Microsoft Acquires Springsource

Jan 10, 2007
In The Machine
InfoQ Link

"a greater focus will be placed upon filling out the .Net-based side of the Spring Portfolio, with a .Net-based version of Spring Web Flow becoming the basis for the ASP.Net web development APIs."​
"the Spring Framework would be integrated into the Windows operating system, with users having the ability to configure most settings and applications via associated Spring Beans"
"Mark Pollack, founder and lead of the Spring.Net project, added:
Anders Hejlsberg, Erik Meijer and I have had some excellent conversations around where Spring.Net can improve the development process for .Net applications, and we expect to add many of the existing Spring APIs in the .Net Framework 4.0 release. The AOP and Aspect namespaces will likely be added to the System namespace, and the DAO and Data namespaces will augment the existing ADO.Net APIs."​


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