Re: How much hardware can you replace before you have to buy another copy of windows?
On Fri, 6 Jul 2007 22:54:04 -0400, MachineMessiah
<> wrote:
> Husband has a lemon of a motherboard on a machine we built less than 6
> months ago. I've found a couple new motherboards that will work with all
> the existing hardware. Will we be able to re activate Windows if we
> replace the motherboard?
Answered in another newsgroup. Please do not send the same message
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just fragments the thread, so someone who answers in one newsgroup
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see the message multiple times instead of once (they would see it only
once if you correctly crossposted instead). This wastes everyone's
time, and gets you poorer help than you should get.
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Ken Blake, Microsoft MVP Windows - Shell/User
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