Russell Hadley: The Route to C++ Code Optimization

Jan 10, 2007
In The Machine
It's nice to write clean code (code that looks good, is organized, is easy for others to understand by reading it, etc). As developers we get to use great tools to implement algorithms in our favorite languages. The act of composing a program is much like that of writing a story or, in some cases, a poem :) But the underlying hardware isn't much interested in intelligent class hierachies and easy-to-understand lines of programming language syntax. Processors do not speak C++ or Java or C# or VB, etc.

The focus of this interview is that of mapping the path to executable code that the machine understands and acts on in, bringing your code to life. How does this work, exactly?

Russell Hadley is a senior developer on the C++ team here at Microsoft and he spends his days (and nights, ocassionally) writing code that takes the front-end compilation goop and turns it into highly optimized machine code that the processor can execute in a highly efficient manner.

This is a deep interview with lots of whiteboarding, but it is shallow of enough so you won't drown if you can't swim very well. Enjoy. This is another great conversation with one of the C++ experts who lives in Building 41.

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