China's coldest winter in 100 years

Jan 10, 2007
In The Machine
Alright, global warming has some 'splaining to do... Since some others (who often beat the anti-global warming drum until it breaks) haven't chimed in...

It's been reported ( msnbc article ) that China is facing one of it's coldest winters in 100 years. Their record keeping for this stat is the total number of consecutive days where the average tempreture is 0 degrees Celcius or lower.

I wonder what spin this is going to receive so that it is undeniable proof for global warming (as the current model and scientists put it) and not showing that we know jack about climates and prediction models for climates are incomplete and running on a bunch of assumptions.

Whether or not global warming is real, or even climate change is occuring is really a moot point. I can't help but feel sorry for the masses of people stuck while traveling in China when winter struck back with a vengence.

Also, the US has been hit hard with winter storms, cold temperatures, and the like.


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