I am running Windows Vista Ultimate 64-bit on an ASUS M2N32-SLi Deluxe
motherboard and dual NVIDIA GeForce 7950GT SLi graphics cards. Whenever I
wake up my computer from Sleep mode, the logon screen (or rather I say,
unlock screen as my computer becomes locked upon going to Sleep or
Hibernation) becomes a solid blank (or sometimes a solid green or a solid
gray). After I "blindly" type my password and hit Enter to unlock, the
desktop returns, but my mouse pointer now becomes a static pixie-dust square
(sometimes transparent, other times with a white background). Changing the
pointers on Control Panel\Mouse does nothing to restore my pointer. Also,
Sleep mode triggers a bizarre video-overlay issue on my favorite TV-playback
software, DViCO's FusionHDTV: instead of playing normal live TV broadcast,
the live video freezes and alternates between the first video frame and a
solid green at the usual NTSC 30-fps rate. (I recorded 10 seconds of the
issue with my digital camera in MPEG-1 NTSC format; it is a 2.05-MB video
file I uploaded to my Web site as http://charsetplus.tripod.com/HPIM5917.MPG
; there you'll also see the mouse pointer as a white rectangle on bottom
right, although it's actually a pixie-dust rectangle whose colored pixies
can't be replicated with the camera's low QVGA resolution.) TV recording
doesn't seem to be affected by this issue, although I noticed some recordings
suffer a 5-frame audio delay.
These problems are gone only when I restart my computer or when I wake it
from Hibernation mode. I have NVIDIA's latest ForceWare 169 graphics drivers
from their website and dated December 2007. I once had another Vista Ultimate
64-bit machine on an older ASUS A8N-SLi Premium motherboard also driving dual
GeForce 7950GT SLi cards and these Sleep mode problems did not happen (but
now that motherboard is dead).
Any wisdom or further help here?
motherboard and dual NVIDIA GeForce 7950GT SLi graphics cards. Whenever I
wake up my computer from Sleep mode, the logon screen (or rather I say,
unlock screen as my computer becomes locked upon going to Sleep or
Hibernation) becomes a solid blank (or sometimes a solid green or a solid
gray). After I "blindly" type my password and hit Enter to unlock, the
desktop returns, but my mouse pointer now becomes a static pixie-dust square
(sometimes transparent, other times with a white background). Changing the
pointers on Control Panel\Mouse does nothing to restore my pointer. Also,
Sleep mode triggers a bizarre video-overlay issue on my favorite TV-playback
software, DViCO's FusionHDTV: instead of playing normal live TV broadcast,
the live video freezes and alternates between the first video frame and a
solid green at the usual NTSC 30-fps rate. (I recorded 10 seconds of the
issue with my digital camera in MPEG-1 NTSC format; it is a 2.05-MB video
file I uploaded to my Web site as http://charsetplus.tripod.com/HPIM5917.MPG
; there you'll also see the mouse pointer as a white rectangle on bottom
right, although it's actually a pixie-dust rectangle whose colored pixies
can't be replicated with the camera's low QVGA resolution.) TV recording
doesn't seem to be affected by this issue, although I noticed some recordings
suffer a 5-frame audio delay.
These problems are gone only when I restart my computer or when I wake it
from Hibernation mode. I have NVIDIA's latest ForceWare 169 graphics drivers
from their website and dated December 2007. I once had another Vista Ultimate
64-bit machine on an older ASUS A8N-SLi Premium motherboard also driving dual
GeForce 7950GT SLi cards and these Sleep mode problems did not happen (but
now that motherboard is dead).
Any wisdom or further help here?