Windows Vista Need help with AOL 9.0 on Vista --- font size

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Sorry for the length but I keep getting suggestions that don't affect
the problem or are already tried -- patience please and read the details

Compare two systems:
1) XP Pro on a Acer Laptop
AOL 9.0 (SE)
15" LCD display -- either 1450x1050 or 1680x1050 --32 bit color
IE "text size" set at "medium"
Display fonts set at "normal"
AOL fonts set to large "where possible"

2) Vista Home Premium on an e-machines desktop
AOL 9.0 (VR)
21" LCD display -- 1680x1050 -- 32 bit color
IE test size set at "larger"
Display fonts : Vista has a DPI setting: 96 or 120
AOL software objects to 120 -says designed for 96 --so set at 96
AOL fonts set at large "where possible"

In the first system there are no problems with AOL.
In both systems the fonts "native" to the AOL software are fine and
easily read.
In the Vista system forwarded e-mail is quite readable and fonts are
However, the names that appear on the "buddies" list have a font size so
small they it is unreadable. And incoming mail directly from the writer has
fonts so small they are essentially unreadable. Experimentation (sending
to myself from another system in various fonts) shows that the Vista system
reducing the font size by 4 or 5 sizes. i.e. sent in size 10 appears at
about size
5 or 6.
Any fix? Or is it an inherent conflict with AOL 9.0 and Vista
AOL help had none--- suggested a resolution of 640x480 on the 21"