PA Bear [MS MVP]
Re: Running 3rd party apps that require admin privs on Vista
[Forwarded to Vista Security newsgroup via crosspost.]
Bill wrote:
> I've read a vague excerpt in a MCTS study guide book and have had a
> presenter at a MS event debuting Vista that it is possible for a standard
> user logged in with a standard user account to run an application that
> requires elevated (admin) priveleges without having the user type in the
> username and password of an administrator account. Both, however, were
> unable to give me any specifics on how to accomplish this, and my Internet
> searches aren't kicking back anything useful. Could someone tell me how
> this can be configured? I've noticed the runas administrator checkbox on
> an
> exe's properties, but all it seems to do it prompt for username and
> password of an admin. I've also noticed the backward compatibility
> options, but it seems pretty vague as to how those settings work.
> thanks,
> Bill
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Bill wrote:
> I've read a vague excerpt in a MCTS study guide book and have had a
> presenter at a MS event debuting Vista that it is possible for a standard
> user logged in with a standard user account to run an application that
> requires elevated (admin) priveleges without having the user type in the
> username and password of an administrator account. Both, however, were
> unable to give me any specifics on how to accomplish this, and my Internet
> searches aren't kicking back anything useful. Could someone tell me how
> this can be configured? I've noticed the runas administrator checkbox on
> an
> exe's properties, but all it seems to do it prompt for username and
> password of an admin. I've also noticed the backward compatibility
> options, but it seems pretty vague as to how those settings work.
> thanks,
> Bill