Please HELP

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Delete search bar history

I'm hoping someone can help me with this...I have to share my computer with
someone and need to know how to delete my google, yahoo and explorer search
bars and history. Also, as soon as I start to type something it shows
everyone with me what I've searched for. How do I stop it from automaticlly
filling in these drop down menus?
RE: Please HELP

CCleaner -


Note, uncheck Yahoos toolbar during installation.

Note: uncheck Windows Defender in the *Applications* Tab.

Do the scans with all the check marks ºn the *Windows* Tab

I would suggest staying on the side of caution... Stay the heck away from
running *'Issues'* Tab


"Delete search bar history" wrote:

> I'm hoping someone can help me with this...I have to share my computer with
> someone and need to know how to delete my google, yahoo and explorer search
> bars and history. Also, as soon as I start to type something it shows
> everyone with me what I've searched for. How do I stop it from automaticlly
> filling in these drop down menus?
RE: Please HELP

in internet explorer click "Tools", then click "internet options", then click
"Delete" under browsing history. from there you can delete everything or pick
and choose.

"Delete search bar history" wrote:

> I'm hoping someone can help me with this...I have to share my computer with
> someone and need to know how to delete my google, yahoo and explorer search
> bars and history. Also, as soon as I start to type something it shows
> everyone with me what I've searched for. How do I stop it from automaticlly
> filling in these drop down menus?