Windows Vista Re: The Creator Of Usent

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Re: The Creator Of Usent

Scribner wrote:

>On Fri, 14 Mar 2008 12:12:14 +0000, elcaro <> wrote:
>>On Thu, 06 Mar 2008 12:01:22 +0100, "Charles D. Bohne" <> wrote:
>>>On Wed, 5 Mar 2008 14:00:50 +1100, "Rev. Newt Zest"
>>><> wrote:
>>>>Douglas - the photo to be the creator of usent way back in
>>>>'89 with his BBS.
>>>Die Usenetgeschichte beginnt - wie nicht anders zu erwarten - in den
>>>USA. Dort wurde das Usenet von Tom Truscott, Steve Bellovin und Jim
>>>Ellis 1979 als Verbindung zweier UNIX-Rechner an der University of
>>>North Carolina und der Duke University aus der Taufe gehoben. Der
>>>Datenaustausch erfolgte über herkömmliche Telefonleitungen mit dem
>>>UNIX-Protokoll UUCP (UNIX To UNIX Copy).
>>>Schon bald wurden weitere Rechner in das Netz integriert, wegen des
>>>verwendeten UUCP-Protokolls war das Netz jedoch auf UNIX-Rechner
>>>Über UUCP bestand die Möglichkeit, zum einen persönliche Nachrichten
>>>auszutauschen (E-Mail), zum anderen in öffentlichen Foren

>>Usenet creator dead
>>RIP Jim Ellis
>>By Kieren McCarthy ? More by this author
>>Published Friday 29th June 2001 12:32 GMT
>>Looking for a new job? Find something new with Reg Jobs
>>One of the two men behind Usenet, Jim Ellis, has died aged 45. He died at his home in
>>Pennsylvania yesterday morning after losing his battle with non-Hodgkins lymphoma.
>>Jim, together with fellow Duke University graduate Tom Truscott, came up with concept of Usenet
>>- basically linking two computers together to share information - in 1979, predating the Web by
>>10 years. Steve Bellovin then wrote the first program, with Steve Daniel contributing to the
>>first widely used version.
>>In 1980, it consisted of just two sites - one at Duke University and another in the University
>>of North Carolina. However it became extremely popular very quickly as a means of sharing
>>information across the globe and before the arrival of the Web was the largest decentralised
>>store of information ever known.
>>In 1993, it had 1,200 newsgroups covering every imaginable topic from in-depth techie articles
>>to home-spun philosophy. It also created the culture of flames - abusive emails. By 1999, the
>>number of groups had grown to 37,000.
>>Jim and Tom Truscott initially came up with the idea of Usenet based on their knowledge of
>>ARPANET but wanted a single program that could allow file sharing for universities outside the
>>DARPA R&D organisation.
>>They called a meeting to thrash out the idea which Steve Bellovin attended. Steve then wrote the
>>first version in Unix Bourne shell. It was simple but effective - it periodically checked the
>>"last saved" time-stamp of each file in a certain directory, and then sent any new updated files
>>to another computer over a modem link.
>>The program was then rewritten - with Steve Daniel's input - and given away free. It has since
>>been rewritten twice - once in 1982 and again in 1989, getting more efficient each time. Despite
>>its enormous success, none of the original creators ever made a penny out of Usenet.
>>Jim Ellis was a key pioneer of the electronic age and has been rewarded for his contribution
>>numerous times through awards. In 1993, he shared the bill with Vinton Cerf, Ward Christensen,
>>Dave Hughes and Paul Baran at the Electronic Frontier Foundation's Pioneer Awards. In 1995 he
>>was given the Usenix Lifetime Achievement Award.
>>After leaving North Carolina, he worked for the Super Computing Center in Pittsburgh and then
>>joined Sun, working from his home. His wife Carolyn said of him yesterday: "He had a good wit.
>>He loved bridge. He loved his family of course. He was not afraid of his impending death."
>>Rest in peace Jim Ellis. ®
>>Look it up for yourselves if you don't believe was all over the Web!!
>>Ad eundum quo nemo ante iit
>> Posted Via Premium Usenet Newsgroup Services

>You mean that it wasn't Al Gore??!!

Re: The Creator Of Usent

Re: The Creator Of Usent

Any1 still remember who created FidoNet[aka Fightonet]:-)
>>You mean that it wasn't Al Gore??!!

> No.

ps Hi to Frau and co... been away for awhile:-/