set default windows file explorer dimensions

Jan 10, 2007
In The Machine
is there a default registry key that is used by windows to set the explorer window size? (i'm not talking about IE.. btw.. just to make it ultra clear)

*soo sick of having some*file explorer windows open up at some poxy little size..

And I know about the shift close method to save the window*sizes.. that works fine on the folder you did it on.. but then when you launch a different folder that hasn't had its size set..its back to default tiny size again.. and sure its ok if* you opened c:\ with its set size and then navigate to the folder you wanted to view..

but if you had some other application launch "c:\windows\rubbish" then it seems explorer opens it up some tiny window proportions

so registry key pls.... just want to set the default*[width] x [height] for any future*file explorer window ever opened ever again.

one last thing.. there is registry key that coudl be used to disable the "Folders" sideview from showing when you open the file*explorer(like winkey+e )... does anyone know what that registry key is. I had a look many times but trying to come up with the right search terms*to find it, just got*mind numbingly stupid for an option that should be readily available for the user to choose.


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