Re: kevpan v. Kevpan
"Mike Hall - MVP" <> wrote in message
> "kurttrail" <> wrote in message
> news:Bu3Mj.147$
>> Who is more pathetic, the 'tard or the guy stalking the 'tard?
>> Obviously, I think that Butt Monkey is the more pathetic wretch.
>> But what do the rest of ya'll think?
>> --
>> Peace!
>> Kurt
>> Former Self-anointed Moderator
>> microscum.pubic.windowsexp.gonorrhea
>> "Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei!"
> Kurt
> I have a fair few of the worst kill filed. If only they would quit
> changing IDs continually.. 
> --
> Mike Hall - MVP
> How to construct a good post..
> How to use the Microsoft Product Support Newsgroups..
> Mike's Window - My Blog..
They keep changing their IDs because they feel the rest of the world is
somehow interested in their infantile rubbish. Their childish rantings never
change so it is easy to recognize them. It's nothing but the same old "I
told you so" or "I'll show you" mentality. I kill file them after reading
only a few of their words.
For those of you who wish to kill file my posts please feel free to do
so. That is your prerogative. At least I don't resort to immature name
calling and impertinent dribble and I certainly don't criticize a person's
right to use the operating system of their choice. As a matter of fact, I
wish them well and hope their experiences are as trouble free as possible.
I don't hide behind an alias. The name you see at the bottom of my
posts is my true name. I don't change it for the purpose of evading
someone's kill file. If you kill file me once you have kill filed me
permanently. I make it very easy for you to do so. Actually, I neither seek
nor desire anyone's attention and I want credit for nothing.
My knowledge of computers is very limited compared to many of the
others using these discussion groups. However, I am sometimes able to help
people with less experience than myself regarding simple issues. At least I
am honest about it.
For those of you who criticize me for the length of some of my posts
what can I say? Nothing, other than yes, you are correct. Oh well.
It is the responsibility and duty of everyone to help the underprivileged
and unfortunate among us.