Urbane Tiger
I have several symptoms that make me think I have an infected system, it is a stand alone single user Intel 6600 on a
Gigabyte P965-S3 motherword - 3G Ram, 2x 250G disks, ADSL2+ connection to 'net. System is administered by me, its
owner, XP/Home-SP3, WU is on, Firewall is On, Defender & AVG Free is/was/are my malware shields. Full system scans are
run every day and internet functions in AVG and Defender are on.
Symptoms are as follows
1. Task Manager has been disabled in the Taskbar context menu - have tried to reinstate via services.msc in normal and
safe mode to no avail, also cannot load Task Manager with Ctl/AltDel. Ran ProcessExplorer and made it my Task Manager,
it can be invoked via keyboard but not via Taskbar.
2. I run Windows Live Mail (WLM) as my desktop mail client, when WLM starts I get a dialogue box telling me I should
compress the Outlook Express folders, this is spurious. I recently reformatted by hard disk and reinstalled Windows XP,
as part of the install process I disabled/uninstalled Outlook Express and Messenger as I knew I would be using the
equivalent Windows Live compenets. To date I have answer responded to this by clicking the Cancel button. Another
reason I think the dialogue box is spurious is that it also "pops up" when I run the Belarc system info program.
3. I dont use IE much - Firefox is my preferred browser. I cannot close Tabs in IE7, I'm sure I would have noticed
that had it always been so, sometimes IE spins when loading a page and the cancel (red diagonal cross) button wont
cease the transmission and cannot close IE itself, it must be killed via process explorer.
AVG found a downloader Trojan which I vaulted, Defender has not reported any problems.
I had already made the decision to upgrade this freeware collection of malware sheilds with a commercial product, after
some research I had more or less settled on the product from the Kapersky (K) - so I escalated the decision to get K
Internet Suite Version 7 (KIS7) which I've done.
I ran a full scan and KIS7 found 2 instances of the win32.Monder trojan which are in quarantine.
The various symptoms are still extant.
There were a couple of issues I wanted to raise in the support forum, K's forum requires that one a) installs
SysInternals GetSystemInfo, b) runs it and c) sends output with forum posting.
So I downloaded GetSysInfo, unxipped it, put it where all the other SysInternals programs are and ran it. It crashed,
not just the SysiInfernals program but the whole enchilada, XP blackout, kaputski. On restart XP sent a crash report to
MS it then tried to do something which also crashed, although get itself, this sent me into the "Apollo13 has a problem,
Houston process, I answered its questions - it suggested that I down load something to do with memory testing which I'd
need to burn into a CD as a bootable image and boot from that CD. I have NOT done that, a) I dont have an blank CD's b)
I dont know how to burn an ordinary CD let alone a bootable one - and how do I know this is not another manfestatin of
the virus.
I'm thinking of rebuilding system, but would obviously prefer that I dont have to do that.
Gigabyte P965-S3 motherword - 3G Ram, 2x 250G disks, ADSL2+ connection to 'net. System is administered by me, its
owner, XP/Home-SP3, WU is on, Firewall is On, Defender & AVG Free is/was/are my malware shields. Full system scans are
run every day and internet functions in AVG and Defender are on.
Symptoms are as follows
1. Task Manager has been disabled in the Taskbar context menu - have tried to reinstate via services.msc in normal and
safe mode to no avail, also cannot load Task Manager with Ctl/AltDel. Ran ProcessExplorer and made it my Task Manager,
it can be invoked via keyboard but not via Taskbar.
2. I run Windows Live Mail (WLM) as my desktop mail client, when WLM starts I get a dialogue box telling me I should
compress the Outlook Express folders, this is spurious. I recently reformatted by hard disk and reinstalled Windows XP,
as part of the install process I disabled/uninstalled Outlook Express and Messenger as I knew I would be using the
equivalent Windows Live compenets. To date I have answer responded to this by clicking the Cancel button. Another
reason I think the dialogue box is spurious is that it also "pops up" when I run the Belarc system info program.
3. I dont use IE much - Firefox is my preferred browser. I cannot close Tabs in IE7, I'm sure I would have noticed
that had it always been so, sometimes IE spins when loading a page and the cancel (red diagonal cross) button wont
cease the transmission and cannot close IE itself, it must be killed via process explorer.
AVG found a downloader Trojan which I vaulted, Defender has not reported any problems.
I had already made the decision to upgrade this freeware collection of malware sheilds with a commercial product, after
some research I had more or less settled on the product from the Kapersky (K) - so I escalated the decision to get K
Internet Suite Version 7 (KIS7) which I've done.
I ran a full scan and KIS7 found 2 instances of the win32.Monder trojan which are in quarantine.
The various symptoms are still extant.
There were a couple of issues I wanted to raise in the support forum, K's forum requires that one a) installs
SysInternals GetSystemInfo, b) runs it and c) sends output with forum posting.
So I downloaded GetSysInfo, unxipped it, put it where all the other SysInternals programs are and ran it. It crashed,
not just the SysiInfernals program but the whole enchilada, XP blackout, kaputski. On restart XP sent a crash report to
MS it then tried to do something which also crashed, although get itself, this sent me into the "Apollo13 has a problem,
Houston process, I answered its questions - it suggested that I down load something to do with memory testing which I'd
need to burn into a CD as a bootable image and boot from that CD. I have NOT done that, a) I dont have an blank CD's b)
I dont know how to burn an ordinary CD let alone a bootable one - and how do I know this is not another manfestatin of
the virus.
I'm thinking of rebuilding system, but would obviously prefer that I dont have to do that.