Robert Aldwinckle
Re: Problem with Favorites in IE7 with Windows Vista
(cross-post added to Vista General)
"Boots" <Boots@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
> How can I find out what the default location should be,
Ask a Vista user. ; ) Cross-posting to a Vista NG.
> and if Favorites were moved from that location,
What path do you get (in an Address bar) if you Run... (e.g. press Win-R and enter
> can I simply move the folder back to that location?
Yes. You should be able to drag that Favorites folder to another location
and the associated registry entry (e.g., in subkey User Shell Folders)
changed appropriately. However, I think you may need to at least
logoff and logon again (or reboot) to make such a change become active.
Also, you must not have any software active "protecting" your registry
which would prevent the necessary updates from occurring and persisting.
> I can add to the Favorites OK,
Explain the exact procedure you are referring to.
E.g. I could "add" a .URL to another user's Favorites folder too
but not expect it to show in the one which is currently hooked in
as my Favorites folder.
> but "organizing favorites" shows a blank as does "view favorites".
Some Vista users apparently have problems with desktop.ini files
in various "special" folders such as Favorites. Using the same path
as the shell:Favorites command showed you tell us what is in its
desktop.ini file. E.g. drag that file to an open Notepad window.
If you don't allow hidden files to be shown you won't see it there
but you may be able to just add \desktop.ini to the path in the
Address bar anyway and press Enter. Otherwise, what will work
for sure is copying that path to ClipBoard, e.g. press Alt-d,Ctrl-c
then switching to a cmd window and pasting that path into a CD
command. (E.g. first type CD and a space then right-click Paste
and press Enter.) Then issue a type command for the desktop.ini
type desktop.ini
and capture that result (right-click, Mark; drag, Enter, etc.)
Robert Aldwinckle
> --
> Boots at Ottawa, Canada
> "Leonard Grey" wrote:
>> Have you moved Favorites from the default location?
>> ---
>> Leonard Grey
>> Errare humanum est
>> Boots wrote:
>> > I have suddenly lost access to my Favorites on IE7 - When I click on the
>> > favorites centre button there is no longer anything there. However, I can
>> > still add to my favorites and the file is on my C drive, but may have been
>> > moved inadvertently.
>> >
>> > How can I restore access to my favorites??
(cross-post added to Vista General)
"Boots" <Boots@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
> How can I find out what the default location should be,
Ask a Vista user. ; ) Cross-posting to a Vista NG.
> and if Favorites were moved from that location,
What path do you get (in an Address bar) if you Run... (e.g. press Win-R and enter

> can I simply move the folder back to that location?
Yes. You should be able to drag that Favorites folder to another location
and the associated registry entry (e.g., in subkey User Shell Folders)
changed appropriately. However, I think you may need to at least
logoff and logon again (or reboot) to make such a change become active.
Also, you must not have any software active "protecting" your registry
which would prevent the necessary updates from occurring and persisting.
> I can add to the Favorites OK,
Explain the exact procedure you are referring to.
E.g. I could "add" a .URL to another user's Favorites folder too
but not expect it to show in the one which is currently hooked in
as my Favorites folder.
> but "organizing favorites" shows a blank as does "view favorites".
Some Vista users apparently have problems with desktop.ini files
in various "special" folders such as Favorites. Using the same path
as the shell:Favorites command showed you tell us what is in its
desktop.ini file. E.g. drag that file to an open Notepad window.
If you don't allow hidden files to be shown you won't see it there
but you may be able to just add \desktop.ini to the path in the
Address bar anyway and press Enter. Otherwise, what will work
for sure is copying that path to ClipBoard, e.g. press Alt-d,Ctrl-c
then switching to a cmd window and pasting that path into a CD
command. (E.g. first type CD and a space then right-click Paste
and press Enter.) Then issue a type command for the desktop.ini
type desktop.ini
and capture that result (right-click, Mark; drag, Enter, etc.)
Robert Aldwinckle
> --
> Boots at Ottawa, Canada
> "Leonard Grey" wrote:
>> Have you moved Favorites from the default location?
>> ---
>> Leonard Grey
>> Errare humanum est
>> Boots wrote:
>> > I have suddenly lost access to my Favorites on IE7 - When I click on the
>> > favorites centre button there is no longer anything there. However, I can
>> > still add to my favorites and the file is on my C drive, but may have been
>> > moved inadvertently.
>> >
>> > How can I restore access to my favorites??