Re: Trend Micro Internet Security 2008
On Sat, 17 May 2008 23:03:43 -0400, "C.B."
<> wrote:
> After hearing about your problems with TrendMicro support I'd just dump
>their software. Go with NOD32 for your AV and pick up a couple of AS
>programs and run them in addition to Windows Defender. Windows firewall
>should be just fine or you can go with the Advanced Windows Firewall.
> If you watch what you are doing while on the web you shouldn't have to
>deal with any adware, spyware or more serious malware. Personally, I haven't
>been infected with any adware, spyware or malware for the past two years.
7 years virus free. because of trend.
I think even you and I have Deja Vu'd this exact thing.
I'm now using the PRO trial. Can't install the remote file lock service without
buying, which makes sense. That's one scary feature.
machine gets stolen, report it to trend, the machine accesses the web, and
trend locks the machine.
trend lo jack software with the pro version.
Can't be unlocked even with the password until it's reported recovered to
There's nothing wrong with Trend except this ridiculous seats problem. If you
read closely, I wish there was a program that could compete with trend. Norton
can't. I don't know about Mcaffee, but I'm sure the only ones that will be able
to compete are the costly front runners.
3 hour updates, seemingly bullet proof, doesn't load the machine down even with
24/7 on. A scan [Sundays] drags a bit, but after the initial clean every byte
it sees, a 10 hour scan last night, the scheduled scans can be set to JUST
where you know infections may appear. That drops things to just the C: drive.
And the D: recovery drive. and a 4 hour scan on a weekend. your mileage may
vary based on drive space.
I've tried windows defender and the windows firewall this week.
windows firewall is as good as any I've tried. Possibly better once you find
the extra settings.
BUT I haven't found a virus program I like anywhere near as much as I like
trends in the past 2 weeks.
That includes trends cheapo version that is just virus, spy ware. That one
disables windows defender.
with trend I can hover a file, and if it's infected I have a popup
[individually configured] in a matter of seconds.
I'm pretty sure when this trial runs out, I'll be buying the pro version.
> If you watch what you are doing while on the web you shouldn't have to
>deal with any adware, spyware or more serious malware. Personally, I haven't
>been infected with any adware, spyware or malware for the past two years.
My paranoia couldn't handle that level of paranoia.
It's a minefield out there. Knowing that is the 1st thing. I don't know how to
tiptoe the web.
I see crap on totally off the wall web sites all the time, and there's no way
to guess is this safe or not. You have to assume it isn't safe.
I've seen garbage [ hijackers] on the excite and yahoo home pages labeled as
advertising. I'm sure who ever sold those ads was pounding the pavement shortly
after. But they had no more idea what was going up UNTIL after the barn burned
down than the average browser.
take a look at a Yahoo search lately.
Mcaffee has partnered with them and here's the result
1 potentially harmful website is marked on this page.
Warning: Dangerous Downloads
what is it, it's
Prior to Mcaffee labeling, it was left up to whatever software on your machine
there was to identify things.
trend has a feature with IE and trend pro to check individual pages. [doesn't
work in firefox, yet] Trend's gone out a limb, and it's tested and found
nothing wrong with the site.
Actually I would guess someone just compiled reports from their other versions
that are alert happy, and the individuals are left to tell trend if they
guessed correctly on a sites safety or not.
So in this case it's a matter do you trust Mcaffee or Trend ?
Well I've visited the site many times, sitting on it now, and if there were
something doing anything strange, trend would say so. It has no trouble at all
in interrupting anything I'm doing and popping up a warning something needs
your attention.
I just figured out something with these trails, trend's trials are 1 month
long. They have 3 versions. So for 3 months out of the year you could have FREE
protection, I don't know about the others, I haven't kept the useless programs
on the machine long enough to remember how long their trials are. But I'm
thinking there have to be at least 9 more trials out there that could provide
free, legal year round protection.
None of trends trials are crippled.
more pix @