Moshe Goldfarb
From the start this project while noble has been riddled with ineptness.
From a total lack of direction to too many chiefs and not enough Indians to
a totally hosed distribution system to corruption on the demand side it's
fair to say the project has been a mess.
So now one of the lead developers on the project, Ivan Krstiæ is resigning
under a cloud of suspicion.
It was bound to happen because it's all about money.
Somewhere, somehow, someone or some persons is using this project for
financial gain and that's just the way it is, sadly.
The Linux community is naive if they believe that everyone is interested in
sitting around the campfire singing a few choruses of "Kum-Ba-Ya" and
giving away everything.
People, unfortunately are motivated by money and power and the Linux
community is no different in this respect.
I hope the project renews it's focus and weeds out the greedy ones who are
ultimately going to turn this noble effort into a commercial entity.
Let the conspiracy Linux loons start circling and blame it all on
Microsoft, Intel and anyone but themselves.
Moshe Goldfarb
Collector of soaps from around the globe.
Please visit The Hall of Linux Idiots:
From the start this project while noble has been riddled with ineptness.
From a total lack of direction to too many chiefs and not enough Indians to
a totally hosed distribution system to corruption on the demand side it's
fair to say the project has been a mess.
So now one of the lead developers on the project, Ivan Krstiæ is resigning
under a cloud of suspicion.
It was bound to happen because it's all about money.
Somewhere, somehow, someone or some persons is using this project for
financial gain and that's just the way it is, sadly.
The Linux community is naive if they believe that everyone is interested in
sitting around the campfire singing a few choruses of "Kum-Ba-Ya" and
giving away everything.
People, unfortunately are motivated by money and power and the Linux
community is no different in this respect.
I hope the project renews it's focus and weeds out the greedy ones who are
ultimately going to turn this noble effort into a commercial entity.
Let the conspiracy Linux loons start circling and blame it all on
Microsoft, Intel and anyone but themselves.
Moshe Goldfarb
Collector of soaps from around the globe.
Please visit The Hall of Linux Idiots: