Art Frank
I noticed that my Windows 2000 server did not change time zones on Sunday
(3/9/08) from PST to PDT. So, I thought it wasn't properly patched, and I
went to Microsoft to follow their instructions (KB914387) for W2K systems. I
used tzedit to edit the timezone, and low and behold, the timezone setting
was ALREADY CORRECT (2nd Sunday in March). However, the time was still PST
and not PDT. According to MS, after editing the time zone, you should change
the time zone then change it back to re-load the time zone database. I did
that, and the server's time was then correct.
My question: Why did I have to do that? (I had to do the same thing with a
stray W2K workstation on my network.) The timezone setting was correct (as
far as I could tell) before the DST change. The server was set to
automatically adjust the clock for DST. I haven't ever touched the timezone
settings on either of these machines (they've been my responsibility for only
a few months) and they've certainly been rebooted in the last couple of
months. I thought this was AUTOMATIC. I would rather not have to do this
again in the fall...
(3/9/08) from PST to PDT. So, I thought it wasn't properly patched, and I
went to Microsoft to follow their instructions (KB914387) for W2K systems. I
used tzedit to edit the timezone, and low and behold, the timezone setting
was ALREADY CORRECT (2nd Sunday in March). However, the time was still PST
and not PDT. According to MS, after editing the time zone, you should change
the time zone then change it back to re-load the time zone database. I did
that, and the server's time was then correct.
My question: Why did I have to do that? (I had to do the same thing with a
stray W2K workstation on my network.) The timezone setting was correct (as
far as I could tell) before the DST change. The server was set to
automatically adjust the clock for DST. I haven't ever touched the timezone
settings on either of these machines (they've been my responsibility for only
a few months) and they've certainly been rebooted in the last couple of
months. I thought this was AUTOMATIC. I would rather not have to do this
again in the fall...