I am getting irritated about the misuse of the term ‘softwarebloat’ so would like to take some steps to elucidate peoples misuse of theterm.
The’ irritants’ tend to fall into two distinct categories
Vista is bloated
Do not purchase Vista Ultimate or any of the enhanced versions andplease acquire Vista Home Basic. Please then return and tell me that theoperating system is bloated. I would also like to draw attention to the factthat the Vista OS is predominantly unmanaged and this in general produces smallfiles
.NET Framework is bloated
What you are doing here is complaining that (analogy) your locallibrary has too many books in it (when has that ever been a bad thing?). You say that there is far too much information on offer atthis library, and that you would much prefer that the Library had just ten booksin it. These ten books would be in the main section with a huge placard with ‘LinuxSection‘in bold letters. Everything else is superfluous.
Don’t misunderstand me (I'm not a Windows surrender monkey), there are things in .NET that annoyme, like ADO.NET. Just what do you choose for your data access today? Choice isa very bad thing here, and the various readers, adapters, table adapters, linq,Astoria open the framework to significant derision.
*Just remember thatthe .NET framework today is less than a tenth of the size of a DVD, and I canwrite almost anything with it. There are a lot of ’books in it’ so to speak, sothe next time you care to interject the term 'bloated', remember your LinuxLibrary with the ten books in it.
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The’ irritants’ tend to fall into two distinct categories
- Vista is Bloated
- .NET Framework is bloated
- Little to no programming experience. By this, Imean, none have ever written a production quality application and launched it.
- Have never gone to, or rarely use their locallibrary, or don’t read/purchase books
Vista is bloated
Do not purchase Vista Ultimate or any of the enhanced versions andplease acquire Vista Home Basic. Please then return and tell me that theoperating system is bloated. I would also like to draw attention to the factthat the Vista OS is predominantly unmanaged and this in general produces smallfiles
.NET Framework is bloated
What you are doing here is complaining that (analogy) your locallibrary has too many books in it (when has that ever been a bad thing?). You say that there is far too much information on offer atthis library, and that you would much prefer that the Library had just ten booksin it. These ten books would be in the main section with a huge placard with ‘LinuxSection‘in bold letters. Everything else is superfluous.
Don’t misunderstand me (I'm not a Windows surrender monkey), there are things in .NET that annoyme, like ADO.NET. Just what do you choose for your data access today? Choice isa very bad thing here, and the various readers, adapters, table adapters, linq,Astoria open the framework to significant derision.
*Just remember thatthe .NET framework today is less than a tenth of the size of a DVD, and I canwrite almost anything with it. There are a lot of ’books in it’ so to speak, sothe next time you care to interject the term 'bloated', remember your LinuxLibrary with the ten books in it.
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