Dick Baker
As somebody who had two CMP computers before switching to DOS, and who
stuck with DOS long after most of the world had switched to Windows, I
thought I was conversant with DOS/Command prompts, but this one has me
baffled. I need to combine several .wmv files into one, e.g., combine
1.wmv and 2.wmv and 3.wmv into 1-3.wmv
The various Windows GUI programs I found are all wretchedly convoluted
and slow, but there's a plain old DOS program that's supposed to do the
trick, wmvappend.exe.
It's command prompt syntax is given as
wmvappend -o <outfile> -i1 <firstinfile> -i2 <secondinfile> [-a
outfile = Output WMV file name
firstinfile = First Input WMV file name
secondinfile = Second Input WMV file name
attributeindex = (1 or 2)Input file index for applying attributes
to outfile
I've tried many variations and can't come up with anything that works.
Can anybody tell me exactly what to type at the command prompt to combine
1. & 2. & 3.wmv into 1-3.wmv?
Thanks in advance for any help...
Dick Baker
(contact via http://goon.org/newcontact.php)
stuck with DOS long after most of the world had switched to Windows, I
thought I was conversant with DOS/Command prompts, but this one has me
baffled. I need to combine several .wmv files into one, e.g., combine
1.wmv and 2.wmv and 3.wmv into 1-3.wmv
The various Windows GUI programs I found are all wretchedly convoluted
and slow, but there's a plain old DOS program that's supposed to do the
trick, wmvappend.exe.
It's command prompt syntax is given as
wmvappend -o <outfile> -i1 <firstinfile> -i2 <secondinfile> [-a
outfile = Output WMV file name
firstinfile = First Input WMV file name
secondinfile = Second Input WMV file name
attributeindex = (1 or 2)Input file index for applying attributes
to outfile
I've tried many variations and can't come up with anything that works.
Can anybody tell me exactly what to type at the command prompt to combine
1. & 2. & 3.wmv into 1-3.wmv?
Thanks in advance for any help...
Dick Baker
(contact via http://goon.org/newcontact.php)