I have activated and installed the licences for terminal services license
server on a Win2003 SP2 standard edition server. However whenever when I open
the Terminal Server Licensing server it checks with the Domain controller
looking for license server. It then gives the error message "No Terminal
Server license server is available in the current domain or workgroup. To
connect to another license server, click Action, click Connect, and then type
the name of the server" So I then connect to the server using the Connect
button and entering in the server name. I can see the server and the licences
installed on the server. However it does appear that it is not giving out any
licences. The license server was installed as an enterprise license server.
server on a Win2003 SP2 standard edition server. However whenever when I open
the Terminal Server Licensing server it checks with the Domain controller
looking for license server. It then gives the error message "No Terminal
Server license server is available in the current domain or workgroup. To
connect to another license server, click Action, click Connect, and then type
the name of the server" So I then connect to the server using the Connect
button and entering in the server name. I can see the server and the licences
installed on the server. However it does appear that it is not giving out any
licences. The license server was installed as an enterprise license server.