I get to learn Java

Jan 10, 2007
In The Machine
During my interveiw...

Them: So how much experience do you have with Java?
Me: None, I have experience with Javascript, however that's not the same...
Them: Right, so what else do you know?
Me: Well for about 5 years I've been coding in .NET, HTML, CSS, XML, and Javascript with PHP and MySQL....
Them: OK, well thanks..we'll be back in touch with you.

Yesterday was my the end of my first week...and now I've been asked to write some Java code to do some pretty heavy duty stuff...I'll be able to handle it..just thought it was awkward that despite the 100% definition that I don't have any Java background they hired me.

Though it's nice to be doing developer work and having an office and a job position "Developer" instead of doing development work and being a QA Engineer.


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