Getting Bytes represented by array of strings

Jan 10, 2007
In The Machine
Our app is C#. We're getting data from a Java app thru an Axis2 web service. We don't control the Java/Axis2 end.

The WSDL declares one field as < xs : element name= "bytes" nillable="true" type="xs : base64Binary" / >
which should be an array of bytes, representing a PDF.

When we try to read it as ba se64Bin ary, we get an error trying to deserialize. (See this post:

If you view the service through a browser and pass valid data you get something like this:
- < attachments xmlns = "http : //webservices. server.ecers.branaghgroup . com/xsd" >
* 37
* 80
* 68
* 70
* 45
* 49
* 46
* 52
* 10
* 37
* -30
* -29
* -49
* -45
* 10
* 52
* 32
* 48
* 32
* 111

If I change my local WSDL to do an array of strings like this
< xs : element maxOccurs="unbounded" name="bytes" nillable="true" type="xs : string" / >
I get an array of strings:

1) As a workaround, I'm getting the data into my app with the string method. Could I get that turned into my bytes that I could stream to a file or save in an SQL database?

Encoding to byte would take 37 and give me the bytes for that string, not a byte of 37.

2) Am I getting the deserialization issue because I'm not getting 0037, 0080, 0068...?


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