Re: ***Spam*** Microsoft Tips and Tricks for beginners
From: " Anonymous Remailer" <>
| "David H. Lipman" <DLipman~nospam~@Verizon.Net> wrote:
>> From: "James Matthews" <>
>|> Recently spammers have gotten savvy and defeated the image verification
>|> protections on services like gmail,yahoo-mail and hotmail. Now they are
>|> sending spam straight from these emails... I can assume that they are over
>|> there head in dealing with this...
>|> Now we all know that Google and Msoft aren't best friends... They don't care
>|> about people spamming msofts news servers..
>> It goes far beyond the Microsoft.* hierarchy.
| The plague of Googlespam is over the top. Ironic that many complaints
| about it, show up from users posting through!
| What complicates matters is the Google Groups archive search, because
| they are a one-act pony, and their interface has been FUBAR again,
| since June. This becomes obvious using the advanced search page. The
| archived messages appear to be there, but the search mechanism for finding
| them is broken.
| And Groups isn't the only problem Google has been having, because there
| have been loads of complaints about their regular search engine. But I
| use other search engines, so I don't care if their regular Google search
| works or not. Their Groups search is FUBAR, so why not let their ordinary
| web search break down to the point of uselessness, while they're at it.
| They should make book in Vegas on how long Groups will be FUBAR this time
| around. I'd give 3:1 odds till November, but that may be optimistic.
| Google Groups may be down forever.
| I found this link useful for keeping tabs on the situation:
| I hope Google Groups do make another come back, but it could be years
| before they decide to put it back on line. Like a lot of people are saying
| about Google, they can do anything they want, and there is nothing that
| anyone outside of Google can do about it. They have become like Microsoft,
| an international monopoly without competition.
| I've been reading in other groups that is getting the
| UDP treatment in a lot of news reader filters, due to all the spam, and
| because complaints to are totally useless. I have
| not done that yet with my news filters, but I am tempted to, particularly
| if they don't fix the Groups interface, and soon.
| Do no evil. More like do as I say, not as I do. That should be their
| corporate motto. And that goes for Google and Microsoft.
Thanx for the added info. I look into it further.
To add to this is BlogSpot. Blogger.Com used to kill any BlogSpot site that was found to
spam Usenet. It took a couple of weeks but the sites were killed. I even got an email from
Blogger thanking me and I was using Later, that email address was no
longer functional during a situation where compramised nodes in Canada were being used to
spam BlogSopts throughout Usenet. I then used and a few days later that
address too became a dead email address.
Blogger is a division of Google. It seems to me that now Google is not only ignoring
complaints of spam but is tacitly allowing it. Maybe for Google adsense revenue.
Example: the almost daily Usenet spam for;
hxxp:// windowsxpsp2pro
Whatever the case, Google has become totally irresponsible and needs to be reigned in --