Moshe Goldfarb
Re: Thousands wait in line for new Apple store - New linux store also opens (with photos)
On Fri, 16 May 2008 11:46:15 -0500, JEDIDIAH wrote:
> On 2008-05-16, Ezekiel <a@b.com> wrote:
>> http://www.crunchgear.com/2008/05/15/line-for-boston-apple-store-stretches-four-city-blocks/
>> Oh, hello there. I'm patiently waiting for the new Boylston Street Apple
>> Store to open here in Boston. Did I need to show up four hours early?
>> Probably not, but I just can't resist sitting in an outdoor food court while
>> pigeons buzz within inches of my fragile body. Seems nobody told them about
>> the food chain and how humans are atop said food chain. Anyhoo, you might be
>> interested to know that the line for the grand opening of the Apple Store
>> stretches a country mile! Four city blocks to be precise.
> ...while you are too busy taking a swipe a Linux over this you are
> interestingly enough ignoring the fact that this sort of thing doesn't
> happen over Microsoft products anymore. The sort of excitement that
> a new Microsoft product launch used to generate is now being generated
> by Apple instead.
Pretty much true as Vista is turning out to be less than exciting.
> ...not such a bad thing overall.
> [deletia]
> Linux loses nothing if Apple does well.
Sure it does.
Why aren't all those people jumping ship to Apple going to Linux instead?
Linux is free.
Apple is not.
THAT is the question which needs to be answered.
When you have a free product, Linux, and a potential pool of unhappy
customers (Vista users), why are these customers ready, willing and able to
pay big money for Apple vs migrating to Linux for free?
IOW what is it about Linux that keeps average Joe from using it?
Moshe Goldfarb
Collector of soaps from around the globe.
Please visit The Hall of Linux Idiots:
On Fri, 16 May 2008 11:46:15 -0500, JEDIDIAH wrote:
> On 2008-05-16, Ezekiel <a@b.com> wrote:
>> http://www.crunchgear.com/2008/05/15/line-for-boston-apple-store-stretches-four-city-blocks/
>> Oh, hello there. I'm patiently waiting for the new Boylston Street Apple
>> Store to open here in Boston. Did I need to show up four hours early?
>> Probably not, but I just can't resist sitting in an outdoor food court while
>> pigeons buzz within inches of my fragile body. Seems nobody told them about
>> the food chain and how humans are atop said food chain. Anyhoo, you might be
>> interested to know that the line for the grand opening of the Apple Store
>> stretches a country mile! Four city blocks to be precise.
> ...while you are too busy taking a swipe a Linux over this you are
> interestingly enough ignoring the fact that this sort of thing doesn't
> happen over Microsoft products anymore. The sort of excitement that
> a new Microsoft product launch used to generate is now being generated
> by Apple instead.
Pretty much true as Vista is turning out to be less than exciting.
> ...not such a bad thing overall.
> [deletia]
> Linux loses nothing if Apple does well.
Sure it does.
Why aren't all those people jumping ship to Apple going to Linux instead?
Linux is free.
Apple is not.
THAT is the question which needs to be answered.
When you have a free product, Linux, and a potential pool of unhappy
customers (Vista users), why are these customers ready, willing and able to
pay big money for Apple vs migrating to Linux for free?
IOW what is it about Linux that keeps average Joe from using it?
Moshe Goldfarb
Collector of soaps from around the globe.
Please visit The Hall of Linux Idiots: