Re: All's quiet on the western front
"Tom Dacon" <tdacon@community.nospam> wrote in message
> I'm almost afraid to say anything, but hey this is nice. All the name
> calling and character assassination and Linux trolling has died down, and
> the signal to noise ratio is way up. Hope things stay that way.
> Tom Dacon
> Dacon Software Consulting
I think a lot of that has to do with more people giving Vista advice and
less Linux and open source bashing.
"Tom Dacon" <tdacon@community.nospam> wrote in message
> I'm almost afraid to say anything, but hey this is nice. All the name
> calling and character assassination and Linux trolling has died down, and
> the signal to noise ratio is way up. Hope things stay that way.
> Tom Dacon
> Dacon Software Consulting
I think a lot of that has to do with more people giving Vista advice and
less Linux and open source bashing.