Timothy Daniels
"jorgen" wrote:
> Timothy Daniels wrote:
>> Oh! Just Windows/DOS. OK, so talk about just
>> Windows/DOS MBRs. Even just for them, the MBRs
>> are different.
> As said, the key point is: they all load the boot sector of
> the active partition.
> So when you install xp after vista, the key point is to
> restore the boot sector. If you don't, you can write all
> the MBRs you want, they won't fix your problem.
No one has said that only the MBR had to be changed
to "fix your problem". (Please note that it is not I who has
the problem of the inquiring poster.) The point of differing
opinion is whether the *MBRs* of various Windows/DOS
OSes are different. In that respect, you are mostly correct -
they are *usually* the same. I say "usually" because there
is some confusion in the online documentation about Vista's
Here at APCmag, the author is clearly of the notion
that Vista's MBR differs from that of XP
"The Windows XP bootloader gets installed to the MBR
and Vista can no longer boot." [......]
And following the link to
http://apcmag.com/5485/dualbooting_vista_and_xp#restoring ,
we have:
"Restoring Vista and dual booting
"Because you can't use the Windows XP bootloader to boot
Vista, we have to reinstate Vista's bootloader to the MBR
and configure it to manage both operating systems."
This view is seemingly supported by Microsoft's own
online documentation
"When you install an earlier version of the Windows operating
system on a Windows Vista-based computer, Setup overwrites
everything from the MBR, the boot sector, and the boot files.
Therefore, the earlier version the Windows operating system
loses forward compatibility with Windows Vista." [.......]
"To resolve these issues, follow these steps.
"Note You can run the commands in the following procedure
by using the command prompt. If you run these commands in
Windows Vista, run them at a command prompt that has
elevated user rights. To do this, click Start, click Accessories,
right-click the command-prompt shortcut, and then click
Run as Administrator.
1. Use Bootsect.exe to restore the Windows Vista MBR and
the boot code that transfers control to the Windows Boot
Manager program. To do this, type the following command
at a command prompt: Drive:\boot\Bootsect.exe /NT60 All"
But it turns out that "bootsect.exe" just restores the boot sector
unless the option "/fixmbr" is added. Alone, "bootsect.exe"
defaults to "bootsect.exe /fixboot". (See the following webpage:
http://neosmart.net/blog/2007/bootsectexe-modifies-the-bootsector-not-the-mbr/ ).
The following reason is offered in the article for the disparity:
"The source of all this confusion is that during the Longhorn/Vista
beta program, quite a number of builds were shipped with a
version of bootsect.exe (originally dubbed `fixntfs.exe`) that
modified both the MBR and the bootsector."
So at one time, the MBR of Vista differed from the pre-Vista MBRs,
but when Vista was finally released, it had the old MBR. This site
offers a breakdown of the "bootsect.exe" command syntax if you're
http://thevistaforums.com/index.php?autocom=ineo&showarticle=32 .
The usual source of "bootsect.exe" is the recovery section of the
Vista installation DVD. But if you don't have the Vista installation
DVD, it turns out you can also get it from the free download of
VistaBootPro at http://www.vistabootpro.org/ (where the Download
link is at the bottom of the webpage).
> Timothy Daniels wrote:
>> Oh! Just Windows/DOS. OK, so talk about just
>> Windows/DOS MBRs. Even just for them, the MBRs
>> are different.
> As said, the key point is: they all load the boot sector of
> the active partition.
> So when you install xp after vista, the key point is to
> restore the boot sector. If you don't, you can write all
> the MBRs you want, they won't fix your problem.
No one has said that only the MBR had to be changed
to "fix your problem". (Please note that it is not I who has
the problem of the inquiring poster.) The point of differing
opinion is whether the *MBRs* of various Windows/DOS
OSes are different. In that respect, you are mostly correct -
they are *usually* the same. I say "usually" because there
is some confusion in the online documentation about Vista's
Here at APCmag, the author is clearly of the notion
that Vista's MBR differs from that of XP
"The Windows XP bootloader gets installed to the MBR
and Vista can no longer boot." [......]
And following the link to
http://apcmag.com/5485/dualbooting_vista_and_xp#restoring ,
we have:
"Restoring Vista and dual booting
"Because you can't use the Windows XP bootloader to boot
Vista, we have to reinstate Vista's bootloader to the MBR
and configure it to manage both operating systems."
This view is seemingly supported by Microsoft's own
online documentation
"When you install an earlier version of the Windows operating
system on a Windows Vista-based computer, Setup overwrites
everything from the MBR, the boot sector, and the boot files.
Therefore, the earlier version the Windows operating system
loses forward compatibility with Windows Vista." [.......]
"To resolve these issues, follow these steps.
"Note You can run the commands in the following procedure
by using the command prompt. If you run these commands in
Windows Vista, run them at a command prompt that has
elevated user rights. To do this, click Start, click Accessories,
right-click the command-prompt shortcut, and then click
Run as Administrator.
1. Use Bootsect.exe to restore the Windows Vista MBR and
the boot code that transfers control to the Windows Boot
Manager program. To do this, type the following command
at a command prompt: Drive:\boot\Bootsect.exe /NT60 All"
But it turns out that "bootsect.exe" just restores the boot sector
unless the option "/fixmbr" is added. Alone, "bootsect.exe"
defaults to "bootsect.exe /fixboot". (See the following webpage:
http://neosmart.net/blog/2007/bootsectexe-modifies-the-bootsector-not-the-mbr/ ).
The following reason is offered in the article for the disparity:
"The source of all this confusion is that during the Longhorn/Vista
beta program, quite a number of builds were shipped with a
version of bootsect.exe (originally dubbed `fixntfs.exe`) that
modified both the MBR and the bootsector."
So at one time, the MBR of Vista differed from the pre-Vista MBRs,
but when Vista was finally released, it had the old MBR. This site
offers a breakdown of the "bootsect.exe" command syntax if you're
http://thevistaforums.com/index.php?autocom=ineo&showarticle=32 .
The usual source of "bootsect.exe" is the recovery section of the
Vista installation DVD. But if you don't have the Vista installation
DVD, it turns out you can also get it from the free download of
VistaBootPro at http://www.vistabootpro.org/ (where the Download
link is at the bottom of the webpage).