Bikini Browser
I Have a problem that even Microsoft Esculation departmen't cant seem to fix
at this time...
I have Windows XP professional with SP2 on an old slow desktop computer
connected via 100mb Ethernet Cable to a speedtouch DSL router.
I only have two compters on the network. The other computer is a brand new
Sony Vaio laptop with Window Vista Home Premium, with all service packs
applied. It is connected wireless via the SpeedTouch DSL Router.
The XP can Ping the Vista and the Vista can ping the XP. The XP can browse
all folders on the vista and open documents and all is well in that
The Vista can see the XP Computer and can see the shared folders on it as
well as the printers, but if you try to open the folders that you see, you
get an error message that says you probobly don't have the proper security
permissions. It hangs there for 3 or 4 minutes before it produces that
Microsoft technicians in India did the following..
Turned off Simple file sharing in XP so now we can see the security and
sharing permissions tabs.
Took ownership of all shared folders and child objects.on XP.
Verifed that Group Everyone has full contril permissions to all shared
folders and child objects.
Inherited Permissions on the Advanced tab.
Turned off All the firewalls.
Turned off all Anti Virus programs
Changed the user name and password on the Vista box to match the user name
of the XP and changed both workgroup names to match each other.
Even after all of that, we still cannot see the child objects within shared
WE COULD see them on the same XP computer when we were using anohter XP box
versus the new Vista Box.
And I have don't this before at another cusztomers site without problems
using a Compaq Vista box with Vista Business Edition on it before.
Does anyone have any ideas what do do next?
Bikini Browser
San Juan Puerto Rico
I Have a problem that even Microsoft Esculation departmen't cant seem to fix
at this time...
I have Windows XP professional with SP2 on an old slow desktop computer
connected via 100mb Ethernet Cable to a speedtouch DSL router.
I only have two compters on the network. The other computer is a brand new
Sony Vaio laptop with Window Vista Home Premium, with all service packs
applied. It is connected wireless via the SpeedTouch DSL Router.
The XP can Ping the Vista and the Vista can ping the XP. The XP can browse
all folders on the vista and open documents and all is well in that
The Vista can see the XP Computer and can see the shared folders on it as
well as the printers, but if you try to open the folders that you see, you
get an error message that says you probobly don't have the proper security
permissions. It hangs there for 3 or 4 minutes before it produces that
Microsoft technicians in India did the following..
Turned off Simple file sharing in XP so now we can see the security and
sharing permissions tabs.
Took ownership of all shared folders and child objects.on XP.
Verifed that Group Everyone has full contril permissions to all shared
folders and child objects.
Inherited Permissions on the Advanced tab.
Turned off All the firewalls.
Turned off all Anti Virus programs
Changed the user name and password on the Vista box to match the user name
of the XP and changed both workgroup names to match each other.
Even after all of that, we still cannot see the child objects within shared
WE COULD see them on the same XP computer when we were using anohter XP box
versus the new Vista Box.
And I have don't this before at another cusztomers site without problems
using a Compaq Vista box with Vista Business Edition on it before.
Does anyone have any ideas what do do next?
Bikini Browser
San Juan Puerto Rico