Windows Vista Was Windows XP Microsoft's last good OS?

  • Thread starter Thread starter On the Bridge!
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On the Bridge!


March 1, 2008 (Computerworld) Everybody's talking today about "Drivergate" -
internal Microsoft e-mails that show senior Microsoft executives personally
struggling to use hardware products sporting the "Windows Vista Capable"
sticker. The e-mails also show that Microsoft lowered its standard for some
hardware compatibility, apparently to help Intel impress Wall Street.

This revelation is simply the latest in a long series that add up to one
inescapable conclusion: Windows Vista sucks. (And making it cheaper won't
help, either.)

Compatibility of drivers is just one issue. Another is a convoluted user
interface that prevents ordinary users from gaining a sense of control over
the OS.

Windows Mobile, Microsoft's operating system for cell phones, suffers from a
similar problem. The Windows Mobile OS isn't horrible per se, it's just that
it's completely wrong for cell phones and other small screen devices.

Windows Mobile clearly compromises usability to mimic the WIMP (Windows,
Icons, Menus and Pointing device) focus of Microsoft's desktop operating
systems. To quote Dr. Phil: How's that workin' for ya? It hasn't helped
eroding desktop Windows market share, and it hasn't helped Windows Mobile,

The biggest problem isn't that the company's newest products are unusable,
but that Microsoft may have actually lost the "ability" to make good
operating systems. It may not be able to let go of its dogmatic insistence
on the flawed vision of the same Windows "experience" from wristwatches to

And there is evidence that delusion or, at least, wishful thinking, prevails
at Microsoft. The company's founder and chairman, Bill Gates, said last week
that "Microsoft expects more Internet searches to be done through speech
than through typing on a keyboard." Hey, Bill: Do you want to bet $10
billion on that? I doubt even that Microsoft will fix its Vista driver
problem within five years. This is the same guy, by the way, who bragged
that Microsoft would "solve" spam by 2006.

It's imperative for Microsoft to get the next major OS right. The secret
lies in the company's Surface initiative.
Microsoft has never understood the importance of "simplicity," a fundamental
design concept it has always swept aside to make room for "feature rich"
(i.e., bloated and complex).

Right now, the Windows Vista type user interfaces are in their final days.
The future belongs to what I call the 3G user interface, which replaces flat
icons and folders with multitouch, gestures, physics and 3-D.

It's imperative for Microsoft to get the next major OS right. But how?

The secret lies in the company's Surface initiative. Sure, Surface is at
present a little more than a semishipping demo usable for product marketing.

The Surface demo dazzles with its 3G goodness. But what's impressive and
surprising is that somehow someone at Microsoft was allowed to create a user
interface unburdened by "compatibility" with two decades of spaghetti code.
What a concept! And no "Start" button!

Another hopeful sign is that Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer appears to agree
that Surface is important - or, at least, urgent. He announced earlier this
month that Microsoft is accelerating the development of a consumer version.

Here's what I believe Microsoft needs to do to save its vitally important
operating systems business:

1.. Never compromise on driver compatibility, not even for Intel.
2.. Insist on the highest standards for compatibility stickers, then use
your marketing millions to drive customers to partners that have earned
those stickers. Drive the laggards, the cheaters and the inadequate vendors
out of business. They're poisoning your swimming pool.
3.. Make an operating system for each computer type - cell phone, UMPC,
consumer desktop, enterprise desktop, enterprise server, supercomputer -
optimized for that type, not as a dogmatic slave to the limitations of the
generic desktop Windows vision.
4.. Emphasize usability and simplicity over "feature rich" complexity. We
don't need more options, features, capabilities, applications, peripherals
and hardware vendors. We need better ones.
5.. Emphasize usability and simplicity over backward compatibility for the
consumer version of Windows. The 1990s are over. Don't sacrifice the future
for customers and partner companies that are living in the past.
6.. Throw everything they've got at getting the consumer version of
Surface right. Surface is the future of the company. And Apple won't wait
around. That company is aggressively patenting elements of the user
interface of the future, and you know they'll build and market it
7.. Be afraid of Apple, Google and Asus. Apple is eating your desktop
marketshare because they succeed with simplicity and UI elegance. Google
might do so with its cell phone UI. And Asus, a two-bit Taiwanese
motherboard maker, was able to cobble together a quick-and-dirty UI for
Linux that's way better than Windows Vista for UMPCs.

What people are REALLY saying about Vista:

50 Ways to leave your Vista....


You just format the drive , Clive
Get a New Mac , Jack
Y'don't need that crap toy, Roy
Just get yourself free
Boot from a *nix, Jix
You don't need to discuss much
Install XP, Lee
And get yourself free
Was Windows XP Microsoft's last good OS?, of course not

Was Windows XP Microsoft's last good OS?, of course not

On the Bridge! wrote:

Re: Was Windows XP Microsoft's last good OS?

"On the Bridge!" <On@the,Bridge> wrote in message
> March 1, 2008 (Computerworld) Everybody's talking today about
> "Drivergate" -
> internal Microsoft e-mails that show senior Microsoft executives
> personally
> struggling to use hardware products sporting the "Windows Vista Capable"
> sticker. The e-mails also show that Microsoft lowered its standard for
> some
> hardware compatibility, apparently to help Intel impress Wall Street.
> This revelation is simply the latest in a long series that add up to one
> inescapable conclusion: Windows Vista sucks. (And making it cheaper won't
> help, either.)
> Compatibility of drivers is just one issue. Another is a convoluted user
> interface that prevents ordinary users from gaining a sense of control
> over
> the OS.
> Windows Mobile, Microsoft's operating system for cell phones, suffers from
> a
> similar problem. The Windows Mobile OS isn't horrible per se, it's just
> that
> it's completely wrong for cell phones and other small screen devices.
> Windows Mobile clearly compromises usability to mimic the WIMP (Windows,
> Icons, Menus and Pointing device) focus of Microsoft's desktop operating
> systems. To quote Dr. Phil: How's that workin' for ya? It hasn't helped
> eroding desktop Windows market share, and it hasn't helped Windows Mobile,
> either.
> The biggest problem isn't that the company's newest products are unusable,
> but that Microsoft may have actually lost the "ability" to make good
> operating systems. It may not be able to let go of its dogmatic insistence
> on the flawed vision of the same Windows "experience" from wristwatches to
> supercomputers.
> And there is evidence that delusion or, at least, wishful thinking,
> prevails
> at Microsoft. The company's founder and chairman, Bill Gates, said last
> week
> that "Microsoft expects more Internet searches to be done through speech
> than through typing on a keyboard." Hey, Bill: Do you want to bet $10
> billion on that? I doubt even that Microsoft will fix its Vista driver
> problem within five years. This is the same guy, by the way, who bragged
> that Microsoft would "solve" spam by 2006.
> It's imperative for Microsoft to get the next major OS right. The secret
> lies in the company's Surface initiative.
> Microsoft has never understood the importance of "simplicity," a
> fundamental
> design concept it has always swept aside to make room for "feature rich"
> (i.e., bloated and complex).
> Right now, the Windows Vista type user interfaces are in their final days.
> The future belongs to what I call the 3G user interface, which replaces
> flat
> icons and folders with multitouch, gestures, physics and 3-D.
> It's imperative for Microsoft to get the next major OS right. But how?
> The secret lies in the company's Surface initiative. Sure, Surface is at
> present a little more than a semishipping demo usable for product
> marketing.
> The Surface demo dazzles with its 3G goodness. But what's impressive and
> surprising is that somehow someone at Microsoft was allowed to create a
> user
> interface unburdened by "compatibility" with two decades of spaghetti
> code.
> What a concept! And no "Start" button!
> Another hopeful sign is that Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer appears to agree
> that Surface is important - or, at least, urgent. He announced earlier
> this
> month that Microsoft is accelerating the development of a consumer
> version.
> Here's what I believe Microsoft needs to do to save its vitally important
> operating systems business:
> 1.. Never compromise on driver compatibility, not even for Intel.
> 2.. Insist on the highest standards for compatibility stickers, then use
> your marketing millions to drive customers to partners that have earned
> those stickers. Drive the laggards, the cheaters and the inadequate
> vendors
> out of business. They're poisoning your swimming pool.
> 3.. Make an operating system for each computer type - cell phone, UMPC,
> consumer desktop, enterprise desktop, enterprise server, supercomputer -
> optimized for that type, not as a dogmatic slave to the limitations of the
> generic desktop Windows vision.
> 4.. Emphasize usability and simplicity over "feature rich" complexity. We
> don't need more options, features, capabilities, applications, peripherals
> and hardware vendors. We need better ones.
> 5.. Emphasize usability and simplicity over backward compatibility for
> the
> consumer version of Windows. The 1990s are over. Don't sacrifice the
> future
> for customers and partner companies that are living in the past.
> 6.. Throw everything they've got at getting the consumer version of
> Surface right. Surface is the future of the company. And Apple won't wait
> around. That company is aggressively patenting elements of the user
> interface of the future, and you know they'll build and market it
> successfully.
> 7.. Be afraid of Apple, Google and Asus. Apple is eating your desktop
> marketshare because they succeed with simplicity and UI elegance. Google
> might do so with its cell phone UI. And Asus, a two-bit Taiwanese
> motherboard maker, was able to cobble together a quick-and-dirty UI for
> Linux that's way better than Windows Vista for UMPCs.
> --
> What people are REALLY saying about Vista:
> 50 Ways to leave your Vista....
> You just format the drive , Clive
> Get a New Mac , Jack
> Y'don't need that crap toy, Roy
> Just get yourself free
> Boot from a *nix, Jix
> You don't need to discuss much
> Install XP, Lee
> And get yourself free

Good lord, man... get a life!

Re: Was Windows XP Microsoft's last good OS?

Yep, trolling idiots still cannot rest. They mourn XP. And the malware
procreator On The Bridge is in the forefront of the backward crowd.

Somebody posted a post a week ago from where people from a few
years ago badmouthed XP, spewed tons of venom and cried out loud: "We are
going to go back to Me."

Scum and idiocy go hand in hand. Lunatic have no memory.

"Lang Murphy" <> wrote in message
> "On the Bridge!" <On@the,Bridge> wrote in message
>> March 1, 2008 (Computerworld) Everybody's talking today about
>> "Drivergate" -
>> internal Microsoft e-mails that show senior Microsoft executives
>> personally
>> struggling to use hardware products sporting the "Windows Vista Capable"
>> sticker. The e-mails also show that Microsoft lowered its standard for
>> some
>> hardware compatibility, apparently to help Intel impress Wall Street.
>> This revelation is simply the latest in a long series that add up to one
>> inescapable conclusion: Windows Vista sucks. (And making it cheaper won't
>> help, either.)
>> Compatibility of drivers is just one issue. Another is a convoluted user
>> interface that prevents ordinary users from gaining a sense of control
>> over
>> the OS.
>> Windows Mobile, Microsoft's operating system for cell phones, suffers
>> from a
>> similar problem. The Windows Mobile OS isn't horrible per se, it's just
>> that
>> it's completely wrong for cell phones and other small screen devices.
>> Windows Mobile clearly compromises usability to mimic the WIMP (Windows,
>> Icons, Menus and Pointing device) focus of Microsoft's desktop operating
>> systems. To quote Dr. Phil: How's that workin' for ya? It hasn't helped
>> eroding desktop Windows market share, and it hasn't helped Windows
>> Mobile,
>> either.
>> The biggest problem isn't that the company's newest products are
>> unusable,
>> but that Microsoft may have actually lost the "ability" to make good
>> operating systems. It may not be able to let go of its dogmatic
>> insistence
>> on the flawed vision of the same Windows "experience" from wristwatches
>> to
>> supercomputers.
>> And there is evidence that delusion or, at least, wishful thinking,
>> prevails
>> at Microsoft. The company's founder and chairman, Bill Gates, said last
>> week
>> that "Microsoft expects more Internet searches to be done through speech
>> than through typing on a keyboard." Hey, Bill: Do you want to bet $10
>> billion on that? I doubt even that Microsoft will fix its Vista driver
>> problem within five years. This is the same guy, by the way, who bragged
>> that Microsoft would "solve" spam by 2006.
>> It's imperative for Microsoft to get the next major OS right. The secret
>> lies in the company's Surface initiative.
>> Microsoft has never understood the importance of "simplicity," a
>> fundamental
>> design concept it has always swept aside to make room for "feature rich"
>> (i.e., bloated and complex).
>> Right now, the Windows Vista type user interfaces are in their final
>> days.
>> The future belongs to what I call the 3G user interface, which replaces
>> flat
>> icons and folders with multitouch, gestures, physics and 3-D.
>> It's imperative for Microsoft to get the next major OS right. But how?
>> The secret lies in the company's Surface initiative. Sure, Surface is at
>> present a little more than a semishipping demo usable for product
>> marketing.
>> The Surface demo dazzles with its 3G goodness. But what's impressive and
>> surprising is that somehow someone at Microsoft was allowed to create a
>> user
>> interface unburdened by "compatibility" with two decades of spaghetti
>> code.
>> What a concept! And no "Start" button!
>> Another hopeful sign is that Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer appears to agree
>> that Surface is important - or, at least, urgent. He announced earlier
>> this
>> month that Microsoft is accelerating the development of a consumer
>> version.
>> Here's what I believe Microsoft needs to do to save its vitally important
>> operating systems business:
>> 1.. Never compromise on driver compatibility, not even for Intel.
>> 2.. Insist on the highest standards for compatibility stickers, then use
>> your marketing millions to drive customers to partners that have earned
>> those stickers. Drive the laggards, the cheaters and the inadequate
>> vendors
>> out of business. They're poisoning your swimming pool.
>> 3.. Make an operating system for each computer type - cell phone, UMPC,
>> consumer desktop, enterprise desktop, enterprise server, supercomputer -
>> optimized for that type, not as a dogmatic slave to the limitations of
>> the
>> generic desktop Windows vision.
>> 4.. Emphasize usability and simplicity over "feature rich" complexity.
>> We
>> don't need more options, features, capabilities, applications,
>> peripherals
>> and hardware vendors. We need better ones.
>> 5.. Emphasize usability and simplicity over backward compatibility for
>> the
>> consumer version of Windows. The 1990s are over. Don't sacrifice the
>> future
>> for customers and partner companies that are living in the past.
>> 6.. Throw everything they've got at getting the consumer version of
>> Surface right. Surface is the future of the company. And Apple won't wait
>> around. That company is aggressively patenting elements of the user
>> interface of the future, and you know they'll build and market it
>> successfully.
>> 7.. Be afraid of Apple, Google and Asus. Apple is eating your desktop
>> marketshare because they succeed with simplicity and UI elegance. Google
>> might do so with its cell phone UI. And Asus, a two-bit Taiwanese
>> motherboard maker, was able to cobble together a quick-and-dirty UI for
>> Linux that's way better than Windows Vista for UMPCs.
>> --
>> What people are REALLY saying about Vista:
>> 50 Ways to leave your Vista....
>> You just format the drive , Clive
>> Get a New Mac , Jack
>> Y'don't need that crap toy, Roy
>> Just get yourself free
>> Boot from a *nix, Jix
>> You don't need to discuss much
>> Install XP, Lee
>> And get yourself free

> Good lord, man... get a life!
> Lang
Re: Was Windows XP Microsoft's last good OS?

Now I recall more cr*ap about their whining. Before SP1 they were saying:
Vista is no good, do not install it, wait for SP1. I still have no SP1
installed, my Vistas are running great. When SP1 came out without even
testing it but pretending they did the same cra*ppy crowd began to
insinuate: Vista plus SP1 is still no good, wait for SP2. It is a real
story. I think one of those crooks, either Al-Alias or NoStop came out with
this sh*it. They run around naked and want us to see them dressed in decent
clothes and follow them. Cra*ppy crooks and jerks!

And they wanted me to stop top posting! For what? To underline they sickly

"Vista su*cks" crowd SU*CKS. It is an inescapable conclusion. They are

"Lang Murphy" <> wrote in message
> "On the Bridge!" <On@the,Bridge> wrote in message
>> March 1, 2008 (Computerworld) Everybody's talking today about
>> "Drivergate" -
>> internal Microsoft e-mails that show senior Microsoft executives
>> personally
>> struggling to use hardware products sporting the "Windows Vista Capable"
>> sticker. The e-mails also show that Microsoft lowered its standard for
>> some
>> hardware compatibility, apparently to help Intel impress Wall Street.
>> This revelation is simply the latest in a long series that add up to one
>> inescapable conclusion: Windows Vista sucks. (And making it cheaper won't
>> help, either.)
>> Compatibility of drivers is just one issue. Another is a convoluted user
>> interface that prevents ordinary users from gaining a sense of control
>> over
>> the OS.
>> Windows Mobile, Microsoft's operating system for cell phones, suffers
>> from a
>> similar problem. The Windows Mobile OS isn't horrible per se, it's just
>> that
>> it's completely wrong for cell phones and other small screen devices.
>> Windows Mobile clearly compromises usability to mimic the WIMP (Windows,
>> Icons, Menus and Pointing device) focus of Microsoft's desktop operating
>> systems. To quote Dr. Phil: How's that workin' for ya? It hasn't helped
>> eroding desktop Windows market share, and it hasn't helped Windows
>> Mobile,
>> either.
>> The biggest problem isn't that the company's newest products are
>> unusable,
>> but that Microsoft may have actually lost the "ability" to make good
>> operating systems. It may not be able to let go of its dogmatic
>> insistence
>> on the flawed vision of the same Windows "experience" from wristwatches
>> to
>> supercomputers.
>> And there is evidence that delusion or, at least, wishful thinking,
>> prevails
>> at Microsoft. The company's founder and chairman, Bill Gates, said last
>> week
>> that "Microsoft expects more Internet searches to be done through speech
>> than through typing on a keyboard." Hey, Bill: Do you want to bet $10
>> billion on that? I doubt even that Microsoft will fix its Vista driver
>> problem within five years. This is the same guy, by the way, who bragged
>> that Microsoft would "solve" spam by 2006.
>> It's imperative for Microsoft to get the next major OS right. The secret
>> lies in the company's Surface initiative.
>> Microsoft has never understood the importance of "simplicity," a
>> fundamental
>> design concept it has always swept aside to make room for "feature rich"
>> (i.e., bloated and complex).
>> Right now, the Windows Vista type user interfaces are in their final
>> days.
>> The future belongs to what I call the 3G user interface, which replaces
>> flat
>> icons and folders with multitouch, gestures, physics and 3-D.
>> It's imperative for Microsoft to get the next major OS right. But how?
>> The secret lies in the company's Surface initiative. Sure, Surface is at
>> present a little more than a semishipping demo usable for product
>> marketing.
>> The Surface demo dazzles with its 3G goodness. But what's impressive and
>> surprising is that somehow someone at Microsoft was allowed to create a
>> user
>> interface unburdened by "compatibility" with two decades of spaghetti
>> code.
>> What a concept! And no "Start" button!
>> Another hopeful sign is that Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer appears to agree
>> that Surface is important - or, at least, urgent. He announced earlier
>> this
>> month that Microsoft is accelerating the development of a consumer
>> version.
>> Here's what I believe Microsoft needs to do to save its vitally important
>> operating systems business:
>> 1.. Never compromise on driver compatibility, not even for Intel.
>> 2.. Insist on the highest standards for compatibility stickers, then use
>> your marketing millions to drive customers to partners that have earned
>> those stickers. Drive the laggards, the cheaters and the inadequate
>> vendors
>> out of business. They're poisoning your swimming pool.
>> 3.. Make an operating system for each computer type - cell phone, UMPC,
>> consumer desktop, enterprise desktop, enterprise server, supercomputer -
>> optimized for that type, not as a dogmatic slave to the limitations of
>> the
>> generic desktop Windows vision.
>> 4.. Emphasize usability and simplicity over "feature rich" complexity.
>> We
>> don't need more options, features, capabilities, applications,
>> peripherals
>> and hardware vendors. We need better ones.
>> 5.. Emphasize usability and simplicity over backward compatibility for
>> the
>> consumer version of Windows. The 1990s are over. Don't sacrifice the
>> future
>> for customers and partner companies that are living in the past.
>> 6.. Throw everything they've got at getting the consumer version of
>> Surface right. Surface is the future of the company. And Apple won't wait
>> around. That company is aggressively patenting elements of the user
>> interface of the future, and you know they'll build and market it
>> successfully.
>> 7.. Be afraid of Apple, Google and Asus. Apple is eating your desktop
>> marketshare because they succeed with simplicity and UI elegance. Google
>> might do so with its cell phone UI. And Asus, a two-bit Taiwanese
>> motherboard maker, was able to cobble together a quick-and-dirty UI for
>> Linux that's way better than Windows Vista for UMPCs.
>> --
>> What people are REALLY saying about Vista:
>> 50 Ways to leave your Vista....
>> You just format the drive , Clive
>> Get a New Mac , Jack
>> Y'don't need that crap toy, Roy
>> Just get yourself free
>> Boot from a *nix, Jix
>> You don't need to discuss much
>> Install XP, Lee
>> And get yourself free

> Good lord, man... get a life!
> Lang
Re: Was Windows XP Microsoft's last good OS?

AlexB wrote:

> Now I recall more cr*ap about their whining. Before SP1 they were saying:
> Vista is no good, do not install it, wait for SP1. I still have no SP1
> installed, my Vistas are running great. When SP1 came out without even
> testing it but pretending they did the same cra*ppy crowd began to
> insinuate: Vista plus SP1 is still no good, wait for SP2. It is a real
> story. I think one of those crooks, either Al-Alias or NoStop came out
> with this sh*it. They run around naked and want us to see them dressed in
> decent clothes and follow them. Cra*ppy crooks and jerks!

Now that's a nice Christian. Turn the other cheek and all that crap. BTW, I
never said SP2 would fix Vista and people should wait for it, so don't put
words in my mouth you fukking liar. If I ever said anything about Vista as
regards waiting for a fix, it would have been ... don't wait. Vista is
unfixable. It's a p.o.s. toy operating system, rushed out the door
("rushed" is a MS term for taking 6 years) by Microsoft because it's been
years since they released their last abomination.

> And they wanted me to stop top posting! For what?

Because you're on Usenet and 'dems the rules you useless p.o.s.

> To underline they sickly
> vomits?

Another Christian statement from alexB. Thank God rational minds don't
believe in those fairy tales. I'd hate to think of spending eternity with
the likes of you. It's bad enough that you're here now.

> "Vista su*cks" crowd SU*CKS. It is an inescapable conclusion. They are

alexB, really don't you have something more important to do today,
like "de-lousing" your Vista box?



> "Lang Murphy" <> wrote in message
> news:egcp87cfIHA.4880@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>> "On the Bridge!" <On@the,Bridge> wrote in message
>>> March 1, 2008 (Computerworld) Everybody's talking today about
>>> "Drivergate" -
>>> internal Microsoft e-mails that show senior Microsoft executives
>>> personally
>>> struggling to use hardware products sporting the "Windows Vista Capable"
>>> sticker. The e-mails also show that Microsoft lowered its standard for
>>> some
>>> hardware compatibility, apparently to help Intel impress Wall Street.
>>> This revelation is simply the latest in a long series that add up to one
>>> inescapable conclusion: Windows Vista sucks. (And making it cheaper
>>> won't help, either.)
>>> Compatibility of drivers is just one issue. Another is a convoluted user
>>> interface that prevents ordinary users from gaining a sense of control
>>> over
>>> the OS.
>>> Windows Mobile, Microsoft's operating system for cell phones, suffers
>>> from a
>>> similar problem. The Windows Mobile OS isn't horrible per se, it's just
>>> that
>>> it's completely wrong for cell phones and other small screen devices.
>>> Windows Mobile clearly compromises usability to mimic the WIMP (Windows,
>>> Icons, Menus and Pointing device) focus of Microsoft's desktop operating
>>> systems. To quote Dr. Phil: How's that workin' for ya? It hasn't helped
>>> eroding desktop Windows market share, and it hasn't helped Windows
>>> Mobile,
>>> either.
>>> The biggest problem isn't that the company's newest products are
>>> unusable,
>>> but that Microsoft may have actually lost the "ability" to make good
>>> operating systems. It may not be able to let go of its dogmatic
>>> insistence
>>> on the flawed vision of the same Windows "experience" from wristwatches
>>> to
>>> supercomputers.
>>> And there is evidence that delusion or, at least, wishful thinking,
>>> prevails
>>> at Microsoft. The company's founder and chairman, Bill Gates, said last
>>> week
>>> that "Microsoft expects more Internet searches to be done through speech
>>> than through typing on a keyboard." Hey, Bill: Do you want to bet $10
>>> billion on that? I doubt even that Microsoft will fix its Vista driver
>>> problem within five years. This is the same guy, by the way, who bragged
>>> that Microsoft would "solve" spam by 2006.
>>> It's imperative for Microsoft to get the next major OS right. The secret
>>> lies in the company's Surface initiative.
>>> Microsoft has never understood the importance of "simplicity," a
>>> fundamental
>>> design concept it has always swept aside to make room for "feature rich"
>>> (i.e., bloated and complex).
>>> Right now, the Windows Vista type user interfaces are in their final
>>> days.
>>> The future belongs to what I call the 3G user interface, which replaces
>>> flat
>>> icons and folders with multitouch, gestures, physics and 3-D.
>>> It's imperative for Microsoft to get the next major OS right. But how?
>>> The secret lies in the company's Surface initiative. Sure, Surface is at
>>> present a little more than a semishipping demo usable for product
>>> marketing.
>>> The Surface demo dazzles with its 3G goodness. But what's impressive and
>>> surprising is that somehow someone at Microsoft was allowed to create a
>>> user
>>> interface unburdened by "compatibility" with two decades of spaghetti
>>> code.
>>> What a concept! And no "Start" button!
>>> Another hopeful sign is that Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer appears to
>>> agree that Surface is important - or, at least, urgent. He announced
>>> earlier this
>>> month that Microsoft is accelerating the development of a consumer
>>> version.
>>> Here's what I believe Microsoft needs to do to save its vitally
>>> important operating systems business:
>>> 1.. Never compromise on driver compatibility, not even for Intel.
>>> 2.. Insist on the highest standards for compatibility stickers, then
>>> use
>>> your marketing millions to drive customers to partners that have earned
>>> those stickers. Drive the laggards, the cheaters and the inadequate
>>> vendors
>>> out of business. They're poisoning your swimming pool.
>>> 3.. Make an operating system for each computer type - cell phone, UMPC,
>>> consumer desktop, enterprise desktop, enterprise server, supercomputer -
>>> optimized for that type, not as a dogmatic slave to the limitations of
>>> the
>>> generic desktop Windows vision.
>>> 4.. Emphasize usability and simplicity over "feature rich" complexity.
>>> We
>>> don't need more options, features, capabilities, applications,
>>> peripherals
>>> and hardware vendors. We need better ones.
>>> 5.. Emphasize usability and simplicity over backward compatibility for
>>> the
>>> consumer version of Windows. The 1990s are over. Don't sacrifice the
>>> future
>>> for customers and partner companies that are living in the past.
>>> 6.. Throw everything they've got at getting the consumer version of
>>> Surface right. Surface is the future of the company. And Apple won't
>>> wait around. That company is aggressively patenting elements of the user
>>> interface of the future, and you know they'll build and market it
>>> successfully.
>>> 7.. Be afraid of Apple, Google and Asus. Apple is eating your desktop
>>> marketshare because they succeed with simplicity and UI elegance. Google
>>> might do so with its cell phone UI. And Asus, a two-bit Taiwanese
>>> motherboard maker, was able to cobble together a quick-and-dirty UI for
>>> Linux that's way better than Windows Vista for UMPCs.
>>> --
>>> What people are REALLY saying about Vista:
>>> 50 Ways to leave your Vista....
>>> You just format the drive , Clive
>>> Get a New Mac , Jack
>>> Y'don't need that crap toy, Roy
>>> Just get yourself free
>>> Boot from a *nix, Jix
>>> You don't need to discuss much
>>> Install XP, Lee
>>> And get yourself free

>> Good lord, man... get a life!
>> Lang

What does Bill Gates use?

Proprietary Software: a 20th Century software business model.

Q: What OS is built for lusers?
A: Which one requires running lusermgr.msc to create them?

Frank, hard at work on his Vista computer all day:
RE: Was Windows XP Microsoft's last good OS?

I am back and looking for the great assistance I get at this site every time!
I may not be on the correct posting but maybe someone here can help me. I
have a Kodak Camera. As of yesterday all was well, plugged in the connector
to the camera, into the USB port, got my pics. Today!!!! Did the same thing
and it is not giving me my pics. It told me I was not connected, etc.
Unplugged, started over. No luck, turned off computer, restarted, tried
again, told me the USB Device was successfully installed", what??? But still
would not give me my pics. Any help available? Thanks, Patricia

"On the Bridge!" wrote:

> March 1, 2008 (Computerworld) Everybody's talking today about "Drivergate" -
> internal Microsoft e-mails that show senior Microsoft executives personally
> struggling to use hardware products sporting the "Windows Vista Capable"
> sticker. The e-mails also show that Microsoft lowered its standard for some
> hardware compatibility, apparently to help Intel impress Wall Street.
> This revelation is simply the latest in a long series that add up to one
> inescapable conclusion: Windows Vista sucks. (And making it cheaper won't
> help, either.)
> Compatibility of drivers is just one issue. Another is a convoluted user
> interface that prevents ordinary users from gaining a sense of control over
> the OS.
> Windows Mobile, Microsoft's operating system for cell phones, suffers from a
> similar problem. The Windows Mobile OS isn't horrible per se, it's just that
> it's completely wrong for cell phones and other small screen devices.
> Windows Mobile clearly compromises usability to mimic the WIMP (Windows,
> Icons, Menus and Pointing device) focus of Microsoft's desktop operating
> systems. To quote Dr. Phil: How's that workin' for ya? It hasn't helped
> eroding desktop Windows market share, and it hasn't helped Windows Mobile,
> either.
> The biggest problem isn't that the company's newest products are unusable,
> but that Microsoft may have actually lost the "ability" to make good
> operating systems. It may not be able to let go of its dogmatic insistence
> on the flawed vision of the same Windows "experience" from wristwatches to
> supercomputers.
> And there is evidence that delusion or, at least, wishful thinking, prevails
> at Microsoft. The company's founder and chairman, Bill Gates, said last week
> that "Microsoft expects more Internet searches to be done through speech
> than through typing on a keyboard." Hey, Bill: Do you want to bet $10
> billion on that? I doubt even that Microsoft will fix its Vista driver
> problem within five years. This is the same guy, by the way, who bragged
> that Microsoft would "solve" spam by 2006.
> It's imperative for Microsoft to get the next major OS right. The secret
> lies in the company's Surface initiative.
> Microsoft has never understood the importance of "simplicity," a fundamental
> design concept it has always swept aside to make room for "feature rich"
> (i.e., bloated and complex).
> Right now, the Windows Vista type user interfaces are in their final days.
> The future belongs to what I call the 3G user interface, which replaces flat
> icons and folders with multitouch, gestures, physics and 3-D.
> It's imperative for Microsoft to get the next major OS right. But how?
> The secret lies in the company's Surface initiative. Sure, Surface is at
> present a little more than a semishipping demo usable for product marketing.
> The Surface demo dazzles with its 3G goodness. But what's impressive and
> surprising is that somehow someone at Microsoft was allowed to create a user
> interface unburdened by "compatibility" with two decades of spaghetti code.
> What a concept! And no "Start" button!
> Another hopeful sign is that Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer appears to agree
> that Surface is important - or, at least, urgent. He announced earlier this
> month that Microsoft is accelerating the development of a consumer version.
> Here's what I believe Microsoft needs to do to save its vitally important
> operating systems business:
> 1.. Never compromise on driver compatibility, not even for Intel.
> 2.. Insist on the highest standards for compatibility stickers, then use
> your marketing millions to drive customers to partners that have earned
> those stickers. Drive the laggards, the cheaters and the inadequate vendors
> out of business. They're poisoning your swimming pool.
> 3.. Make an operating system for each computer type - cell phone, UMPC,
> consumer desktop, enterprise desktop, enterprise server, supercomputer -
> optimized for that type, not as a dogmatic slave to the limitations of the
> generic desktop Windows vision.
> 4.. Emphasize usability and simplicity over "feature rich" complexity. We
> don't need more options, features, capabilities, applications, peripherals
> and hardware vendors. We need better ones.
> 5.. Emphasize usability and simplicity over backward compatibility for the
> consumer version of Windows. The 1990s are over. Don't sacrifice the future
> for customers and partner companies that are living in the past.
> 6.. Throw everything they've got at getting the consumer version of
> Surface right. Surface is the future of the company. And Apple won't wait
> around. That company is aggressively patenting elements of the user
> interface of the future, and you know they'll build and market it
> successfully.
> 7.. Be afraid of Apple, Google and Asus. Apple is eating your desktop
> marketshare because they succeed with simplicity and UI elegance. Google
> might do so with its cell phone UI. And Asus, a two-bit Taiwanese
> motherboard maker, was able to cobble together a quick-and-dirty UI for
> Linux that's way better than Windows Vista for UMPCs.
> --
> What people are REALLY saying about Vista:
> 50 Ways to leave your Vista....
> You just format the drive , Clive
> Get a New Mac , Jack
> Y'don't need that crap toy, Roy
> Just get yourself free
> Boot from a *nix, Jix
> You don't need to discuss much
> Install XP, Lee
> And get yourself free
Re: Was Windows XP Microsoft's last good OS?

There is nothing worse than a christian who hates everyone in the name of
god... LOL

and this guy sure has a lot of hate in him...

Whats worse he doesnt even understand how bad he comes accross....

You know what will happen? If he continues like this, he will create such
disgust that everyone will be attacking him back.... and this will create
chaos in this newsgroup.

In effect I think AlexB is the worst troll that this newsgroup has ever seen
up to this date.

"NoStop" <> wrote in message
> AlexB wrote:
>> Now I recall more cr*ap about their whining. Before SP1 they were saying:
>> Vista is no good, do not install it, wait for SP1. I still have no SP1
>> installed, my Vistas are running great. When SP1 came out without even
>> testing it but pretending they did the same cra*ppy crowd began to
>> insinuate: Vista plus SP1 is still no good, wait for SP2. It is a real
>> story. I think one of those crooks, either Al-Alias or NoStop came out
>> with this sh*it. They run around naked and want us to see them dressed in
>> decent clothes and follow them. Cra*ppy crooks and jerks!

> Now that's a nice Christian. Turn the other cheek and all that crap. BTW,
> I
> never said SP2 would fix Vista and people should wait for it, so don't put
> words in my mouth you fukking liar. If I ever said anything about Vista as
> regards waiting for a fix, it would have been ... don't wait. Vista is
> unfixable. It's a p.o.s. toy operating system, rushed out the door
> ("rushed" is a MS term for taking 6 years) by Microsoft because it's been
> years since they released their last abomination.
>> And they wanted me to stop top posting! For what?

> Because you're on Usenet and 'dems the rules you useless p.o.s.
>> To underline they sickly
>> vomits?

> Another Christian statement from alexB. Thank God rational minds don't
> believe in those fairy tales. I'd hate to think of spending eternity with
> the likes of you. It's bad enough that you're here now.
>> "Vista su*cks" crowd SU*CKS. It is an inescapable conclusion. They are

> alexB, really don't you have something more important to do today,
> like "de-lousing" your Vista box?

> Cheers.
>> "Lang Murphy" <> wrote in message
>> news:egcp87cfIHA.4880@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>>> "On the Bridge!" <On@the,Bridge> wrote in message

>>>> March 1, 2008 (Computerworld) Everybody's talking today about
>>>> "Drivergate" -
>>>> internal Microsoft e-mails that show senior Microsoft executives
>>>> personally
>>>> struggling to use hardware products sporting the "Windows Vista
>>>> Capable"
>>>> sticker. The e-mails also show that Microsoft lowered its standard for
>>>> some
>>>> hardware compatibility, apparently to help Intel impress Wall Street.
>>>> This revelation is simply the latest in a long series that add up to
>>>> one
>>>> inescapable conclusion: Windows Vista sucks. (And making it cheaper
>>>> won't help, either.)
>>>> Compatibility of drivers is just one issue. Another is a convoluted
>>>> user
>>>> interface that prevents ordinary users from gaining a sense of control
>>>> over
>>>> the OS.
>>>> Windows Mobile, Microsoft's operating system for cell phones, suffers
>>>> from a
>>>> similar problem. The Windows Mobile OS isn't horrible per se, it's just
>>>> that
>>>> it's completely wrong for cell phones and other small screen devices.
>>>> Windows Mobile clearly compromises usability to mimic the WIMP
>>>> (Windows,
>>>> Icons, Menus and Pointing device) focus of Microsoft's desktop
>>>> operating
>>>> systems. To quote Dr. Phil: How's that workin' for ya? It hasn't helped
>>>> eroding desktop Windows market share, and it hasn't helped Windows
>>>> Mobile,
>>>> either.
>>>> The biggest problem isn't that the company's newest products are
>>>> unusable,
>>>> but that Microsoft may have actually lost the "ability" to make good
>>>> operating systems. It may not be able to let go of its dogmatic
>>>> insistence
>>>> on the flawed vision of the same Windows "experience" from wristwatches
>>>> to
>>>> supercomputers.
>>>> And there is evidence that delusion or, at least, wishful thinking,
>>>> prevails
>>>> at Microsoft. The company's founder and chairman, Bill Gates, said last
>>>> week
>>>> that "Microsoft expects more Internet searches to be done through
>>>> speech
>>>> than through typing on a keyboard." Hey, Bill: Do you want to bet $10
>>>> billion on that? I doubt even that Microsoft will fix its Vista driver
>>>> problem within five years. This is the same guy, by the way, who
>>>> bragged
>>>> that Microsoft would "solve" spam by 2006.
>>>> It's imperative for Microsoft to get the next major OS right. The
>>>> secret
>>>> lies in the company's Surface initiative.
>>>> Microsoft has never understood the importance of "simplicity," a
>>>> fundamental
>>>> design concept it has always swept aside to make room for "feature
>>>> rich"
>>>> (i.e., bloated and complex).
>>>> Right now, the Windows Vista type user interfaces are in their final
>>>> days.
>>>> The future belongs to what I call the 3G user interface, which replaces
>>>> flat
>>>> icons and folders with multitouch, gestures, physics and 3-D.
>>>> It's imperative for Microsoft to get the next major OS right. But how?
>>>> The secret lies in the company's Surface initiative. Sure, Surface is
>>>> at
>>>> present a little more than a semishipping demo usable for product
>>>> marketing.
>>>> The Surface demo dazzles with its 3G goodness. But what's impressive
>>>> and
>>>> surprising is that somehow someone at Microsoft was allowed to create a
>>>> user
>>>> interface unburdened by "compatibility" with two decades of spaghetti
>>>> code.
>>>> What a concept! And no "Start" button!
>>>> Another hopeful sign is that Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer appears to
>>>> agree that Surface is important - or, at least, urgent. He announced
>>>> earlier this
>>>> month that Microsoft is accelerating the development of a consumer
>>>> version.
>>>> Here's what I believe Microsoft needs to do to save its vitally
>>>> important operating systems business:
>>>> 1.. Never compromise on driver compatibility, not even for Intel.
>>>> 2.. Insist on the highest standards for compatibility stickers, then
>>>> use
>>>> your marketing millions to drive customers to partners that have earned
>>>> those stickers. Drive the laggards, the cheaters and the inadequate
>>>> vendors
>>>> out of business. They're poisoning your swimming pool.
>>>> 3.. Make an operating system for each computer type - cell phone,
>>>> UMPC,
>>>> consumer desktop, enterprise desktop, enterprise server,
>>>> supercomputer -
>>>> optimized for that type, not as a dogmatic slave to the limitations of
>>>> the
>>>> generic desktop Windows vision.
>>>> 4.. Emphasize usability and simplicity over "feature rich" complexity.
>>>> We
>>>> don't need more options, features, capabilities, applications,
>>>> peripherals
>>>> and hardware vendors. We need better ones.
>>>> 5.. Emphasize usability and simplicity over backward compatibility for
>>>> the
>>>> consumer version of Windows. The 1990s are over. Don't sacrifice the
>>>> future
>>>> for customers and partner companies that are living in the past.
>>>> 6.. Throw everything they've got at getting the consumer version of
>>>> Surface right. Surface is the future of the company. And Apple won't
>>>> wait around. That company is aggressively patenting elements of the
>>>> user
>>>> interface of the future, and you know they'll build and market it
>>>> successfully.
>>>> 7.. Be afraid of Apple, Google and Asus. Apple is eating your desktop
>>>> marketshare because they succeed with simplicity and UI elegance.
>>>> Google
>>>> might do so with its cell phone UI. And Asus, a two-bit Taiwanese
>>>> motherboard maker, was able to cobble together a quick-and-dirty UI for
>>>> Linux that's way better than Windows Vista for UMPCs.
>>>> --
>>>> What people are REALLY saying about Vista:

>>>> 50 Ways to leave your Vista....
>>>> CHORUS:
>>>> You just format the drive , Clive
>>>> Get a New Mac , Jack
>>>> Y'don't need that crap toy, Roy
>>>> Just get yourself free
>>>> Boot from a *nix, Jix
>>>> You don't need to discuss much
>>>> Install XP, Lee
>>>> And get yourself free
>>> Good lord, man... get a life!
>>> Lang

> --
> What does Bill Gates use?
> Proprietary Software: a 20th Century software business model.
> Q: What OS is built for lusers?
> A: Which one requires running lusermgr.msc to create them?
> Frank, hard at work on his Vista computer all day:
Re: Was Windows XP Microsoft's last good OS?

On the Bridge! wrote:
> There is nothing worse than a christian who hates everyone in the name of
> god... LOL
> and this guy sure has a lot of hate in him...
> Whats worse he doesnt even understand how bad he comes accross....
> You know what will happen? If he continues like this, he will create such
> disgust that everyone will be attacking him back.... and this will create
> chaos in this newsgroup.
> In effect I think AlexB is the worst troll that this newsgroup has ever seen
> up to this date.

I'd say it's a toss up between AlexB and Frank.

> "NoStop" <> wrote in message
>> AlexB wrote:
>>> Now I recall more cr*ap about their whining. Before SP1 they were saying:
>>> Vista is no good, do not install it, wait for SP1. I still have no SP1
>>> installed, my Vistas are running great. When SP1 came out without even
>>> testing it but pretending they did the same cra*ppy crowd began to
>>> insinuate: Vista plus SP1 is still no good, wait for SP2. It is a real
>>> story. I think one of those crooks, either Al-Alias or NoStop came out
>>> with this sh*it. They run around naked and want us to see them dressed in
>>> decent clothes and follow them. Cra*ppy crooks and jerks!

>> Now that's a nice Christian. Turn the other cheek and all that crap. BTW,
>> I
>> never said SP2 would fix Vista and people should wait for it, so don't put
>> words in my mouth you fukking liar. If I ever said anything about Vista as
>> regards waiting for a fix, it would have been ... don't wait. Vista is
>> unfixable. It's a p.o.s. toy operating system, rushed out the door
>> ("rushed" is a MS term for taking 6 years) by Microsoft because it's been
>> years since they released their last abomination.
>>> And they wanted me to stop top posting! For what?

>> Because you're on Usenet and 'dems the rules you useless p.o.s.
>>> To underline they sickly
>>> vomits?

>> Another Christian statement from alexB. Thank God rational minds don't
>> believe in those fairy tales. I'd hate to think of spending eternity with
>> the likes of you. It's bad enough that you're here now.
>>> "Vista su*cks" crowd SU*CKS. It is an inescapable conclusion. They are

>> alexB, really don't you have something more important to do today,
>> like "de-lousing" your Vista box?
>> Cheers.
>>> "Lang Murphy" <> wrote in message
>>> news:egcp87cfIHA.4880@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>>>> "On the Bridge!" <On@the,Bridge> wrote in message

>>>>> March 1, 2008 (Computerworld) Everybody's talking today about
>>>>> "Drivergate" -
>>>>> internal Microsoft e-mails that show senior Microsoft executives
>>>>> personally
>>>>> struggling to use hardware products sporting the "Windows Vista
>>>>> Capable"
>>>>> sticker. The e-mails also show that Microsoft lowered its standard for
>>>>> some
>>>>> hardware compatibility, apparently to help Intel impress Wall Street.
>>>>> This revelation is simply the latest in a long series that add up to
>>>>> one
>>>>> inescapable conclusion: Windows Vista sucks. (And making it cheaper
>>>>> won't help, either.)
>>>>> Compatibility of drivers is just one issue. Another is a convoluted
>>>>> user
>>>>> interface that prevents ordinary users from gaining a sense of control
>>>>> over
>>>>> the OS.
>>>>> Windows Mobile, Microsoft's operating system for cell phones, suffers
>>>>> from a
>>>>> similar problem. The Windows Mobile OS isn't horrible per se, it's just
>>>>> that
>>>>> it's completely wrong for cell phones and other small screen devices.
>>>>> Windows Mobile clearly compromises usability to mimic the WIMP
>>>>> (Windows,
>>>>> Icons, Menus and Pointing device) focus of Microsoft's desktop
>>>>> operating
>>>>> systems. To quote Dr. Phil: How's that workin' for ya? It hasn't helped
>>>>> eroding desktop Windows market share, and it hasn't helped Windows
>>>>> Mobile,
>>>>> either.
>>>>> The biggest problem isn't that the company's newest products are
>>>>> unusable,
>>>>> but that Microsoft may have actually lost the "ability" to make good
>>>>> operating systems. It may not be able to let go of its dogmatic
>>>>> insistence
>>>>> on the flawed vision of the same Windows "experience" from wristwatches
>>>>> to
>>>>> supercomputers.
>>>>> And there is evidence that delusion or, at least, wishful thinking,
>>>>> prevails
>>>>> at Microsoft. The company's founder and chairman, Bill Gates, said last
>>>>> week
>>>>> that "Microsoft expects more Internet searches to be done through
>>>>> speech
>>>>> than through typing on a keyboard." Hey, Bill: Do you want to bet $10
>>>>> billion on that? I doubt even that Microsoft will fix its Vista driver
>>>>> problem within five years. This is the same guy, by the way, who
>>>>> bragged
>>>>> that Microsoft would "solve" spam by 2006.
>>>>> It's imperative for Microsoft to get the next major OS right. The
>>>>> secret
>>>>> lies in the company's Surface initiative.
>>>>> Microsoft has never understood the importance of "simplicity," a
>>>>> fundamental
>>>>> design concept it has always swept aside to make room for "feature
>>>>> rich"
>>>>> (i.e., bloated and complex).
>>>>> Right now, the Windows Vista type user interfaces are in their final
>>>>> days.
>>>>> The future belongs to what I call the 3G user interface, which replaces
>>>>> flat
>>>>> icons and folders with multitouch, gestures, physics and 3-D.
>>>>> It's imperative for Microsoft to get the next major OS right. But how?
>>>>> The secret lies in the company's Surface initiative. Sure, Surface is
>>>>> at
>>>>> present a little more than a semishipping demo usable for product
>>>>> marketing.
>>>>> The Surface demo dazzles with its 3G goodness. But what's impressive
>>>>> and
>>>>> surprising is that somehow someone at Microsoft was allowed to create a
>>>>> user
>>>>> interface unburdened by "compatibility" with two decades of spaghetti
>>>>> code.
>>>>> What a concept! And no "Start" button!
>>>>> Another hopeful sign is that Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer appears to
>>>>> agree that Surface is important - or, at least, urgent. He announced
>>>>> earlier this
>>>>> month that Microsoft is accelerating the development of a consumer
>>>>> version.
>>>>> Here's what I believe Microsoft needs to do to save its vitally
>>>>> important operating systems business:
>>>>> 1.. Never compromise on driver compatibility, not even for Intel.
>>>>> 2.. Insist on the highest standards for compatibility stickers, then
>>>>> use
>>>>> your marketing millions to drive customers to partners that have earned
>>>>> those stickers. Drive the laggards, the cheaters and the inadequate
>>>>> vendors
>>>>> out of business. They're poisoning your swimming pool.
>>>>> 3.. Make an operating system for each computer type - cell phone,
>>>>> UMPC,
>>>>> consumer desktop, enterprise desktop, enterprise server,
>>>>> supercomputer -
>>>>> optimized for that type, not as a dogmatic slave to the limitations of
>>>>> the
>>>>> generic desktop Windows vision.
>>>>> 4.. Emphasize usability and simplicity over "feature rich" complexity.
>>>>> We
>>>>> don't need more options, features, capabilities, applications,
>>>>> peripherals
>>>>> and hardware vendors. We need better ones.
>>>>> 5.. Emphasize usability and simplicity over backward compatibility for
>>>>> the
>>>>> consumer version of Windows. The 1990s are over. Don't sacrifice the
>>>>> future
>>>>> for customers and partner companies that are living in the past.
>>>>> 6.. Throw everything they've got at getting the consumer version of
>>>>> Surface right. Surface is the future of the company. And Apple won't
>>>>> wait around. That company is aggressively patenting elements of the
>>>>> user
>>>>> interface of the future, and you know they'll build and market it
>>>>> successfully.
>>>>> 7.. Be afraid of Apple, Google and Asus. Apple is eating your desktop
>>>>> marketshare because they succeed with simplicity and UI elegance.
>>>>> Google
>>>>> might do so with its cell phone UI. And Asus, a two-bit Taiwanese
>>>>> motherboard maker, was able to cobble together a quick-and-dirty UI for
>>>>> Linux that's way better than Windows Vista for UMPCs.
>>>>> --
>>>>> What people are REALLY saying about Vista:

>>>>> 50 Ways to leave your Vista....
>>>>> CHORUS:
>>>>> You just format the drive , Clive
>>>>> Get a New Mac , Jack
>>>>> Y'don't need that crap toy, Roy
>>>>> Just get yourself free
>>>>> Boot from a *nix, Jix
>>>>> You don't need to discuss much
>>>>> Install XP, Lee
>>>>> And get yourself free
>>>> Good lord, man... get a life!
>>>> Lang

>> --
>> What does Bill Gates use?
>> Proprietary Software: a 20th Century software business model.
>> Q: What OS is built for lusers?
>> A: Which one requires running lusermgr.msc to create them?
>> Frank, hard at work on his Vista computer all day:

Re: Was Windows XP Microsoft's last good OS?

Alias wrote:

> I'd say it's a toss up between AlexB and Frank.
> Alias

The only real, true trolls in this ng are you alias and your butt-buddy,
nostop, or nonstop or never-stop, or can't-stop or won't-stop or doris.
Both of you losers fit the troll profile perfectly. You're in an MS
Vista ng constantly bashing MS, Vista and all other MS products yet
neither one of you losers use Vista. Both of you constantly spew your
hatred and disdain for all things MS. What's funny is that you try and
justify your existence in this ng by self-deception.
You're both two very pathetic excuses for human beings.
Live with it.
Re: Was Windows XP Microsoft's last good OS?

Nah.. AlexB is genuinely a true hater. He is a racist of the highest degree.
Frank is somewhat of a joker, I think he really is not a bad fellow, he just
wants appear like he's tough.
I can understand this because sometimes he shows another part of himself,
that is far better
that the image he would like us to believe.

But AlexB? His hatred comes from deep within his soul. People like that are
not only annoying
but destructive to society.

"Alias" <> wrote in message
> On the Bridge! wrote:
>> There is nothing worse than a christian who hates everyone in the name of
>> god... LOL
>> and this guy sure has a lot of hate in him...
>> Whats worse he doesnt even understand how bad he comes accross....
>> You know what will happen? If he continues like this, he will create such
>> disgust that everyone will be attacking him back.... and this will create
>> chaos in this newsgroup.
>> In effect I think AlexB is the worst troll that this newsgroup has ever
>> seen up to this date.

> I'd say it's a toss up between AlexB and Frank.
> Alias
>> "NoStop" <> wrote in message
>>> AlexB wrote:
>>>> Now I recall more cr*ap about their whining. Before SP1 they were
>>>> saying:
>>>> Vista is no good, do not install it, wait for SP1. I still have no SP1
>>>> installed, my Vistas are running great. When SP1 came out without even
>>>> testing it but pretending they did the same cra*ppy crowd began to
>>>> insinuate: Vista plus SP1 is still no good, wait for SP2. It is a real
>>>> story. I think one of those crooks, either Al-Alias or NoStop came out
>>>> with this sh*it. They run around naked and want us to see them dressed
>>>> in
>>>> decent clothes and follow them. Cra*ppy crooks and jerks!
>>> Now that's a nice Christian. Turn the other cheek and all that crap.
>>> BTW, I
>>> never said SP2 would fix Vista and people should wait for it, so don't
>>> put
>>> words in my mouth you fukking liar. If I ever said anything about Vista
>>> as
>>> regards waiting for a fix, it would have been ... don't wait. Vista is
>>> unfixable. It's a p.o.s. toy operating system, rushed out the door
>>> ("rushed" is a MS term for taking 6 years) by Microsoft because it's
>>> been
>>> years since they released their last abomination.
>>>> And they wanted me to stop top posting! For what?
>>> Because you're on Usenet and 'dems the rules you useless p.o.s.
>>>> To underline they sickly
>>>> vomits?
>>> Another Christian statement from alexB. Thank God rational minds don't
>>> believe in those fairy tales. I'd hate to think of spending eternity
>>> with
>>> the likes of you. It's bad enough that you're here now.
>>>> "Vista su*cks" crowd SU*CKS. It is an inescapable conclusion. They are
>>>> IDIOTS.
>>> alexB, really don't you have something more important to do today,
>>> like "de-lousing" your Vista box?
>>> Cheers.
>>>> "Lang Murphy" <> wrote in message
>>>> news:egcp87cfIHA.4880@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>>>>> "On the Bridge!" <On@the,Bridge> wrote in message
>>>>>> March 1, 2008 (Computerworld) Everybody's talking today about
>>>>>> "Drivergate" -
>>>>>> internal Microsoft e-mails that show senior Microsoft executives
>>>>>> personally
>>>>>> struggling to use hardware products sporting the "Windows Vista
>>>>>> Capable"
>>>>>> sticker. The e-mails also show that Microsoft lowered its standard
>>>>>> for
>>>>>> some
>>>>>> hardware compatibility, apparently to help Intel impress Wall Street.
>>>>>> This revelation is simply the latest in a long series that add up to
>>>>>> one
>>>>>> inescapable conclusion: Windows Vista sucks. (And making it cheaper
>>>>>> won't help, either.)
>>>>>> Compatibility of drivers is just one issue. Another is a convoluted
>>>>>> user
>>>>>> interface that prevents ordinary users from gaining a sense of
>>>>>> control
>>>>>> over
>>>>>> the OS.
>>>>>> Windows Mobile, Microsoft's operating system for cell phones, suffers
>>>>>> from a
>>>>>> similar problem. The Windows Mobile OS isn't horrible per se, it's
>>>>>> just
>>>>>> that
>>>>>> it's completely wrong for cell phones and other small screen devices.
>>>>>> Windows Mobile clearly compromises usability to mimic the WIMP
>>>>>> (Windows,
>>>>>> Icons, Menus and Pointing device) focus of Microsoft's desktop
>>>>>> operating
>>>>>> systems. To quote Dr. Phil: How's that workin' for ya? It hasn't
>>>>>> helped
>>>>>> eroding desktop Windows market share, and it hasn't helped Windows
>>>>>> Mobile,
>>>>>> either.
>>>>>> The biggest problem isn't that the company's newest products are
>>>>>> unusable,
>>>>>> but that Microsoft may have actually lost the "ability" to make good
>>>>>> operating systems. It may not be able to let go of its dogmatic
>>>>>> insistence
>>>>>> on the flawed vision of the same Windows "experience" from
>>>>>> wristwatches
>>>>>> to
>>>>>> supercomputers.
>>>>>> And there is evidence that delusion or, at least, wishful thinking,
>>>>>> prevails
>>>>>> at Microsoft. The company's founder and chairman, Bill Gates, said
>>>>>> last
>>>>>> week
>>>>>> that "Microsoft expects more Internet searches to be done through
>>>>>> speech
>>>>>> than through typing on a keyboard." Hey, Bill: Do you want to bet $10
>>>>>> billion on that? I doubt even that Microsoft will fix its Vista
>>>>>> driver
>>>>>> problem within five years. This is the same guy, by the way, who
>>>>>> bragged
>>>>>> that Microsoft would "solve" spam by 2006.
>>>>>> It's imperative for Microsoft to get the next major OS right. The
>>>>>> secret
>>>>>> lies in the company's Surface initiative.
>>>>>> Microsoft has never understood the importance of "simplicity," a
>>>>>> fundamental
>>>>>> design concept it has always swept aside to make room for "feature
>>>>>> rich"
>>>>>> (i.e., bloated and complex).
>>>>>> Right now, the Windows Vista type user interfaces are in their final
>>>>>> days.
>>>>>> The future belongs to what I call the 3G user interface, which
>>>>>> replaces
>>>>>> flat
>>>>>> icons and folders with multitouch, gestures, physics and 3-D.
>>>>>> It's imperative for Microsoft to get the next major OS right. But
>>>>>> how?
>>>>>> The secret lies in the company's Surface initiative. Sure, Surface is
>>>>>> at
>>>>>> present a little more than a semishipping demo usable for product
>>>>>> marketing.
>>>>>> The Surface demo dazzles with its 3G goodness. But what's impressive
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> surprising is that somehow someone at Microsoft was allowed to create
>>>>>> a
>>>>>> user
>>>>>> interface unburdened by "compatibility" with two decades of spaghetti
>>>>>> code.
>>>>>> What a concept! And no "Start" button!
>>>>>> Another hopeful sign is that Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer appears to
>>>>>> agree that Surface is important - or, at least, urgent. He announced
>>>>>> earlier this
>>>>>> month that Microsoft is accelerating the development of a consumer
>>>>>> version.
>>>>>> Here's what I believe Microsoft needs to do to save its vitally
>>>>>> important operating systems business:
>>>>>> 1.. Never compromise on driver compatibility, not even for Intel.
>>>>>> 2.. Insist on the highest standards for compatibility stickers, then
>>>>>> use
>>>>>> your marketing millions to drive customers to partners that have
>>>>>> earned
>>>>>> those stickers. Drive the laggards, the cheaters and the inadequate
>>>>>> vendors
>>>>>> out of business. They're poisoning your swimming pool.
>>>>>> 3.. Make an operating system for each computer type - cell phone,
>>>>>> UMPC,
>>>>>> consumer desktop, enterprise desktop, enterprise server,
>>>>>> supercomputer -
>>>>>> optimized for that type, not as a dogmatic slave to the limitations
>>>>>> of
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> generic desktop Windows vision.
>>>>>> 4.. Emphasize usability and simplicity over "feature rich"
>>>>>> complexity.
>>>>>> We
>>>>>> don't need more options, features, capabilities, applications,
>>>>>> peripherals
>>>>>> and hardware vendors. We need better ones.
>>>>>> 5.. Emphasize usability and simplicity over backward compatibility
>>>>>> for
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> consumer version of Windows. The 1990s are over. Don't sacrifice the
>>>>>> future
>>>>>> for customers and partner companies that are living in the past.
>>>>>> 6.. Throw everything they've got at getting the consumer version of
>>>>>> Surface right. Surface is the future of the company. And Apple won't
>>>>>> wait around. That company is aggressively patenting elements of the
>>>>>> user
>>>>>> interface of the future, and you know they'll build and market it
>>>>>> successfully.
>>>>>> 7.. Be afraid of Apple, Google and Asus. Apple is eating your
>>>>>> desktop
>>>>>> marketshare because they succeed with simplicity and UI elegance.
>>>>>> Google
>>>>>> might do so with its cell phone UI. And Asus, a two-bit Taiwanese
>>>>>> motherboard maker, was able to cobble together a quick-and-dirty UI
>>>>>> for
>>>>>> Linux that's way better than Windows Vista for UMPCs.
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> What people are REALLY saying about Vista:
>>>>>> 50 Ways to leave your Vista....
>>>>>> CHORUS:
>>>>>> You just format the drive , Clive
>>>>>> Get a New Mac , Jack
>>>>>> Y'don't need that crap toy, Roy
>>>>>> Just get yourself free
>>>>>> Boot from a *nix, Jix
>>>>>> You don't need to discuss much
>>>>>> Install XP, Lee
>>>>>> And get yourself free
>>>>> Good lord, man... get a life!
>>>>> Lang
>>> --
>>> What does Bill Gates use?
>>> Proprietary Software: a 20th Century software business model.
>>> Q: What OS is built for lusers?
>>> A: Which one requires running lusermgr.msc to create them?
>>> Frank, hard at work on his Vista computer all day:

Re: Was Windows XP Microsoft's last good OS?

Alias wrote:

> On the Bridge! wrote:
>> There is nothing worse than a christian who hates everyone in the name of
>> god... LOL
>> and this guy sure has a lot of hate in him...
>> Whats worse he doesnt even understand how bad he comes accross....
>> You know what will happen? If he continues like this, he will create such
>> disgust that everyone will be attacking him back.... and this will create
>> chaos in this newsgroup.
>> In effect I think AlexB is the worst troll that this newsgroup has ever
>> seen up to this date.

> I'd say it's a toss up between AlexB and Frank.
> Alias

Actually they're partners of sorts. Francis is the leghumper and AlexB is
his butt sniffer. They make a great Vista advocacy pair. I love it!


What does Bill Gates use?

Proprietary Software: a 20th Century software business model.

Q: What OS is built for lusers?
A: Which one requires running lusermgr.msc to create them?

Frank, hard at work on his Vista computer all day:
Re: Was Windows XP Microsoft's last good OS?

Goodness!! What is this all about, no don't tell me. I just need some help
on the ? i submitted earlier today regarding the USB port that will not
accept my Kodak camera all of a sudden. Worked fine just yesterday. I found
the device manager area and all seemed OK. My printer goes into that plug
and it works fine. Thanks, Patricia

"NoStop" wrote:

> Alias wrote:
> > On the Bridge! wrote:
> >> There is nothing worse than a christian who hates everyone in the name of
> >> god... LOL
> >>
> >> and this guy sure has a lot of hate in him...
> >>
> >> Whats worse he doesnt even understand how bad he comes accross....
> >>
> >> You know what will happen? If he continues like this, he will create such
> >> disgust that everyone will be attacking him back.... and this will create
> >> chaos in this newsgroup.
> >>
> >> In effect I think AlexB is the worst troll that this newsgroup has ever
> >> seen up to this date.

> >
> > I'd say it's a toss up between AlexB and Frank.
> >
> > Alias

> Actually they're partners of sorts. Francis is the leghumper and AlexB is
> his butt sniffer. They make a great Vista advocacy pair. I love it!
> Cheers.
> --
> What does Bill Gates use?
> Proprietary Software: a 20th Century software business model.
> Q: What OS is built for lusers?
> A: Which one requires running lusermgr.msc to create them?
> Frank, hard at work on his Vista computer all day:
Re: Was Windows XP Microsoft's last good OS?

PatriciaMae wrote:

> Goodness!! What is this all about, no don't tell me. I just need some
> help on the ? i submitted earlier today regarding the USB port that will
> not
> accept my Kodak camera all of a sudden. Worked fine just yesterday. I
> found
> the device manager area and all seemed OK. My printer goes into that plug
> and it works fine. Thanks, Patricia

If you had read my earlier posts you would have heard me say that Windoze -
that's XP and Vista - don't know how to deal with USB2 devices properly.
There is NO hope for it as it's due to the Microsoft developers being next
to clueless. Live with the problems or switch to a real operating system
developed by programmers that know what they're doing.


> "NoStop" wrote:
>> Alias wrote:
>> > On the Bridge! wrote:
>> >> There is nothing worse than a christian who hates everyone in the name
>> >> of god... LOL
>> >>
>> >> and this guy sure has a lot of hate in him...
>> >>
>> >> Whats worse he doesnt even understand how bad he comes accross....
>> >>
>> >> You know what will happen? If he continues like this, he will create
>> >> such disgust that everyone will be attacking him back.... and this
>> >> will create chaos in this newsgroup.
>> >>
>> >> In effect I think AlexB is the worst troll that this newsgroup has
>> >> ever seen up to this date.
>> >
>> > I'd say it's a toss up between AlexB and Frank.
>> >
>> > Alias

>> Actually they're partners of sorts. Francis is the leghumper and AlexB is
>> his butt sniffer. They make a great Vista advocacy pair. I love it!
>> Cheers.
>> --
>> What does Bill Gates use?
>> Proprietary Software: a 20th Century software business model.
>> Q: What OS is built for lusers?
>> A: Which one requires running lusermgr.msc to create them?
>> Frank, hard at work on his Vista computer all day:

What does Bill Gates use?

Proprietary Software: a 20th Century software business model.

Q: What OS is built for lusers?
A: Which one requires running lusermgr.msc to create them?

Frank, hard at work on his Vista computer all day:
Re: Was Windows XP Microsoft's last good OS?

Frank wrote:

> Alias wrote:
>> I'd say it's a toss up between AlexB and Frank.
>> Alias

> The only real, true trolls in this ng are you alias and your butt-buddy,
> nostop, or nonstop or never-stop, or can't-stop or won't-stop or doris.
> Both of you losers fit the troll profile perfectly. You're in an MS
> Vista ng constantly bashing MS, Vista and all other MS products yet
> neither one of you losers use Vista. Both of you constantly spew your
> hatred and disdain for all things MS. What's funny is that you try and
> justify your existence in this ng by self-deception.
> You're both two very pathetic excuses for human beings.
> Live with it.
> Frank

We can, we're waiting for YOU to live with it you bozo.

Cheers and LOL!

What does Bill Gates use?

Proprietary Software: a 20th Century software business model.

Q: What OS is built for lusers?
A: Which one requires running lusermgr.msc to create them?

Frank, hard at work on his Vista computer all day:
Re: Was Windows XP Microsoft's last good OS?

NoStop wrote:
> Frank wrote:
>> Alias wrote:
>>> I'd say it's a toss up between AlexB and Frank.
>>> Alias

>> The only real, true trolls in this ng are you alias and your butt-buddy,
>> nostop, or nonstop or never-stop, or can't-stop or won't-stop or doris.
>> Both of you losers fit the troll profile perfectly. You're in an MS
>> Vista ng constantly bashing MS, Vista and all other MS products yet
>> neither one of you losers use Vista. Both of you constantly spew your
>> hatred and disdain for all things MS. What's funny is that you try and
>> justify your existence in this ng by self-deception.
>> You're both two very pathetic excuses for human beings.
>> Live with it.
>> Frank

> We can, we're waiting for YOU to live with it you bozo.

Wouldn't that be "Clarabell?

Re: Was Windows XP Microsoft's last good OS?

NoStop wrote:

> Frank wrote:
>>Alias wrote:
>>>I'd say it's a toss up between AlexB and Frank.

>>The only real, true trolls in this ng are you alias and your butt-buddy,
>>nostop, or nonstop or never-stop, or can't-stop or won't-stop or doris.
>>Both of you losers fit the troll profile perfectly. You're in an MS
>>Vista ng constantly bashing MS, Vista and all other MS products yet
>>neither one of you losers use Vista. Both of you constantly spew your
>>hatred and disdain for all things MS. What's funny is that you try and
>>justify your existence in this ng by self-deception.
>>You're both two very pathetic excuses for human beings.
>>Live with it.

> We can, we're waiting for YOU to live with it you bozo.

Oh trust me pal, I immensely enjoy every minute that I get to boot and
bit*h slap your stupid ignorant lying linux troll arses all over this ng
and your home ng, that open sores sh*thole pit.
I know that you and your butt-buddy alias also enjoy my doing it to guys love it...LOL!

oh and thanks!
Re: Was Windows XP Microsoft's last good OS?

To nostop, I am really sorry you had to be so rude and negative. I wonder
where there tech's are that are supposed to be monitoring this site. Or are
they leaving it to the adults??? Anyway, it was working fine for a year, and
stopped today. Does anyone else have any useful information for me?

"NoStop" wrote:

> PatriciaMae wrote:
> > Goodness!! What is this all about, no don't tell me. I just need some
> > help on the ? i submitted earlier today regarding the USB port that will
> > not
> > accept my Kodak camera all of a sudden. Worked fine just yesterday. I
> > found
> > the device manager area and all seemed OK. My printer goes into that plug
> > and it works fine. Thanks, Patricia
> >

> If you had read my earlier posts you would have heard me say that Windoze -
> that's XP and Vista - don't know how to deal with USB2 devices properly.
> There is NO hope for it as it's due to the Microsoft developers being next
> to clueless. Live with the problems or switch to a real operating system
> developed by programmers that know what they're doing.
> Cheers.
> > "NoStop" wrote:
> >
> >> Alias wrote:
> >>
> >> > On the Bridge! wrote:
> >> >> There is nothing worse than a christian who hates everyone in the name
> >> >> of god... LOL
> >> >>
> >> >> and this guy sure has a lot of hate in him...
> >> >>
> >> >> Whats worse he doesnt even understand how bad he comes accross....
> >> >>
> >> >> You know what will happen? If he continues like this, he will create
> >> >> such disgust that everyone will be attacking him back.... and this
> >> >> will create chaos in this newsgroup.
> >> >>
> >> >> In effect I think AlexB is the worst troll that this newsgroup has
> >> >> ever seen up to this date.
> >> >
> >> > I'd say it's a toss up between AlexB and Frank.
> >> >
> >> > Alias
> >>
> >> Actually they're partners of sorts. Francis is the leghumper and AlexB is
> >> his butt sniffer. They make a great Vista advocacy pair. I love it!
> >>
> >> Cheers.
> >>
> >> --
> >> What does Bill Gates use?
> >>
> >>
> >> Proprietary Software: a 20th Century software business model.
> >>
> >> Q: What OS is built for lusers?
> >> A: Which one requires running lusermgr.msc to create them?
> >>
> >> Frank, hard at work on his Vista computer all day:
> >>
> >>
> >>

> --
> What does Bill Gates use?
> Proprietary Software: a 20th Century software business model.
> Q: What OS is built for lusers?
> A: Which one requires running lusermgr.msc to create them?
> Frank, hard at work on his Vista computer all day:
Re: Was Windows XP Microsoft's last good OS?

PatriciaMae wrote:

> To nostop, I am really sorry you had to be so rude and negative. I wonder
> where there tech's are that are supposed to be monitoring this site. Or
> are
> they leaving it to the adults??? Anyway, it was working fine for a year,
> and
> stopped today. Does anyone else have any useful information for me?

That is precisely how it happens when Windoze fails to work with USB2
devices. It works fine for a while and then just stops working one day. You
are not alone. It's the nature of the beast. Good luck getting it going
again, short of a total reinstall or adding a new PCI USB2 card. Sorry, if
I'm so "negative", but that's the kind of crapware Microsoft sells the


> "NoStop" wrote:
>> PatriciaMae wrote:
>> > Goodness!! What is this all about, no don't tell me. I just need some
>> > help on the ? i submitted earlier today regarding the USB port that
>> > will not
>> > accept my Kodak camera all of a sudden. Worked fine just yesterday. I
>> > found
>> > the device manager area and all seemed OK. My printer goes into that
>> > plug and it works fine. Thanks, Patricia
>> >

>> If you had read my earlier posts you would have heard me say that Windoze
>> - that's XP and Vista - don't know how to deal with USB2 devices
>> properly. There is NO hope for it as it's due to the Microsoft developers
>> being next to clueless. Live with the problems or switch to a real
>> operating system developed by programmers that know what they're doing.
>> Cheers.
>> > "NoStop" wrote:
>> >
>> >> Alias wrote:
>> >>
>> >> > On the Bridge! wrote:
>> >> >> There is nothing worse than a christian who hates everyone in the
>> >> >> name of god... LOL
>> >> >>
>> >> >> and this guy sure has a lot of hate in him...
>> >> >>
>> >> >> Whats worse he doesnt even understand how bad he comes accross....
>> >> >>
>> >> >> You know what will happen? If he continues like this, he will
>> >> >> create such disgust that everyone will be attacking him back....
>> >> >> and this will create chaos in this newsgroup.
>> >> >>
>> >> >> In effect I think AlexB is the worst troll that this newsgroup has
>> >> >> ever seen up to this date.
>> >> >
>> >> > I'd say it's a toss up between AlexB and Frank.
>> >> >
>> >> > Alias
>> >>
>> >> Actually they're partners of sorts. Francis is the leghumper and AlexB
>> >> is his butt sniffer. They make a great Vista advocacy pair. I love it!
>> >>
>> >> Cheers.
>> >>
>> >> --
>> >> What does Bill Gates use?
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> Proprietary Software: a 20th Century software business model.
>> >>
>> >> Q: What OS is built for lusers?
>> >> A: Which one requires running lusermgr.msc to create them?
>> >>
>> >> Frank, hard at work on his Vista computer all day:
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>

>> --
>> What does Bill Gates use?
>> Proprietary Software: a 20th Century software business model.
>> Q: What OS is built for lusers?
>> A: Which one requires running lusermgr.msc to create them?
>> Frank, hard at work on his Vista computer all day:

What does Bill Gates use?

Proprietary Software: a 20th Century software business model.

Q: What OS is built for lusers?
A: Which one requires running lusermgr.msc to create them?

Frank, hard at work on his Vista computer all day:
Re: Was Windows XP Microsoft's last good OS?

Thank you, at least I know there is nothing else I can do to fix it. Oh
well, back to carrying my camera card to CVS. Have a good day.

"NoStop" wrote:

> PatriciaMae wrote:
> > To nostop, I am really sorry you had to be so rude and negative. I wonder
> > where there tech's are that are supposed to be monitoring this site. Or
> > are
> > they leaving it to the adults??? Anyway, it was working fine for a year,
> > and
> > stopped today. Does anyone else have any useful information for me?
> >

> That is precisely how it happens when Windoze fails to work with USB2
> devices. It works fine for a while and then just stops working one day. You
> are not alone. It's the nature of the beast. Good luck getting it going
> again, short of a total reinstall or adding a new PCI USB2 card. Sorry, if
> I'm so "negative", but that's the kind of crapware Microsoft sells the
> public.
> Cheers.
> > "NoStop" wrote:
> >
> >> PatriciaMae wrote:
> >>
> >> > Goodness!! What is this all about, no don't tell me. I just need some
> >> > help on the ? i submitted earlier today regarding the USB port that
> >> > will not
> >> > accept my Kodak camera all of a sudden. Worked fine just yesterday. I
> >> > found
> >> > the device manager area and all seemed OK. My printer goes into that
> >> > plug and it works fine. Thanks, Patricia
> >> >
> >> If you had read my earlier posts you would have heard me say that Windoze
> >> - that's XP and Vista - don't know how to deal with USB2 devices
> >> properly. There is NO hope for it as it's due to the Microsoft developers
> >> being next to clueless. Live with the problems or switch to a real
> >> operating system developed by programmers that know what they're doing.
> >>
> >> Cheers.
> >>
> >> > "NoStop" wrote:
> >> >
> >> >> Alias wrote:
> >> >>
> >> >> > On the Bridge! wrote:
> >> >> >> There is nothing worse than a christian who hates everyone in the
> >> >> >> name of god... LOL
> >> >> >>
> >> >> >> and this guy sure has a lot of hate in him...
> >> >> >>
> >> >> >> Whats worse he doesnt even understand how bad he comes accross....
> >> >> >>
> >> >> >> You know what will happen? If he continues like this, he will
> >> >> >> create such disgust that everyone will be attacking him back....
> >> >> >> and this will create chaos in this newsgroup.
> >> >> >>
> >> >> >> In effect I think AlexB is the worst troll that this newsgroup has
> >> >> >> ever seen up to this date.
> >> >> >
> >> >> > I'd say it's a toss up between AlexB and Frank.
> >> >> >
> >> >> > Alias
> >> >>
> >> >> Actually they're partners of sorts. Francis is the leghumper and AlexB
> >> >> is his butt sniffer. They make a great Vista advocacy pair. I love it!
> >> >>
> >> >> Cheers.
> >> >>
> >> >> --
> >> >> What does Bill Gates use?
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >> Proprietary Software: a 20th Century software business model.
> >> >>
> >> >> Q: What OS is built for lusers?
> >> >> A: Which one requires running lusermgr.msc to create them?
> >> >>
> >> >> Frank, hard at work on his Vista computer all day:
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >>
> >> --
> >> What does Bill Gates use?
> >>
> >>
> >> Proprietary Software: a 20th Century software business model.
> >>
> >> Q: What OS is built for lusers?
> >> A: Which one requires running lusermgr.msc to create them?
> >>
> >> Frank, hard at work on his Vista computer all day:
> >>
> >>
> >>

> --
> What does Bill Gates use?
> Proprietary Software: a 20th Century software business model.
> Q: What OS is built for lusers?
> A: Which one requires running lusermgr.msc to create them?
> Frank, hard at work on his Vista computer all day: