folder node(10)
*** *** &Add Solution to Source Control...
*** *** Add S&elected Projects to Source Control...
*** *** Check &Out for Edit
*** *** Check &In
*** *** View Pending C&heckins
*** *** &Undo Checkout...
*** *** Get &Latest Version
*** *** &Get...
*** *** View &History
*** *** Properties &Window

*** SQL Server script project project node(16)
*** *** A&dd(9)
*** *** *** E&xisting Package
*** *** *** Add Existin&g Item...
*** *** *** New Fol&der
*** *** *** &New Connection
*** *** *** &New Query
*** *** *** &New Template
*** *** *** New &MDX Query
*** *** *** New &DMX Query
*** *** *** New &XMLA Query

*** *** &Save Selected Items
*** *** &Add Solution to Source Control...
*** *** Add S&elected Projects to Source Control...
*** *** Check &Out for Edit
*** *** Check &In
*** *** View Pending C&heckins
*** *** &Undo Checkout...
*** *** Get &Latest Version
*** *** &Get...
*** *** View &History
*** *** Cu&t
*** *** &Paste
*** *** &Delete
*** *** Rena&me
*** *** Properties &Window

*** SQL Server script project query node(14)
*** *** &Open
*** *** Cu&t
*** *** Cop&y
*** *** &Delete
*** *** Rena&me
*** *** Check &Out for Edit
*** *** Check &In
*** *** View Pending C&heckins
*** *** &Undo Checkout...
*** *** Get &Latest Version
*** *** &Compare...
*** *** &Get...
*** *** View &History
*** *** Properties &Window

*** SQL Server script project template node(8)
*** *** &Edit Template
*** *** &Open
*** *** &Script
*** *** Cu&t
*** *** Cop&y
*** *** &Delete
*** *** Rena&me
*** *** Properties &Window

*** SQL Server Template Context Menu(9)
*** *** New(2)
*** *** *** &Folder
*** *** *** &Template

*** *** &Open
*** *** &Edit
*** *** &Search...
*** *** Cu&t
*** *** Cop&y
*** *** &Paste
*** *** Rena&me
*** *** &Delete

*** SQL Templates Plan Context(3)
*** *** Cu&t
*** *** Cop&y
*** *** &Paste

*** Standard TreeGrid context menu(2)
*** *** &Columns...
*** *** &Sort...

*** Stub Project(8)
*** *** Re&load Project
*** *** Un&load Project
*** *** &Hide Folder
*** *** U&nhide Folders
*** *** Cu&t
*** *** &Paste
*** *** &Delete
*** *** Rena&me

*** Task List(8)
*** *** Cu&t
*** *** Cop&y
*** *** Copy Diagra&m to Clipboard
*** *** &Paste
*** *** Rena&me
*** *** &Delete
*** *** D&elete from Database
*** *** Re&move

*** Test Menu(8)
*** *** change
*** *** Process(1)
*** *** *** change

*** *** Writeback Options(1)
*** *** *** change

*** *** Rena&me
*** *** &Delete
*** *** Searc&h...
*** *** Re&fresh
*** *** P&roperties

*** Text Annotation(5)
*** *** Cu&t
*** *** Cop&y
*** *** &Paste
*** *** Select &All
*** *** Set Text Annotation &Font...

*** Threads Window(2)
*** *** Cop&y
*** *** Select &All

*** TocContext(2)
*** *** &Print...
*** *** Print S&ubtopics...

*** Toolbox(14)
*** *** Cu&t
*** *** Cop&y
*** *** &Paste
*** *** &Delete
*** *** &Rename Item
*** *** &List View
*** *** &Show All
*** *** Choose &Items...
*** *** S&ort Items Alphabetically
*** *** &Add Tab
*** *** &Delete Tab
*** *** &Rename Tab
*** *** Move &Up
*** *** Move Do&wn

*** Topic Menu(8)
*** *** &Open
*** *** Open in &New Window
*** *** Cop&y
*** *** A&dd to Help Favorites
*** *** Copy Shor&tcut
*** *** Open &Source
*** *** O&pen Source in New Window
*** *** Show &Abstract

*** Topic Source Menu(6)
*** *** &Open
*** *** Open in &New Window
*** *** Cop&y
*** *** A&dd to Help Favorites
*** *** Copy Shor&tcut
*** *** Show &Abstract

*** Watch Window(4)
*** *** Cu&t
*** *** Cop&y
*** *** &Paste
*** *** Select &All

*** Wild Card Expression Builder(7)
*** *** ** Zero or more of any character
*** *** ?* Any single character
*** *** * Any single digit
*** *** [ ]* Any one character in the set
*** *** [! ]* Any one character not in the set
*** *** \* Escape Special Character
*** *** Complete Character List

*** Wild Card Expression Builder(2)
*** *** 'Find What' Text
*** *** Complete Character List

*** XMLA Files Editor Context(10)
*** *** Cu&t
*** *** Cop&y
*** *** &Paste
*** *** &Connection(4)
*** *** *** &Connect...
*** *** *** &Disconnect
*** *** *** Disconnect &All Queries
*** *** *** C&hange Connection...

*** *** &Open Server in Object Explorer
*** *** E&xecute
*** *** Display Est&imated Execution Plan
*** *** Analyze Query in Database Engine Tunin&g Advisor
*** *** Properties &Window
*** *** &Query Options...

*** XMLA Results Grid Tab Context(4)
*** *** Cop&y
*** *** Select &All
*** *** Select All
*** *** Clear All

*** XMLA Results Messages Tab Context(8)
*** *** Cu&t
*** *** Cop&y
*** *** Copy Diagra&m to Clipboard
*** *** &Paste
*** *** Rena&me
*** *** &Delete
*** *** D&elete from Database
*** *** Re&move

*** 200%
*** 150%
*** 100%
*** 75%
*** 50%
*** 25%
*** 10%
*** To &Fit

Class View Project
*** Set as St&artUp Project
*** &Save Selected Items
*** &Add Solution to Source Control...
*** Add S&elected Projects to Source Control...
*** Check &Out for Edit
*** Check &In
*** View Pending C&heckins
*** &Undo Checkout...
*** Get &Latest Version
*** &Get...
*** View &History

Class View Item
*** Check &Out for Edit
*** Check &In
*** View Pending C&heckins
*** &Undo Checkout...
*** Get &Latest Version
*** &Compare...
*** &Get...
*** View &History
*** Cop&y
*** Rena&me
*** &Delete

Class View Folder
*** Cop&y
*** &Paste
*** Rena&me
*** &Delete

Class View Multi-select
*** Check &Out for Edit
*** Check &In
*** View Pending C&heckins
*** &Undo Checkout...
*** Get &Latest Version
*** &Compare...
*** &Get...
*** View &History
*** Cop&y
*** Rena&me
*** &Delete

Class View Multi-select members
*** Check &Out for Edit
*** Check &In
*** View Pending C&heckins
*** &Undo Checkout...
*** Get &Latest Version
*** &Compare...
*** &Get...
*** View &History
*** Cop&y
*** Rena&me
*** &Delete

Class View Member
*** Check &Out for Edit
*** Check &In
*** View Pending C&heckins
*** &Undo Checkout...
*** Get &Latest Version
*** &Compare...
*** &Get...
*** View &History
*** Cop&y
*** Rena&me
*** &Delete

Class View Project Reference
*** &Delete

*** Edit Data&base
*** Generate Relational &Schema...
*** Validate &Database...
*** New &Data Source...
*** New Data Source &View...
*** New D&imension...
*** New &Linked Dimension...
*** New &Cube...
*** New &Mining Structure...
*** &New DTS Package
*** Import/Export &Wizard...
*** New Assembly &Reference...
*** New &Role
*** &Sort by name
*** Show Dep&loyment Progress
*** &Process...
*** &Browse
*** Standalone &Browse
*** Re&fresh
*** A&dd(3)
*** *** E&xisting Package
*** *** Add Existin&g Item...
*** *** New Fol&der

*** Set as St&artUp Project
*** &Add Solution to Source Control...
*** Add S&elected Projects to Source Control...
*** Check &Out for Edit
*** Check &In
*** View Pending C&heckins
*** &Undo Checkout...
*** Get &Latest Version
*** &Get...
*** View &History
*** Cu&t
*** &Paste
*** &Delete
*** Rena&me
*** Re&load Project
*** Un&load Project
*** &Hide Folder
*** U&nhide Folders

Solution Folder
*** A&dd(3)
*** *** &New Project...
*** *** &Existing Project...
*** *** Add Existin&g Item...

*** Cu&t
*** &Paste
*** &Delete
*** Rena&me
*** Re&load Project
*** Un&load Project
*** &Hide Folder
*** U&nhide Folders

Cross Project Solution Project
*** &Add Solution to Source Control...
*** Check &Out for Edit
*** Check &In
*** View Pending C&heckins
*** &Undo Checkout...
*** Get &Latest Version
*** &Get...
*** View &History

Cross Project Solution Item
*** &Add Solution to Source Control...
*** Check &Out for Edit
*** Check &In
*** View Pending C&heckins
*** &Undo Checkout...
*** Get &Latest Version
*** &Get...
*** View &History

Cross Project Project Item
*** &Add Solution to Source Control...
*** Add S&elected Projects to Source Control...
*** Check &Out for Edit
*** Check &In
*** View Pending C&heckins
*** &Undo Checkout...
*** Get &Latest Version
*** &Get...
*** View &History
*** &Delete

Cross Project Multi Project
*** &Add Solution to Source Control...
*** Add S&elected Projects to Source Control...
*** Check &Out for Edit
*** Check &In
*** View Pending C&heckins
*** &Undo Checkout...
*** Get &Latest Version
*** &Get...
*** View &History
*** Cu&t
*** Cop&y
*** &Delete
*** Re&load Project
*** Un&load Project
*** &Hide Folder
*** U&nhide Folders

Cross Project Multi Item
*** &Open
*** View &XML
*** View &Editor
*** View in &Browser
*** Check &Out for Edit
*** Check &In
*** View Pending C&heckins
*** &Undo Checkout...
*** Get &Latest Version
*** &Compare...
*** &Get...
*** View &History
*** Exclude From Pro&ject
*** Cu&t
*** Cop&y
*** &Delete

Cross Project Multi Solution Folder
*** Cu&t
*** &Paste
*** &Delete
*** Rena&me
*** Re&load Project
*** Un&load Project
*** &Hide Folder
*** U&nhide Folders

Cross Project Multi Project/Folder
*** Cu&t
*** Cop&y
*** &Delete
*** Re&load Project
*** Un&load Project
*** &Hide Folder
*** U&nhide Folders

*** Set as St&artUp Object
*** E&xecute Package
*** &Process...
*** &Browse
*** Standalone &Browse
*** Re&fresh
*** &Open
*** &Save Selected Items
*** Add Business &Intelligence...
*** View &XML
*** View &Editor
*** View in &Browser
*** Check &Out for Edit
*** Check &In
*** View Pending C&heckins
*** &Undo Checkout...
*** Get &Latest Version
*** &Compare...
*** &Get...
*** View &History
*** Exclude From Pro&ject
*** Cu&t
*** Cop&y
*** &Delete
*** Rena&me
*** Reload with Upgrade

*** View in &Browser
*** A&dd(3)
*** *** E&xisting Package
*** *** Add Existin&g Item...
*** *** New Fol&der

*** Check &Out for Edit
*** Check &In
*** View Pending C&heckins
*** &Undo Checkout...
*** Get &Latest Version
*** &Compare...
*** &Get...
*** View &History
*** Exclude From Pro&ject
*** Cu&t
*** Cop&y
*** &Paste
*** &Delete
*** Rena&me

Reference Item
*** &Open
*** &Delete

Web Reference Folder
*** View in &Browser
*** Check &Out for Edit
*** Check &In
*** View Pending C&heckins
*** &Undo Checkout...
*** Get &Latest Version
*** &Compare...
*** &Get...
*** View &History
*** Exclude From Pro&ject
*** Cu&t
*** Cop&y
*** &Paste
*** &Delete
*** Rena&me

App Designer Folder
*** &Open
*** Check &Out for Edit
*** Check &In
*** View Pending C&heckins
*** &Undo Checkout...
*** Get &Latest Version
*** &Compare...
*** &Get...
*** View &History

Misc Files Project
*** &Open File...
*** Cu&t
*** &Paste
*** &Delete
*** Rena&me

*** A&dd(3)
*** *** &New Project...
*** *** &Existing Project...
*** *** Add Existin&g Item...

*** Set as St&artUp Project
*** &Add Solution to Source Control...
*** Check &Out for Edit
*** Check &In
*** View Pending C&heckins
*** &Undo Checkout...
*** Get &Latest Version
*** &Get...
*** View &History
*** &Paste
*** Rena&me
*** U&nhide Folders

SSIS Designer
*** &Edit...
*** Show &Advanced Editor...
*** E&nable
*** D&isable
*** Add A&nnotation
*** De&lete Annotation
*** Set Text Annotation &Font...
*** Add &Precedence Constraint
*** Add &Path
*** &Group
*** &Ungroup
*** Aut&osize
*** E&xpand
*** Co&llapse
*** E&xecute Task
*** Edit &Breakpoints...
*** &Zoom(8)
*** *** 200%
*** *** 150%
*** *** 100%
*** *** 75%
*** *** 50%
*** *** 25%
*** *** 10%
*** *** To &Fit

*** Cu&t
*** Cop&y
*** Copy Diagra&m to Clipboard
*** &Paste
*** Rena&me
*** &Delete
*** D&elete from Database
*** Re&move
*** Select &All

SSIS Designer
*** &Logging...
*** Package &Configurations...
*** Di&gital Signing...
*** Check&points...
*** Variable&s
*** Work &Offline
*** Log &Events
*** Ne&w Connection...
*** Add A&nnotation
*** De&lete Annotation
*** Set Text Annotation &Font...
*** E&xecute Task
*** Edit &Breakpoints...
*** &Zoom(8)
*** *** 200%
*** *** 150%
*** *** 100%
*** *** 75%
*** *** 50%
*** *** 25%
*** *** 10%
*** *** To &Fit

*** Cu&t
*** Cop&y
*** Copy Diagra&m to Clipboard
*** &Paste
*** Rena&me
*** &Delete
*** D&elete from Database
*** Re&move
*** Select &All

*** &Edit...
*** Show &Advanced Editor...
*** E&nable
*** D&isable
*** &New OLE DB Connection...
*** New Fl&at File Connection...
*** New AD&O.NET Connection...
*** New Analysis &Services Connection...
*** New &File Connection...
*** New &Connection From Data Source...
*** Ne&w Connection...
*** Cu&t
*** Cop&y
*** Copy Diagra&m to Clipboard
*** &Paste
*** Rena&me
*** &Delete
*** D&elete from Database
*** Re&move

*** Add &Variable
*** Cu&t
*** Cop&y
*** Copy Diagra&m to Clipboard
*** &Paste
*** Rena&me
*** &Delete
*** D&elete from Database
*** Re&move

SSIS Designer
*** &Edit...
*** Show &Advanced Editor...
*** E&nable
*** D&isable
*** &Success
*** &Failure
*** &Completion
*** Cu&t
*** Cop&y
*** Copy Diagra&m to Clipboard
*** &Paste
*** Rena&me
*** &Delete
*** D&elete from Database
*** Re&move

Progress Window
*** &Copy Message Text
*** &View task

SSIS Component Tree
*** &Delete

Component Menu
*** Variable&s
*** &Edit...
*** Show &Advanced Editor...
*** E&nable
*** D&isable
*** Aut&osize
*** Data &Viewers...
*** Add A&nnotation
*** De&lete Annotation
*** Set Text Annotation &Font...
*** Add &Precedence Constraint
*** Add &Path
*** Cu&t
*** Cop&y
*** Copy Diagra&m to Clipboard
*** &Paste
*** Rena&me
*** &Delete
*** D&elete from Database
*** Re&move

Project Node
*** &New SSIS Package
*** SSIS Import and Export &Wizard...
*** &Migrate DTS 2000 Package
*** Add E&xisting Package
*** &Paste

Checkin Dialog Context Menu
*** Com&pare Versions...
*** &Columns...
*** &Sort...

Pending Checkin Window Context Menu
*** Com&pare Versions...
*** &Open with Editor
*** &Undo Checkout...
*** &Columns...
*** &Sort...

Standard TreeGrid context menu
*** &Columns...
*** &Sort...

GetVersion Dialog Context Menu
*** Com&pare Versions...
*** &Refresh
*** &Columns...
*** &Sort...

Check Out Dialog Context Menu
*** Force exclusive
*** Com&pare Versions...
*** &Columns...
*** &Sort...

Autos Window
*** Cu&t
*** Cop&y
*** &Paste
*** Select &All

Call Stack Window
*** Cop&y
*** Select &All

Data Tip Window
*** Cop&y

Locals Window
*** Cu&t
*** Cop&y
*** &Paste
*** Select &All

Memory Window
*** Cop&y

Modules Window
*** Cop&y
*** Select &All

Processes Window
*** Cop&y
*** Select &All

QuickConsole Window
*** Cu&t
*** Cop&y
*** &Paste

Registers Window
*** Cop&y
*** Select &All

Threads Window
*** Cop&y
*** Select &All

Watch Window
*** Cu&t
*** Cop&y
*** &Paste
*** Select &All

*** &Back
*** &Forward
*** &Save Background As...
*** &Copy Background
*** Select &All
*** Quick &Find
*** A&dd to Help Favorites
*** &View Source
*** &Encoding(7)
*** *** Auto-Select
*** *** Western European (Windows)
*** *** CpMRU1
*** *** CpMRU2
*** *** CpMRU3
*** *** CpMRU4
*** *** &More(33)
*** *** *** Arabic (ASMO-708)
*** *** *** Arabic (DOS)
*** *** *** Arabic (ISO)
*** *** *** Arabic (Windows)
*** *** *** Baltic (ISO)
*** *** *** Baltic (Windows)
*** *** *** Central European (DOS)
*** *** *** Central European (ISO)
*** *** *** Central European (Windows)
*** *** *** Chinese Simplified (GB2312)
*** *** *** Chinese Simplified (GB18030)
*** *** *** Chinese Traditional
*** *** *** Cyrillic (DOS)
*** *** *** Cyrillic (ISO)
*** *** *** Cyrillic (KOI8-R)
*** *** *** Cyrillic (Windows)
*** *** *** Greek (ISO)
*** *** *** Greek (Windows)
*** *** *** Hebrew (DOS)
*** *** *** Hebrew (ISO)
*** *** *** Hebrew (Windows)
*** *** *** Japanese (Auto Select)
*** *** *** Japanese (EUC)
*** *** *** Japanese (Shift-JIS)
*** *** *** Korean (Auto Select)
*** *** *** Thai (Windows)
*** *** *** Turkish (Windows)
*** *** *** Turkish (ISO)
*** *** *** Ukrainian (KOI8-RU)
*** *** *** User Defined
*** *** *** Unicode (UTF-8)
*** *** *** Vietnamese (Windows)
*** *** *** Western European (ISO)

*** Text Si&ze(5)
*** *** Lar&gest
*** *** &Larger
*** *** &Medium
*** *** &Smaller
*** *** Smalles&t

*** &Print...
*** &Refresh
*** &New Window
*** Proper&ties...

*** &Open Link
*** Open Link in &New Window
*** Open Link in &External Window
*** Save Target &As...
*** P&rint Target...
*** S&how Picture
*** &Save Picture As...
*** Cop&y
*** Proper&ties...

*** Cop&y
*** Select &All
*** &Print...

*** &Open Link
*** Open Link in &New Window
*** Open Link in &External Window
*** Save Target &As...
*** P&rint Target...
*** Proper&ties...

*** &Print...
*** Print S&ubtopics...

*** Sort By(10)
*** *** Column 1
*** *** Column 2
*** *** Column 3
*** *** Column 4
*** *** Column 5
*** *** Column 6
*** *** Column 7
*** *** Column 8
*** *** Column 9
*** *** Column 10

SQL Server Template Context Menu
*** New(2)
*** *** &Folder
*** *** &Template

*** &Open
*** &Edit
*** &Search...
*** Cu&t
*** Cop&y
*** &Paste
*** Rena&me
*** &Delete

SQL Server Category Context Menu
*** New(2)
*** *** &Folder
*** *** &Template

*** &Search...
*** Cu&t
*** Cop&y
*** &Paste
*** Rena&me
*** &Delete

Analysis Server Template Context Menu
*** New(4)
*** *** &Folder
*** *** &DMX Template
*** *** &MDX Template
*** *** &XMLA Template

*** &Open
*** &Edit
*** &Search...
*** Cu&t
*** Cop&y
*** &Paste
*** Rena&me
*** &Delete

Analysis Server Category Context Menu
*** New(4)
*** *** &Folder
*** *** &DMX Template
*** *** &MDX Template
*** *** &XMLA Template

*** &Search...
*** Cu&t
*** Cop&y
*** &Paste
*** Rena&me
*** &Delete

SQL Mobile Template Context Menu
*** New(2)
*** *** &Folder
*** *** &Template

*** &Open
*** &Edit
*** &Search...
*** Cu&t
*** Cop&y
*** &Paste
*** Rena&me
*** &Delete

SQL Mobile Category Context Menu
*** New(2)
*** *** &Folder
*** *** &Template

*** &Search...
*** Cu&t
*** Cop&y
*** &Paste
*** Rena&me
*** &Delete

Query Diagram Pane
*** E&xecute SQL
*** Add &Group By
*** Change T&ype(6)
*** *** &Select
*** *** Insert &Results...
*** *** Insert &Values
*** *** &Update
*** *** &Delete
*** *** &Make Table...

*** Add Ta&ble...
*** Add New De&rived Table
*** Pa&ne(4)
*** *** &Diagram
*** *** &Criteria
*** *** &SQL
*** *** &Results

*** C&lear Results

Query Diagram Table
*** &Column Names
*** &Name Only
*** Select All Colu&mns
*** Re&move

Query Diagram Table Column
*** Add to &Select
*** Remove &Filter
*** Sort &Ascending
*** Sort &Descending

Query Diagram Join Line
*** Re&move
*** Select All Ro&ws From
*** S&elect All Rows From

Query Diagram Multi-select
*** Re&move

Query Grid Pane
*** E&xecute SQL
*** Add &Group By
*** Change T&ype(6)
*** *** &Select
*** *** Insert &Results...
*** *** Insert &Values
*** *** &Update
*** *** &Delete
*** *** &Make Table...

*** Cu&t
*** Cop&y
*** &Paste
*** &Delete
*** Pa&ne(4)
*** *** &Diagram
*** *** &Criteria
*** *** &SQL
*** *** &Results

*** C&lear Results

Query SQL Pane
*** E&xecute SQL
*** &Verify SQL Syntax
*** Change T&ype(6)
*** *** &Select
*** *** Insert &Results...
*** *** Insert &Values
*** *** &Update
*** *** &Delete
*** *** &Make Table...

*** Cu&t
*** Cop&y
*** &Paste
*** &Delete
*** Select &All
*** Pa&ne(4)
*** *** &Diagram
*** *** &Criteria
*** *** &SQL
*** *** &Results

*** C&lear Results

Query Results Pane
*** E&xecute SQL
*** Cu&t
*** Cop&y
*** &Paste
*** &Delete
*** Pa&ne(4)
*** *** &Diagram
*** *** &Criteria
*** *** &SQL
*** *** &Results

*** C&lear Results

Database Designer
*** New &Table...
*** Add Ta&ble...
*** &New Text Annotation
*** &Paste
*** Select &All
*** Show Relationship &Labels
*** Arran&ge Tables
*** &Zoom(8)
*** *** 200%
*** *** 150%
*** *** 100%
*** *** 75%
*** *** 50%
*** *** 25%
*** *** 10%
*** *** To &Fit

*** &View Page Breaks
*** Re&calculate Page Breaks
*** Copy Diagra&m to Clipboard

Database Designer Table
*** Table V&iew(6)
*** *** &Standard
*** *** &Column Names
*** *** &Keys
*** *** &Name Only
*** *** C&ustom
*** *** &Modify Custom ...

*** Set Primary Ke&y
*** Insert Colu&mn
*** Delete Colum&n
*** D&elete from Database
*** Remo&ve from Diagram
*** Add &Related Tables
*** A&utosize Selected Tables
*** &Arrange Selection
*** Relations&hips...
*** &Indexes/Keys...
*** &Fulltext Index...
*** &XML Indexes...
*** Check C&onstraints...
*** Generate Change &Script...

Database Designer Relationship
*** D&elete from Database

Text Annotation
*** Cu&t
*** Cop&y
*** &Paste
*** Select &All
*** Set Text Annotation &Font...

New Connection
*** Re&fresh

Test Menu
*** change
*** Process(1)
*** *** change

*** Writeback Options(1)
*** *** change

*** Rena&me
*** &Delete
*** Searc&h...
*** Re&fresh
*** P&roperties

Server Menu
*** &Disconnect
*** &Start
*** Pa&use
*** S&top
*** R&esume
*** Rest&art
*** Searc&h...
*** &Filter
*** Re&fresh
*** P&roperties

SQL Server script project folder node
*** &New Connection
*** &Add Solution to Source Control...
*** Add S&elected Projects to Source Control...
*** Check &Out for Edit
*** Check &In
*** View Pending C&heckins
*** &Undo Checkout...
*** Get &Latest Version
*** &Get...
*** View &History
*** Properties &Window

SQL Server script project folder node
*** &New Query
*** &New Template
*** New &MDX Query
*** New &DMX Query
*** New &XMLA Query
*** &Add Solution to Source Control...
*** Add S&elected Projects to Source Control...
*** Check &Out for Edit
*** Check &In
*** View Pending C&heckins
*** &Undo Checkout...
*** Get &Latest Version
*** &Get...
*** View &History
*** Properties &Window

SQL Server script project folder node
*** &Add Solution to Source Control...
*** Add S&elected Projects to Source Control...
*** Check &Out for Edit
*** Check &In
*** View Pending C&heckins
*** &Undo Checkout...
*** Get &Latest Version
*** &Get...
*** View &History
*** Properties &Window

SQL Server script project connection node
*** &New Query
*** &Delete
*** &Add Solution to Source Control...
*** Add S&elected Projects to Source Control...
*** Check &Out for Edit
*** Check &In
*** View Pending C&heckins
*** &Undo Checkout...
*** Get &Latest Version
*** &Get...
*** View &History
*** Properties &Window

SQL Server script project project node
*** A&dd(9)
*** *** E&xisting Package
*** *** Add Existin&g Item...
*** *** New Fol&der
*** *** &New Connection
*** *** &New Query
*** *** &New Template
*** *** New &MDX Query
*** *** New &DMX Query
*** *** New &XMLA Query

*** &Save Selected Items
*** &Add Solution to Source Control...
*** Add S&elected Projects to Source Control...
*** Check &Out for Edit
*** Check &In
*** View Pending C&heckins
*** &Undo Checkout...
*** Get &Latest Version
*** &Get...
*** View &History
*** Cu&t
*** &Paste
*** &Delete
*** Rena&me
*** Properties &Window

SQL Server script project query node
*** &Open
*** Cu&t
*** Cop&y
*** &Delete
*** Rena&me
*** Check &Out for Edit
*** Check &In
*** View Pending C&heckins
*** &Undo Checkout...
*** Get &Latest Version
*** &Compare...
*** &Get...
*** View &History
*** Properties &Window

SQL Server script project template node
*** &Edit Template
*** &Open
*** &Script
*** Cu&t
*** Cop&y
*** &Delete
*** Rena&me
*** Properties &Window

SQL Files Editor Context
*** Create a Region
*** Parse Regions
*** Add Debug Section
*** Cu&t
*** Cop&y
*** &Paste
*** &Connection(4)
*** *** &Connect...
*** *** &Disconnect
*** *** Disconnect &All Queries
*** *** C&hange Connection...

*** &Open Server in Object Explorer
*** E&xecute
*** Display Est&imated Execution Plan
*** Analyze Query in Database Engine Tunin&g Advisor
*** &Design Query in Editor...
*** Incl&ude Actual Execution Plan
*** Include C&lient Statistics
*** &Results To(3)
*** *** Results to Te&xt
*** *** Results to &Grid
*** *** Results to &File

*** Properties &Window
*** &Query Options...

MDX Files Editor Context
*** Cu&t
*** Cop&y
*** &Paste
*** &Connection(4)
*** *** &Connect...
*** *** &Disconnect
*** *** Disconnect &All Queries
*** *** C&hange Connection...

*** &Open Server in Object Explorer
*** E&xecute
*** Display Est&imated Execution Plan
*** Analyze Query in Database Engine Tunin&g Advisor
*** Properties &Window
*** &Query Options...

XMLA Files Editor Context
*** Cu&t
*** Cop&y
*** &Paste
*** &Connection(4)
*** *** &Connect...
*** *** &Disconnect
*** *** Disconnect &All Queries
*** *** C&hange Connection...

*** &Open Server in Object Explorer
*** E&xecute
*** Display Est&imated Execution Plan
*** Analyze Query in Database Engine Tunin&g Advisor
*** Properties &Window
*** &Query Options...

XMLA Results Grid Tab Context
*** Cop&y
*** Select &All
*** Select All
*** Clear All

XMLA Results Messages Tab Context
*** Cu&t
*** Cop&y
*** Copy Diagra&m to Clipboard
*** &Paste
*** Rena&me
*** &Delete
*** D&elete from Database
*** Re&move

SQL Results Messages Tab Context
*** Cu&t
*** Cop&y
*** Copy Diagra&m to Clipboard
*** &Paste
*** Rena&me
*** &Delete
*** D&elete from Database
*** Re&move
*** Sa&ve Results As...
*** Page Set&up...
*** Print Previe&w...
*** &Print...
*** Print S&ubtopics...
*** Font

SQL Results Grid Tab Context
*** Cop&y
*** Select &All
*** Select All
*** Clear All
*** Sa&ve Results As...
*** Page Set&up...
*** Print Previe&w...
*** &Print...
*** Print S&ubtopics...
*** Font

Execution Plan Context
*** Sa&ve Execution Plan As...
*** Zoom In
*** Zoom Out
*** Custom Zoom...
*** Zoom to Fit
*** P&roperties

SQL Templates Plan Context
*** Cu&t
*** Cop&y
*** &Paste

*** &Open
*** Open in &New Window
*** Cop&y
*** A&dd to Help Favorites
*** Copy Shor&tcut
*** Open &Source
*** O&pen Source in New Window
*** Show &Abstract

*** &Open
*** Open in &New Window
*** Cop&y
*** A&dd to Help Favorites
*** Copy Shor&tcut
*** Show &Abstract

Favorites Window Context Menu
*** Move Up
*** Move Down
*** Rename
*** &Delete

*** &Reset
*** &Commands
*** &Description

*** &Restore
*** &Move
*** &Size
*** Mi&nimize
*** Ma&ximize
*** &Close

SSMS Tools Pack
*** Search
*** Add Debug Section
*** Script Grid Results


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