Sometimes I wonder where they get them from...

Jan 10, 2007
In The Machine
I have no issue with people being Anti-MS or saying Vista is crap...**but I find this*piece of journalist comentary beyond a joke.

Bla bla bla... MS is evil... bla bla bla... Vista is crap... bla bla bla...

"As of this writing, I have never installed a release version of Vista"

Bla bla bla... MS is evil... bla bla bla... Vista is crap... bla bla bla...

"To be honest, MS did try to engage me after I wrote that, but the sad thing is it was through bribery. I don't use that word lightly, but there is nothing else I can call it. I think I explained my differences of opinion quite clearly in that article, and the response I got from MS was as follows, names removed to protect the sender."
"Hi Charlie, I'm really sorry to hear of your bad impression of Windows Vista, I would be very interested in having a chat with you to dispell some of your worries, and to provide you with your first contact at Microsoft! I've got a copy of Windows Vista here for you as well if you want to have a go with the real deal RTM build! (signature)"

In other words, they tried to "bribe" this "journalist" with a free copy of the final product to evaluate... WTF ??? How DARE they !!


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