Re: Partners To Microsoft: Stop Bashing Vista
Bill Yanaire wrote:
> "kurttrail" <> wrote in
> message news:67GRj.13187$
>> Bill Yanaire wrote:
>>> "kurttrail" <> wrote in
>>> message news:Q0xRj.3709$
>>>> When even MS is perceived to be bashing its own OS, what does that
>>>> say about all those that still cling to the notion that Vista is the
>>>> greatest thing since the invention of the blumpkin?
>>> Well, they won't have a choice if MS stops selling XP next summer.
>> Unless they are smart and have stockpiled a whole sh*tload of XP
>> licenses.
>>> It
>>> will either be Vista or some stupid Linux distro. Once they realize
>>> they might have to use Linux, they will see the light and accept
>>> Vista. Everyone knows that Ubuntu/Linux is just a TOY OS and nobody
>>> wants it on their computers.
>>> Remember, Ubuntu is FREE and still nobody wants it. Must tell you
>>> that Ubuntu is a pile.
>> Aren't you one of the bitches that is complaining that Ubuntu/Linux is
>> off-topic to this group? So why are you bringing it up in a thread
>> that had absolutely nothing to do with Ubuntu/Linux?
>> Can anybody say "hypocrite?"
> Damn. Don't get your panties all in a bunch.
It kinda hard to bunch up a thong. "Don't get your panties in a twist,"
is more apropos with thongs.
> I answered your question.
Yeah, right! My question dealt with what VistaFanboys are going to do
when even MS is bashing Vista.
> They will have a choice. Either Vista or that pile of crap Ubuntu.
Why would any Vista Fanboy even consider Ubuntu? If they would be just
reasonable enough to consider Ubuntu, then they wouldn't be VistaFanboys.
> Well, actually they won't have a choice because nobody wants Ubuntu!
Well, obviously that is BS, as plenty of people are using Ubuntu.
> Just telling it like it is.
More like wishful thinking on your part.
> Chill out, get a cup of Java
Coffee doesn't chill me out. Now a good microbrew...
> and go outside
> for a few minutes, get some sunshine or some air.
Dude, I live in Florida, and I'm outside all the time, all year round.
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