Re: phone jack/ethernet adaptor?
You can obtain an adapter for USB to Ethernet, but you should know the spec of
the USB port. You can get USB 1.1 and USB 2.0 adapters.
Here's one example:
Belkin USB 10/100 Ethernet Adapter
Google for others.
Since you're also planning to use the existing USB port for the modem
connection, you'll need a USB hub.
It sounds like this laptop may not be up all the updating that you're proposing.
Have you verified that it's compatible with Win2K? Do you have the special
drivers that may be required for this laptop?
Was any attempt made to run a compatibility report from the Win2K CD?
See this article for more info about upgrading:
How to Prepare to Upgrade Windows 95 or Windows 98 to Windows 2000;en-us;250297
This article has more info regarding the installation techniques and steps for a
clean install:
HOW TO: Install Windows 2000 Professional;en-us;304868
Good luck!
"Marty" <> wrote in message
> Im installing 2000 on my buddies old toshiba laptop and it only has a phone
> plug adaptor that comes out of the side, is there a adaptor to plug into the
> side in the phone jack? It has a usb port and Im connecting my cable modem
> plug to the usb in the laptop, will this work? Thanks
> Marty