Paul Randall
WXP has a help file named ntcmds.chm that is the Command-line reference A-Z.
Question 1:
Does Vista have a similar searchable reference document for the many command
line tools available in Vista? Vista's help and support search is worthless
for some tools -- for example, on Vista Home Basic system sequestered from
the internet, I can run the arp and msinfo tools, but searching help and
support shows zero entries for them.
Question 2:
How can I make WXP's command line reference work on Vista? I've copied
ntcmds.chm to a thumb drive and run it on my Vista machine, but not
everything works. For example, in the table of contents, when I click on
the 'Command-line reference A-Z' entry, I get a script error -- object
expected. I realize the info in WXp's help file may be out of date, but at
least it provides the name and functions of many tools that Vista still
provides. It is really difficult to use a tool if you can't find out that
you have it.
-Paul Randall
Question 1:
Does Vista have a similar searchable reference document for the many command
line tools available in Vista? Vista's help and support search is worthless
for some tools -- for example, on Vista Home Basic system sequestered from
the internet, I can run the arp and msinfo tools, but searching help and
support shows zero entries for them.
Question 2:
How can I make WXP's command line reference work on Vista? I've copied
ntcmds.chm to a thumb drive and run it on my Vista machine, but not
everything works. For example, in the table of contents, when I click on
the 'Command-line reference A-Z' entry, I get a script error -- object
expected. I realize the info in WXp's help file may be out of date, but at
least it provides the name and functions of many tools that Vista still
provides. It is really difficult to use a tool if you can't find out that
you have it.
-Paul Randall