Friend Assemblies and Generics

Jan 10, 2007
In The Machine
So I've got a set of classes that I want only created in a given Factory class. To annoy me intensely the factory class is in a different assembly to the classes I want the factory to create.

So I thought "I know, I'll hide the constructors as internal, and make the other assembly with the factory class a Friend Assembly." and that would sort things out.

Except the factory class uses a bit of generics, and now I get messages all over about not having a blank constructor for all the types which have their constructors made internal.

In short:

---- Assembly One ---

[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("Assembly Two")]

class Bob
***//This'll fox people who may arbitrarily create my class
***internal Bob(){}


--- Assembly Two ----

class BobFactory
***T Maker() where T :*new()

******//This causes an error due to Bob*not having a*public default constructor
******Bob thing = Maker();


Any ideas?

Perhaps I should abandon this idea and just trust my implementers (ha!).

[edit: hang fire on being helpful people, I may have been targetting the wrong assembly doh!]


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