Re: Hail to the King (kurttrail)
On Mon, 17 Mar 2008 04:41:19 -0700, DanS
<t.h.i.s.n.t.h.a.t@a.d.e.l.p.h.i.a.n.e.t> wrote:
>Donald L McDaniel <orthocross@comcast.invalid> wrote in
>>>>>Donald L McDaniel <orthocross@comcast.invalid> wrote in
>>>>>> I suggest you see your neighborhood Catholic priest sooner rather
>>>>>> later.
>>>>>Why ? I don't think Bill is a 13 year old boy.
>>>> Sir, your anti-Cathoic bias is duly noted.
>>>Sorry, it's not an anti-Catholic bias. It's an anti-child molesting
>>>bias, and a stab at humor.
>> Ok: I'll bite: If it ISN'T anti-Catholic bias, why didn't you also
>> include the non-Catholic preachers, ministers, and evangelists (as
>> well as all the homosexuals) who are pedastrists? There are just as
>> many here in the States.
>Uh, well, maybe because it was a Catholic priest you mentioned.
>> Your "humor" was not taken as such by faithful Catholics anywhere who
>> read your comments, I assure you. Nor would any others if they had
>> heard such a humorless "joke".
>Humorless in your opinion. And you don't speak for the world, only for
>yourself, and maybe your congregation.
>>>I'd think you'd be against people using their
>>>standing and position in the community to perpetrate such vile acts.
>> Of course I'm "against people using their standing and position in the
>> community to perpretate such vile acts."
>> I just don't believe ALL such acts are carried out by Catholic
>> priests, as you suggested with your tasteless "joke".
>I never said they were.
And I never said you said they were. However, you DID imply it by
chiming in with the SAME insults and anti-Catholic bias which is just
as rampant here in the States as institutional racism.
>> The fact is, these evil men are everywhere, in every Christian sect,
>> and many non-Christian sects.
>>>> Additionally, since the Catholic Church represents Christ until He
>>>> returns to the Earth, your anti-Christ attitude is also duly noted.
>>>Oh please, I have no anti-Christ attitude. (See above.)
>> Your back-handed slap at the Priests of His Church were a direct slap
>> in the face of Christ, Who is Lord of the Church, as well as the
>> entire Universe. This shows me your anti-Christ attitude quite
>> clearly.
>> As Jesus tells us, we are to be actively FOR Christ, else we will be
>> against Him. There is no such thing as a "gray" area. We are either
>> for Him, or against Him. Any others will be vomited out of His mouth
>> when He comes to judge His people and take us home. This means that
>> if we are NOT actively for Him, we might as well be actively against
>> Him.
>Yeah, like the bible says that people against Christ will be vomited out
>his mouth.
Read the Book of the Revelation (The Apocalypse). I would never speak
those words if they were not true. However, your inability to see
beyond the physical shows how dead you are to the Spirit, so I doubt
that you will get much understanding from what you read. Maybe He
will be gracious, and open your eyes and heart, and allow you to
understand what John wrote in obedience to the Spirit of Christ.
>> We are either IN CHRIST, or out of HIM; In the Church, or out of her.
>> If we are IN His Church, we are also IN HIM, since He is the Head of
>> the Church, and we who are IN HIM together comprise His Body.
>> NO middle ground, friend. There is no room for agnostics and atheists
>> in the scheme of things. Time to take sides.
>> Whose side will you be on?
>I am on the side of the professor that just published an article saying
>that Moses was all whacked out on Acacia when he came down from Mount Sinai
>with the 10 commandments.
We aren't speaking of Moses here, friend. We are speaking of One who
is MUCH greater than Moses. Moses was not allowed to see the Promised
Land, because he dishonored God by his faithlesness in the presence of
the people of Israel.
Christ Jesus came down from the Father, and returned to the Father.
IN fact, He was present when the Earth was created, and was the Agent
through Whom the Father created all things, including Moses.
This is why He told the Pharisees, "I am greater than Abraham, because
I was BEFORE him."
He WAS allowed to see the Promise Land, because He did NOT dishonor
His Father, even to the point of death on a Roman Cross.
Anyway, unless that Professor is on the side of Jesus Christ when he
stands before the Father, he will be doomed like all other
antichrists. And what I say about him, I say about you. Get right
soon, friend. We don't have tomorrow promised to us. Only today.
Jesus tells us, 'Work while the light is shining. The Night is
coming, during which no man can work."
>This totally explains the scene in the movie History of the World part 1,
>where Moses is carrying 3 tablets down and when he gets to the bottom he
>'I bring you these 15...........(then he drops one), 10
Again, someone dishonors the Creator of the Universe as well as His
That Hollywood spectacle was just that: a Hollywood Spectacle, and
had absolutely nothing to do with the truth of the giving of the Law
to Moses. The Bible tells us that God wrote the 10 Words on TWO
tablets of stone in fiery letters with His Own Finger. Mel Brooks
added an extra one, it seems. While it WAS funny, it didn't have a
drop of truth in it.
>Makes sense to me. If God had created the entire universe and everything in
>it, why would create many hallucinogenic plants if he didn't want people to
>use them.
I partly agree. Marijuana and hashish are ok. But hard-core
psychedelics like mushrooms and cactus (and other such plants with
powerful psychoactive substances) are dangerous in our technological
society, since too many are unable to see beyond the Form and into the
Invisible. They can easily become lost in the distance between their
minds and the Mind of God. Additionally, Satan can easily confuse
such a one by the colors, flashiness, and other hallucinatory
experiences. As St. Paul tells us, "Satan himself appears as an
angel of light. It is no wonder than his servants transform
themselves into angels of light
My brother became lost after using Syndicate Acid. He still hasn't
come back after 40 years. The last time I spoke with him, he was so
far out he was unable to return long enough to speak rationally with
me. This is where the term "far out" comes from. It originated with
acid-heads, and entered into the vernacular during the '60 and '70s.
It doesn't mean "Great!". It means "almost out of reach." To be
there is a very frightening thing. To stay there must be Hell indeed.
God Himself is invisible to the eye, and always will be invisible to
the eye. Additionally, He has no tangible form (other than His Son,
Christ Jesus). If one cannot see beyond the Form and into
Formlessness, he will NEVER see the Father.
To see beyond the Form and into the Invisible requires something
moderns just don't want: FAITH. NOT groundless faith, but a LIVING
faith, based on LIVING traditions which are 2000 years old, and from a
mind persuaded of the Dogmas of that Faith. TWO THOUSAND years of
EXPERIENCE walking with Christ, His Father, and the Father's Spirit. A
faith which has been tried time and time again, and not come short.
As the People told God on the Holy Mountain after He manifested
Himself and His Name to them, "HIDE Yourself from us!!! Your
Countenance is too glorious for us to behold. We will die if you do
not hide from us!!!!"
If God HAD NOT hidden Himself in the Cloud and Pillar of Fire
(probably extremly intense and long-lasting lightning), I am persuaded
that they would have gone irretrievably insane soon after.
But it IS possible to look into the Face of Christ, since the Father
is hidden within Him. This is why the Father sent His Only Son; So
we could safely look into the Father's Face without dying.
Look into the Face of Christ, my friend.
Donald L McDaniel
Donald L McDaniel
How can so many otherwise very intelligent people screw up
something so simple so badly? If you stick a computer
keyboard in front of most people, they'll suddenly drop
30 points off their IQs. Much like placing a "Pork Barrel"
bill in front of a politician: He'll forget all about
"cooperation" the minute he counts the zeroes before the
decimal point.