I am trying to create (which I have done) a GPO to push .Net 2.0 Framework to
24 computers. I have converted the .exe to .msi with freeware (Advcance
Installer 6.2), created the GPO and pused it out.
Computers see it, shows window after applying security settings and before
you login, but my problem is that .Net 2.0 Framework requires user
interaction to finish and runs in to the ULLA acceptance. Therefore it may
get pushed but not installed
How can this be accpomplished, to automate an installation that requires you
to choose options?
Thanks to those that respond.
24 computers. I have converted the .exe to .msi with freeware (Advcance
Installer 6.2), created the GPO and pused it out.
Computers see it, shows window after applying security settings and before
you login, but my problem is that .Net 2.0 Framework requires user
interaction to finish and runs in to the ULLA acceptance. Therefore it may
get pushed but not installed
How can this be accpomplished, to automate an installation that requires you
to choose options?
Thanks to those that respond.