terminal services manager on xp

  • Thread starter Thread starter STFW
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I want to run the "terminal services manager" that I see on my 2003 machines,
but in a snap-in on my mmc console on my xp machine. I can't seem to find a
download for this. I want to log off admins that are forgetting to log off
and instead just disconnect. Is there a way to set an autologoff after so
much time of inactivity? TIA.
Re: terminal services manager on xp


There's a Group Policy to set a time limit on disconnected sessions as well
as idle sessions, you can find details here:

Hope this helps...
Drew Hammond - Terminal Services Developer in Test
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights
TS Team blog: http://blogs.msdn.com/ts

"STFW" <STFW@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
>I want to run the "terminal services manager" that I see on my 2003
> but in a snap-in on my mmc console on my xp machine. I can't seem to find
> a
> download for this. I want to log off admins that are forgetting to log
> off
> and instead just disconnect. Is there a way to set an autologoff after so
> much time of inactivity? TIA.
Re: terminal services manager on xp

You can install TS Manager from the 2003 Adminpak.
The version you need depends on the SP which is running on your
server, so search the download area on Microsoft for "adminpak".

And you don't have to install all the tools:

314978 - How to use Adminpak.msi to install a specific server
administration tool in Windows

Vera Noest
MCSE, CCEA, Microsoft MVP - Terminal Server
TS troubleshooting: http://ts.veranoest.net
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=?Utf-8?B?U1RGVw==?= <STFW@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote on 03
aug 2007 in microsoft.public.windows.terminal_services:

> I want to run the "terminal services manager" that I see on my
> 2003 machines, but in a snap-in on my mmc console on my xp
> machine. I can't seem to find a download for this. I want to
> log off admins that are forgetting to log off and instead just
> disconnect. Is there a way to set an autologoff after so much
> time of inactivity? TIA.
Re: terminal services manager on xp

There are commnad line tools equivalent which you can use, which come with
XP pro.
To query a session, use
qwinsta.exe /Server:servername
To logoff a session, use
logoff.exe sessionid /Server:servername

Soo Kuan

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

"STFW" <STFW@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
>I want to run the "terminal services manager" that I see on my 2003
> but in a snap-in on my mmc console on my xp machine. I can't seem to find
> a
> download for this. I want to log off admins that are forgetting to log
> off
> and instead just disconnect. Is there a way to set an autologoff after so
> much time of inactivity? TIA.