Re: Google.Earth.Pro.v4.1.7087
was only the Holy Spirit; and that thus, as men certainly had
this without circumcision, it was not necessary.
673. Fac secundum exemplar quod tibi ostensum est in monte.126--The Jewish
religion then has been formed on its likeness to the truth of the Messiah;
and the truth of the Messiah has been recognised by the religion, which was
the type of it.
Among the Jews the truth was only typified; in heaven it is revealed.
In the Church it is hidden and recognised by its resemblance to the type.
The type has been made according to the truth, and the truth has been
recognised according to the type.
Saint Paul says himself that people will forbid to marry, and he himself
speaks of it to the Corinthians in a way which is a snare. For if a prophet
had said the one, and Saint Paul had then said the other, he would have been
674. Typical.--"Do all things according to the pattern which has been shown
thee on the mount." On which Saint Paul says that the Jews have shadowed
forth heavenly things.
675.... And yet this Covenant, made to blind some and enlighten others,
indicated in those very persons, whom it blinded, the truth which should be
recognised by others. For the visible blessings which they received from God
were so great and so divine that He indeed appeared able to give them those
that are invisible and a Messiah.
For nature is an image of Grace, and visible miracles are images of the
invisible. Ut sciatis... tibi dico: Surge.127
Isaiah says that Redemption will be as the passage of the Red Sea.
God has, then, shown by the deliverance fro
was only the Holy Spirit; and that thus, as men certainly had
this without circumcision, it was not necessary.
673. Fac secundum exemplar quod tibi ostensum est in monte.126--The Jewish
religion then has been formed on its likeness to the truth of the Messiah;
and the truth of the Messiah has been recognised by the religion, which was
the type of it.
Among the Jews the truth was only typified; in heaven it is revealed.
In the Church it is hidden and recognised by its resemblance to the type.
The type has been made according to the truth, and the truth has been
recognised according to the type.
Saint Paul says himself that people will forbid to marry, and he himself
speaks of it to the Corinthians in a way which is a snare. For if a prophet
had said the one, and Saint Paul had then said the other, he would have been
674. Typical.--"Do all things according to the pattern which has been shown
thee on the mount." On which Saint Paul says that the Jews have shadowed
forth heavenly things.
675.... And yet this Covenant, made to blind some and enlighten others,
indicated in those very persons, whom it blinded, the truth which should be
recognised by others. For the visible blessings which they received from God
were so great and so divine that He indeed appeared able to give them those
that are invisible and a Messiah.
For nature is an image of Grace, and visible miracles are images of the
invisible. Ut sciatis... tibi dico: Surge.127
Isaiah says that Redemption will be as the passage of the Red Sea.
God has, then, shown by the deliverance fro