I have a single computer running Windows XP Home in an office of XP
Pro boxes hooked to a SBS 2003 server. The only purpose for this
computer was to gather GPS data from company trucks using RF. I get
the data remotely using a script in a remote control program that
connects in the middle of the night.
The problems started when the boss asked me to also get billing data,
and that data sits on the server. No problem connecting to the server.
No problem mapping a drive letter to the folder where the billing data
sits. No problems transferring the data manually.
But after a period of inactivity, say for a few hours, the XP Home
machine seems to log out and lose it's drive mapping. Then the script
that transfers the files fails.
I've set it to not go into standby. No screen saver is set. The "power
scheme" is set to always on. But since I need to lock the workstation
so no one accesses it I do it with the following shortcut...
%windir%\System32\rundll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation
Any ideas on how I could force this machine to retain it's drive
Pro boxes hooked to a SBS 2003 server. The only purpose for this
computer was to gather GPS data from company trucks using RF. I get
the data remotely using a script in a remote control program that
connects in the middle of the night.
The problems started when the boss asked me to also get billing data,
and that data sits on the server. No problem connecting to the server.
No problem mapping a drive letter to the folder where the billing data
sits. No problems transferring the data manually.
But after a period of inactivity, say for a few hours, the XP Home
machine seems to log out and lose it's drive mapping. Then the script
that transfers the files fails.
I've set it to not go into standby. No screen saver is set. The "power
scheme" is set to always on. But since I need to lock the workstation
so no one accesses it I do it with the following shortcut...
%windir%\System32\rundll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation
Any ideas on how I could force this machine to retain it's drive