PA Bear [MS MVP]
Re: IE protected mode in Vista
Forwarded to Vista Security newsgroup via crosspost.
Sounds like your MyProg BHO wasn't written with Vista and UAC in mind,
Viatly. Have you considered instructing users to log in as Administrator
before installing MyProg?
~PA Bear
Viatly wrote:
> As you probably know, IE works in Windows Vista in so-called
> "protected mode". In this mode IE has very limited set of locations on
> the filesystem for writing. For example, IE cannot write to
> %USERPROFILE%\AppData\MyProg\MyProg.ini and to
> %USERPROFILE%\AppData\MyProg\MyProg.log, where MyProg is my program
> working as IE extension (BHO). After surfing through the Internet, I
> found the following solutions, neither of which I really like:
> Solutuion 1. Make a separate executable and delegate all functionality
> of my IE extension to it. The IE extension will then become a proxy
> for this executable, talking to it through IPC (e.g. as described
> http://www.codeproject.com/KB/vista-security/PMSurvivalGuide.aspx)
> Solution 2. Turn off IE protected mode during installing MyProg. Of
> course, with the user's approval. The problem here is that I cannot
> find a (Vista-only) WinAPI call to switch off IE protected mode. Or
> Registry key at least...
> To sum-up: the first solution seems to me too cumbersome. The second
> seems too global.
> All your advices are appreciated. Is there an alternative solution?
> Vitaly
Forwarded to Vista Security newsgroup via crosspost.
Sounds like your MyProg BHO wasn't written with Vista and UAC in mind,
Viatly. Have you considered instructing users to log in as Administrator
before installing MyProg?
~PA Bear
Viatly wrote:
> As you probably know, IE works in Windows Vista in so-called
> "protected mode". In this mode IE has very limited set of locations on
> the filesystem for writing. For example, IE cannot write to
> %USERPROFILE%\AppData\MyProg\MyProg.ini and to
> %USERPROFILE%\AppData\MyProg\MyProg.log, where MyProg is my program
> working as IE extension (BHO). After surfing through the Internet, I
> found the following solutions, neither of which I really like:
> Solutuion 1. Make a separate executable and delegate all functionality
> of my IE extension to it. The IE extension will then become a proxy
> for this executable, talking to it through IPC (e.g. as described
> http://www.codeproject.com/KB/vista-security/PMSurvivalGuide.aspx)
> Solution 2. Turn off IE protected mode during installing MyProg. Of
> course, with the user's approval. The problem here is that I cannot
> find a (Vista-only) WinAPI call to switch off IE protected mode. Or
> Registry key at least...
> To sum-up: the first solution seems to me too cumbersome. The second
> seems too global.
> All your advices are appreciated. Is there an alternative solution?
> Vitaly