XML Comments for C# namespaces and Creating Installer for .NET project?

Jan 10, 2007
In The Machine
I have spent an inordinate amount of time meticulously adding xml comments to my school team's first real C# project.

I am using Sandcastle Help File Builder (SCHB) to build an html based documentation site. But it adds to all my namespaces:
[Missing namespace summary documentation for N:Namespace]
Where can i specify this? i tried adding it above the namespace definition in one of the code files, but it didn't like that...

Also, we would like to generate an installer, the requirements would be that it copy the application files, install fonts, install directx 9 if required and install .NET 2.0 distribution if required... any idea how i might go about generating such an installer?

Edit: I forgot to mention, we are using Visual Studio 2008 Pro, and our budget is 0$, 0£ or 0€, for those of you who have difficulty with the currency conversion.
Edit 2: This actually an interesting project, i think, it will be posted to codeplex within a couple weeks, I'll post the link here for anyone who is interested.


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