Re: Google.Earth.Pro.v4.1.7087

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Re: Google.Earth.Pro.v4.1.7087

in the main,
there was a gradual decline of that general, engaged, lively spirit in
religion, which had been. Several things have happened since, which have
diverted people's minds, and turned their conversation more to other
affairs; particularly his Excellency the Governor's coming up, and the
Committee of general court, on the treaty with the Indians. -Afterwards,
the Springfield controversy; and since that, our people in this town
have been engaged in the building of a new meeting-house. Some other
occurrences might be mentioned, that have seemed to have this effect.
But as to those who have been thought converted at this time, they
generally seem to have had an abiding change wrought on them. I have had
particular acquaintance with many of them since; and they generally
appear to be persons who have a new sense of things, new apprehensions
and views of God, of the divine attributes of Jesus Christ, and the
great things of the gospel. They have a new sense of their truth, and
they affect them in a new manner; though it is very far from being
always alike with them, neither can they revive a sense of things when
they please. Their hearts are often touched, and sometimes filled, with
new sweetnesses and delights; there seems to express an inward ardor and
burning of heart, like to which they never experienced before;
sometimes, perhaps